ABSTRACT Kidney function may be disturbed by diseases or as a side effects of various modern medicines used for extra renal disorders such as for hypertension or heart related disorders etc. The decline in kidney function can be of two types on the basis of severity i.e. acute or chronic. Acute kidney failure is caused by diseases like acute glomerulonephritis,…
Abstract There are some diseases that occur due to improper dietary habits and lifestyle, one such very prevalent disorder is arteriolar hyalinosis. This ailment has shown great hike in today’s era due to excess use of sedentary lifestyle and sometimes it even occurs due to normal ageing process. So this popular ailment will be the main focus of our article….
Overview Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), it is a serious disease, when it begins showing symptoms, because it pollutes the blood and bruises the blood vessels. You can have a severe kidney failure, because of the destruction of very small blood vessels that bring blood to the kidneys. Low Platelet Count and red blood cells are also destroyed. If not treated…