Adrenoleukodystrophy – An Ayurvedic Overview And Treatment


There are many diseases referred as Genetic Disorders or Hereditary disorders.  Adrenoleukodystrophy is one of the hereditary disorders. In this disease, myelin sheath is damaged and insulates the nerves of the brain, adrenal gland and nervous system. It is an X linked recessive condition that is caused by mutation in a gene of the X chromosome. It has no cure but stem cell transplant may slow down the progression of the disease. What are the Ayurvedic treatments available for the disease, we will discuss it and let’s know more about the aforesaid disease.


Adrenoleukodystrophy is hereditary condition in which the myelin sheath is damaged due to a recessive condition of mutation in gene ABCD1 that encodes the protein of the peroxisomal membrane named ALDP (adrenoleukodystrophy protein). Adrenoleukodystrophy protein helps in breaking down very long chains of fatty acids (VLCFAs). Mutation in the ALDP gene leads to saturation of the very long chains of fatty acids that start to build up in the brain, adrenal gland and nervous system. It leads to reduced VLCFA oxidation in peroxisomes.

Symptoms of Adrenoleukodystrophy

Ayurvedic Overview

In Ayurveda, vata is responsible for all the neurological systems. Vitiated vata can cause severe neurological disorders. Adrenoleukodystrophy is a pitta and kapha vitiated disorder that leads to improper functioning of the vata system i.e. the neurological system.

1. Gender Predominance

 X-linked ALD affects males more severely than females, who carry the disease.

2. Main Phenotypes

There are three different phenotypes found in affected males –

3. Childhood onset ALD

It occurs in ages between 4 to10. The white matter of the brain is gradually damaged (leukodystrophy) and conditions worsen with time. At first it resembles hyperactivity or attention deficit disorder. Progressive central demyelination with impairment of behaviour, cognition, hearing, vision and motor functions follows initial symptoms and often leads to total disability within 2 years.

4. Adrenomyeloneuropathy

The adult onset is less severe and progresses slowly. It manifests in the late twenties as sphincter disturbances, sexual dysfunction, progressive paraparesis, and often, impaired adrenocortical function. All symptoms are progressive over decades. The carrier women may develop mild symptoms of Adrenomyeloneuropathy.

5. Addison’s disease only

It presents with adrenal insufficiency, when adrenal glands fail to produce sufficient steroids between age 2 years and adulthood and most commonly by age 7.5 years, without evidence of neurologic abnormality.

Symptoms of Adrenoleukodystrophy

  • Learning impairment
  • Deafness
  • Muscle spasm
  • Crossed eyes 
  • Dysphagia
  • Seizures
  • Difficulty in language comprehension
  • Impaired vision
  • Deterioration of motor control
  • Low blood sugar
  • Progressive dementia
  • Anorexia
  • Nausea
  • Morning headache

Signs of Adrenoleukodystrophy

  • Poor control of urination
  • Stiffness in legs
  • Difficult remembering visual perceptions
  • Muscle weakness

Signs of adrenal insufficiency or Addison’s disease include

  • Poor appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Darker skin areas or pigmentation
  • Decreased muscle mass
  • Weight loss
  • Coma


  1. Blood tests: It is required as it will show the increased VLCFA (very long chains of fatty acid) and help detect gene defects or mutations. Moreover it also helps in detecting adrenal abnormalities.
  2. MRI: it is required to detect the early phase of adrenoleukodystrophy including the brain damage and the white matter abnormalities. It provides clear images so that adrenoleukodystrophy can be ruled out at the earliest.
  3. Visual screening: Measuring the visual responses can help in diagnosis of the disease in the males who are asymptomatic or do not have any other signs and symptoms.
  4. Skin and Fibroblast cell Culture: in some cases ski biopsy also helps in monitoring the levels of VLCFA (very long chains of fatty acid).


Basically the disease has no cure. Though the progression of the disease can be slowed down. Below are some options or choices available.

1. Stem cell Transplantation

It is an option to slow down the progression of the disease in children who are diagnosed with the disease. It is an expensive procedure.

2. Adrenal insufficiency treatment

Adrenal insufficiency can be treated with corticosteroid replacement therapy

3. Medications

The medications include muscle relaxants and medications for seizures like Carbamazole, Gabapentin etc.

4. Physical Therapy

It helps in muscle rigidity and muscle spasms.

Herbal remedies for Adrenoleukodystrophy by Planet Ayurveda

Planet Ayurveda is a renowned GMP certified, US-FDA registered and ISO 9001:2015 certified Ayurvedic Company, which adhered to the objective of manufacturing standard Ayurvedic medicines as described in the various ancient texts of Ayurveda. Medicines are prepared without preservatives and additives and other kinds of chemicals which cause many ill effects on the human body. Products manufactured at Planet Ayurveda are pure and devoid of any adulteration. Following are some formulations prepared by Planet Ayurveda for curing Adrenoleukodystrophy permanently.

