Abstract The central nervous system is the body’s processing center that allows sending, receiving and interpreting of information from all parts of the body. Granulomatous Meningoencephalitis is an inflammatory disease of the Central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) of Dogs. The symptoms start appearing quickly for a few weeks and this can be painful in some dogs. This disease…
Read Article →Abstract Masticatory muscle myositis is an auto-immune disorder which is mainly caused by bacterial or viral infection, environmental toxins, reaction of some medicines, due to stress, due to contact with allergens and in this condition, masticatory muscles become painful and swollen. The main function of the Masticatory muscles is chewing. The dogs which are affected with masticatory muscle myositis (MMM)…
Read Article →Abstract Hypertrophic osteodystrophy is an uncommon disease. It is the disease of long bones and mainly occurs in large breeds of dogs. It occurs due to destruction of bones. This disease is also called metaphyseal osteodystrophy. The dogs which grow rapidly are mostly affected by this disease and show various symptoms such as swelling in the joints, pain and high…
Read Article →Abstract Muscular system is an organic system that comprises muscles. Muscles permit mobility, stability, posture, circulation, respiration, digestion, urination, and childbirth. The poor status of Muscles will lead to pain, poor body stature, weakness, and impaired mobility and stability. There are a lot of problems/ diseases which target the muscular system of the body and impaired human health. Here in…
Read Article →Abstract Smell is a unique sense to evaluate and analyse. It makes sense to monitor whether the situation is good or dangerous. The olfactory system of the body helps to detect various odours. Olfaction is the sensation of smell that results from the detection of odorous substances aerosolized in the environment. Along with vision, taste, hearing, and balance, olfaction is…
Read Article →Abstract In today’s world skin diseases are being diagnosed like a spreading virus; one after another. Almost every day a dermatologist comes across a new skin condition which can be allergic or can be the result of an autoimmune process. Such skin conditions come with no expiry date, with long expiry date or with short existence. Generally, skin patients are…
Read Article →Abstract Accepting your nose is the first step towards self-love. But here we are not taking self-love. One more quote which can be mentioned is that a big nose never spoils a handsome face. You might be thinking, what exactly it is and why we are discussing self-love, handsome face and one thing common in both that is nose. Let’s…
Read Article →Abstract This world is filled with many conditions and many of them don’t even have a solution. The diseases knock on your door in the form of your lifestyle or diet. That’s the beauty of them. Diseases especially related to bones are becoming very common and can cause a lot of problems just then pain and stiffness. The most common…
Read Article →Abstract There are a lot of diseases a human can come across these days and even this world is filled with a lot of treatments for various types of diseases. Obviously your diet and lifestyle plays a very main role in developing and curing all kinds of diseases. In this article our main focus will be hernia and especially on…
Read Article →Abstract Sclera is the tough, fibrous, white part of the eye, which acts as a protective outer layer of the eyeball. The sclera provides the pearly white colour and maintains the shape of the eye. About 83 percent of the surface area of the eyeball is the sclera. It is connected to the muscles that assist the movement of the…
Read Article →Abstract If you break your wrist then you might have a chance of getting a Colles Fracture. This always occurs when we fall on our wrist or we try to catch ourselves from falling so we put our wrist on the ground to avoid direct injury to our chest. Very commonly seen in road accidents or falling from a height…
Read Article →ABSTRACT Transient ischemic attacks are developed due to temporary reduction of blood flow to the brain. Stroke is the number 1 cause of severe and complex disability in the population worldwide. Transient is for a temporary period which is much similar to stroke. Transient attack lasts for only a few minutes and it doesn’t cause any permanent damage, it is…
Read Article →ABSTRACT Dogs are domesticated descendants of the wolf, dogs breed vary widely in shape and size and perform many roles in humans such as hunting, protection and in military companionship, the relationship between dogs and humans is man’s best friend. Species are different but the body functions are similar to human beings. Kidneys are helpful to filter out waste and…
Read Article →ABSTRACT Hey, if you are owning a pet then you must know the importance of taking care of your fur baby. Dogs as you know are one of the most intelligent animals but a stimulus is needed by them for developing their Brain. This only can be done by us by giving them Brain training. If you are a dog…
Read Article →Abstract Rocky Mountain spotted fever is a bacterial infection that can spread to humans from infected ticks. It is one of the most serious infectious diseases and is caused by the organism Rickettsia rickettsii. The bacteria is transmitted to humans through a bite from American dog tick or wood tick. The ticks usually become infected after feeding on infected deer,…
Read Article →ABSTRACT Mixed expressive-receptive disorder is a kind of language disorder that occurs in the age group of children. Child development includes the growth of the child physically as well as mentally. This disease is associated with mental development which includes developmental milestones. Developmental milestones are a group of functional skills that a child may develop with growing age. These are…
