All Kind Scleritis Treatment By Herbal Remedies
Sclera is the tough, fibrous, white part of the eye, which acts as a protective outer layer of the eyeball. The sclera provides the pearly white colour and maintains the shape of the eye. About 83 percent of the surface area of the eyeball is the sclera. It is connected to the muscles that assist the movement of the eyes. Scleritis is a condition in which the sclera (white part of the eye) starts to get inflamed and become red. This condition is said to be the result of the body’s immune power. It is a very painful situation for one who is suffering from this disease. In scleritic patients, rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases are very common. Its signs and symptoms depend on the involved location like it may damage up to both superficial and deep episcleral vessels, cornea, adjacent episclera, or uvea as well as may cause a threat to vision. Scleritis is majorly associated with overall health in upto 50% of the patients. In this article we are going to discuss scleritis and ayurvedic management with herbal remedies.

Scleritis is the inflammation of episcleral and scleral tissue which is associated with swelling, redness, pain or tenderness. There are two categories of scleritis one is anterior scleritis that develops in the front side of the eye and the second one is posterior uveitis as the name tells it occurs in the back side of the eye. The anterior form is more common than the posterior one. It is defined as scleral inflammation anterior to the extraocular recti muscles and is characterised under nodular, diffused and necrotizing type. Posterior scleritis is the rare form of the disease, can represent as serous retinal detachment, choroidal folds or both conditions can occur at one time. This can lead to pain in the eye or often loss of vision.
What Causes Scleritis?
Scleritis is an uncommon disease that can affect the body internally and may lead to a systemic disorder. Due to connective tissue involvement in the disease, scleritis may be seen in association with autoimmune disorders and generalised vasculitis abnormalities. Some theories have defined that the T cells of our immune system can lead to scleritis. T cells are the one who fights with foreign bodies, destroying incoming pathogens that result in infections. In this case T cells start to attack the eye’s own scleral tissue and cause scleritis.
Scleritis Can also be Caused by
- Pseudomonas
- Fungi
- Mycobacterium
- Viruses and parasites
- Any trauma
- Chemical exposures
- Any postsurgical inflammations can also cause scleritis
There are two main types of Scleritis
1. Anterior Scleritis
Subdivided into three forms: nodular, diffused, or necrotizing forms.
In the nodular form, scleral inflammation is presented as scleral edema that is distinctly shown as nodular growth, these can be single, multiple or may feel pain or tenderness on touch.
In diffused form, dilatation of deep episcleral vessels are shown as the anterior scleral swelling, it may involve a small part or entire anterior sclera.
In necrotizing form, is the most severe form, which has appeared as severe pain and extremely scleral tenderness.
2. Posterior Scleritis
Is the rarer type, in between the two, people with this type of condition may have pain and tenderness. This condition may lead to angle closure glaucoma and retinal detachment.
What are the Symptoms of Scleritis?
- Severe eye pain is the most common symptom of this disease that does not get relieved with painkillers, even worsens with movements of the eye, and may spread throughout the entire face.
- Decreased vision
- Blurry vision
- Photophobia
- Inflammation of sclera
- Redness in eye
- Proper eye checkups help to make a diagnosis.
- Blood tests to ensure any other underlying pathology.
- Rule out any autoimmune disorders that might be related to scleritis.
In Allopathic medication, some common medicines are advised to be taken by the scleritis patient
- Non- steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
- Corticosteroids
- Pain relievers
- If an autoimmune disorder is causing the scleritis then Immuno depressants can also be prescribed
In Ayurveda, this condition is correlated with sirajala. It is caused due to rakta dosha vitiation, and it is said to be sadhya vyadhi. This condition is kept under shuklagata netra roga (diseases of the sclera). Major symptoms of this disease are jalabh (group of vessels) that are tough and raised due to pressure (kathin sira mahan). Acharya sushrut has told its ayurvedic management that is Bheshaja chikitsa. They were told to go with Raktapitta chikitsa. Strict diet plan must be followed by the patient to balance the doshas. Some effective herbal medicines to the sirajala are discussed below.
Herbal Remedies For Scleritis By Planet Ayurveda
Planet Ayurveda is a herbal manufacturing company that provides effective medications to the needful patients. All the medicines that are prepared here are 100% natural, do not cause any side-effects, and totally free from fillers, dyes, additives, and any chemical preservatives. These articulations are very helpful in treating the root cause of the disease and give positive results to the patients. Here are some herbal remedies that are given in scleritis patient to get efficient results.
- Neem Capsules
- Gandhak Rasayan
- Amalaki Rasayan
- Septrin Tablets
- Panchtiktaghrit Guggul
- Jasnoor Eye Drops

Product Description
This is a patent herbal formulation prepared by Planet Ayurveda consisting of neem (Azadirachta indica). This herb is very effective in blood-related disorders, it helps to alleviate the pitta dosha and reduces the raised vessel pressure.
Dosage: 1 Capsule twice daily, with plain water, after meals.
This formulation is very effective in vitiated pitta and rakta dosha, it is also very helpful in managing the pain and vision difficulties. This rasaynic formulation is very efficient as it contains gandhak (purified sulphur) that is 100% natural manufactured by Planet Ayurveda.
Dosage: 2 tablets twice or thrice daily with lukewarm water
Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), as we know the herb is very beneficial for eyes. It contains vitamin A, C that is highly recommended for maintaining the eyes health. This is manufactured by Planet Ayurveda with 100% natural herbs and gives most efficient results.
Dosage: 1 Capsule twice daily, with plain water, after meals.
This formulation is very effective in supporting the healthy immune system and balances all the doshas, is very beneficial in overall health. This articulation consists of guggul (Commiphora mukul), Haridra (Curcuma longa), tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) etc.
Dosage: 2 tablets once or twice daily
This is a polyherbal formulation prepared by Planet Ayurveda consisting of neem (Azadirachta indica), giloy (Tinospora cordifolia), vasa (Adhatoda vasica) etc. This articulation is very beneficial in balancing pitta and rakta dosha, it also detoxifies the body and maintains a normal pressure of blood in the vascular system.
Dosage: 2 tablets twice or thrice daily with lukewarm water
This is a patent herbal formulation specifically designed to aid the eye related disorders, consisting of various herbs that are very effective in balancing all the doshas and purifies the blood and maintains its pressure as well as helps the patient to relieve the pain.
Dosage: 3 drops in each eye
Scleritis is a benign disease. Primarily helping the patient with re-assurance. Symptomatic management should be started as soon as the patient comes. As we have discussed Raktapittahar chikitsa is best for the treatment so the herbal products mentioned above are very effective in sirajala or scleritis patients.