Herbal Remedies for Adrenoleukodystrophy

1. Brahmi Capsules

It is composed of the herb named Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) which is helpful in regaining the lost neural function. In ayurveda, brahmi is considered as medhya ( boosts intellect and intelligence), balya (strength increase), aakshapehar (antispasmodic), deepana (appetiser), pachana (digestion enhancer), anulomana (redirects vata flow downward), vednasthapak (analgesic), raktashodhak (blood purifier), mutual (diuretic) etc. It has, D-mannitol, monnierasides I-III, apigenin, plantainoside B, hersaponin and cucurbitacin; the alkaloids are nicotine, herpestine and brahmine. All these chemicals present in the herb helps in damaged nervous cells by stimulating nervous synthesis. It further helps in proper neural transmission. Thus it is beneficial in adrenoleukodystrophy.

Dosage :  1-2 Capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.

2. Ashwagandha capsules

It contains the herb Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) which is again a medhya rasayana. Its chemical components include alkaloids (isopelletierine, anaferine, cuscohygrine, anahygrine, etc.), steroidal lactones (withanolides, withaferin) and saponins. Acyl Steryl Glucosides and  Sitoindosides in Ashwagandha are anti-stress agents. It enhances intellect, cognition and intelligence. Moreover it is beneficial in people suffering from neurological ailments caused by prolonged disease, old age or head injury. It helps in proper transmission of neural impulses. Thus beneficial in synaptic loss. It prevents brain damage. Moreover it is used for stress disorders. In addition to this, it has other benefits in infertility, indigestion, diabetes etc.

Dosage :  1-2 Capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.

3. Gotukola capsules

It is composed of Gotukola (Centella asiatica), which is known as medhya  (enhances memory, increases intellect), and calms the brain. It contains brahmnosides, brahiminoside and saponin glycosides. It has antiepileptic properties. It is helpful in wound healing, thus helpful in damaged nervous systems. It enhances cognitive aptitude. And it also has antioxidants thus fighting ageing effects. It is beneficial in sleep disorders. In every aspect, it somehow maintains the neurological well being. Therefore it is helpful in adrenoleukodystrophy.

Dosage : 1-2 Capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.

4. Rasraj ras

It is a herbomineral formulation constituted with purified metals and some herbs. The formulation is known to be balancing the vata dosha that is the main problematic dosha for the neurological ailments. It contains shudha parada (pure mercury), abhraka (pure silica), swarna bhasma (calx of gold), vanga (pure tin), loh bhasma (iron calx), rajat bhasma (silver calx), ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), jatikosh (Myristica fragrans), kakmachi sara (extract of Solanum nigrum), lavanga (Syzygium aromaticum), ksheer kakoli (Fritillaria roylei). It is beneficial in neuromuscular disorders. It strengthens the neuromuscular joints. It provides strength to the nerves.It has good results in hemiplegia, lockjaw, dizziness, paralysis, bell’s palsy etc.

Dosage :1-2 tablets twice daily to be chewed with plain water after meals.

5. Giloy capsules

It contains Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia). It acts as a rasayana. It pacifies tridoshas. It promotes well being. It is indicated in bone, joint and muscular health problems. It boosts immunity thus useful in fighting various disease-causing agents. It is useful in spasmic conditions. Thus used as antispasmodic and analgesic. Furthermore it can provide relief from symptoms of adrenoleukodystrophy.

Dosage : 1-2 Capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.

6. Spirulina capsules

Arthrospira platensis (Spirulina), a cyanobacteria species, is widely used in various health issues. Spirulina is known as a ‘superfood’ and also called a ‘miracle from the sea’. It is useful in nervous system disorders. It is used in metabolism related issues. Moreover it is also used in hypercholesterol conditions. It is used in diabetes as well. 

Dosage : 1-2 Capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.

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As we have seen in the text above, Adrenoleukodystrophy is an inherited disorder with poor prognosis. In the contemporary system of medicine, there is no exact medicine available for the treatment of the aforesaid disease. With available options, stem cell therapy is not affordable for everyone. Whereas in Ayurveda, there are various formulations available as we have seen above which are beneficial in providing benefits in the adrenoleukodystrophy. These formulations also promote memory, intelligence and intellect. Planet ayurveda is doing great in helping patients with inherited and chronic ailments by providing its best efforts.

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Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD - Ayurveda) is a Globally Renowned Ayurveda Physician with Expertise of more than 25 Years. He is the CEO & Founder of Planet Ayurveda Private Limited, a leading Ayurveda Brand, Manufacturing, and Export Company with a Chain of Clinics and Branches in the US, Europe, Africa, Southeast Asia, India, and other parts of the World. He is also an Ayurveda Author who has written Books on Ayurveda, translated into Many European Languages. One of his Books is "Ayurveda – God’s Manual for Healing". He is on a Mission to Spread Ayurveda All Over the Planet through all the Possible Mediums. With his Vast Experience in Herbs and their Applied Uses, he is successfully treating Numerous Patients suffering from Various Ailments with the help of the Purest Herbal Supplements, Diet, and Lifestyle, according to the Principles of Ayurveda. For More Details, visit