Read Article →ABSTRACT Intestinal Tuberculosis is a type of tuberculosis also known as abdominal tuberculosis, the disease which is associated with the infection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis organism that affects the lining of the intestines. This condition is very uncommon but the patients are at higher risk of mortality. In this article we are going to discuss the full detail of Intestinal Tuberculosis which…
Read Article →Abstract Yasthimadhu is commonly known as mulethi and is easily available in Indian cuisine. There are many health benefits of this herb that are well known by everyone, as described in Ayurveda many years ago. Our Acharyas referred it as Svarya that is good for throat and included in many more ganas like it is said to be the kanthaya,…
Read Article →Abstract A complex set of structures that are known to serve a wide range of functions that are important for a sense of equilibrium in the body is called the vestibular system of the body. The vestibular system plays a very important role in a variety of body functions. The coordination of eye movements, the balance of posture, and equilibrium…
Read Article →ABSTRACT Bees are one of the important parts of eco-diversity as we all are dependent on them for our survival. Bees provide us with high quality food items and other products such as honey, beeswax, bee venom, etc. Beekeeping also provides us an income source, especially for rural livelihoods. Bees are one the greatest pollinators that support food security because…
Read Article →Abstract Cheyletiellosis is a disease that occurs in cats, rabbits, dogs and in humans. The causative organism of this disease is Cheyletiella yasguri in the dogs, in cats Cheyletiellia blakei and in rabbits is Cheyletiella parasitovorax the disease is also named as Walking dandruff’, due to skin scales being carried by mites. The disease is more commonly seen in the…
Read Article →Abstract Joints are one of the main parts of our body. Joints help in the locomotion and makes us move from one place to another. Arthritis is a common problem these days. Arthritis is the inflammation of the joints and results in severe pain and reduced range of motion. In this text, we shall discuss a type of arthritis which…
Read Article →ABSTRACT Human body is made up of different systems. One of these symptoms is the skeletal system which consists of bones and joints. Every bone of our body is made up of a framework of a protein called collagen, with a mineral called calcium phosphate that makes the framework hard and strong. The joint is basically formed when two bones…
Read Article →ABSTRACT Inflammation is a very common response of the body to some pathology that is going on inside the body. Ancients have characterized inflammation by the cardinal features such as redness (rubor), swelling (tumour), heat (calor; only applicable to the body’ extremities), pain (dolor) and loss of function (functio laesa).All these symptoms are easily seen if the inflammation is external…
Read Article →ABSTRACT In this article we will discuss thrombocytopenia and Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura( ITP). Former one can be acquired or hereditary but the later one is an autoimmune disorder. In today’s present world disorders like these became very prevalent and popular. In the modern system of medicine, the complete cure of such illness is not possible as they use platelet transfusion…
Read Article →Abstract Anal fissures and anal fistulas are prevalent conditions that affect the anorectal area, causing significant discomfort and disruption. An anal fissure refers to a small tear or cut in the skin around the anus, often resulting in sharp pain and bleeding, especially during or after bowel movements. It is commonly caused by constipation, hard stools, or trauma to the…
Read Article →ABSTRACT Cardiovascular ailments can be found among the people of any race, ethinicity, age group and sex. The major cause behind these major cardiac ailments is the “ deposition of lipids in the vascular system of body, by the name of ‘Cholesterol’. As the misnomer may make it sound, cholesterol actually is not the unnecessary and bad element of the…
Read Article →Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and cognitive dysfunction. Although it was first described in the 19th century, fibromyalgia was not formally recognized as a medical condition until the 1980s. It primarily involves women more than men, but it can affect individuals of any gender and age. Although its exact cause is unknown,…
Read Article →ABSTRACT The skin is the largest organ in our body, making its health of equally greater importance. Healthy skin maintains a delicate balance of hydration, elasticity, and regeneration. It is constantly renewing itself, shedding old cells to make room for new ones. Healthy skin helps keep our body safe and comfortable. Skin health can be influenced by factors such as…
Read Article →ABSTRACT Bone and joint health is necessary for the well-being of the bones and joints in your body. Bones provide structure and support, while joints allow movement. Keeping them healthy is important for staying active and pain-free as you age. This involves staying active, eating nutritious foods, and protecting our body from injuries to maintain strong bones and flexible joints….
Read Article →Abstract Mucous membrane pemphigoid is a rare and autoimmune condition that can be characterised by the formation of blisters on the mucous membrane of the body. Mucous membrane pemphigoid is an uncommon vesiculobullous lesion, presenting with a myriad of clinical manifestations. This condition can affect the eyes, nose, mouth, throat and genitals but the mucous membrane of the mouth and…
Read Article →ABSTRACT Sarcoidosis is an auto-immune condition where there is formation of small lumps called granulomas in the body. The prevalence of Sarcoidosis is seen more in Northern Europe and lesser in East Asian countries like Japan, South Korea etc. Granulomas can form anywhere in the body, but they are most commonly found in the lungs and lymph nodes. They can…
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