Alternative Treatment for Friedreich Ataxia
When we perform precise movements in everyday life, we do not think about what complex mechanisms in the central nervous system provides them. A person lives a full life, dances, and plays sports – while the movements are fun. But in Friedreich Ataxia subtle movement cannot be formed due to the fact that during ataxia, the substrate of its formation is changed – the nervous tissue. In most people, Friedreich ataxia may cause serious complications, but if this problem becomes severe it leads to life-threatening problems. To lower the chances of sedate complications, it’s important to be aware and take preventive measures.
What is Friedreich ataxia?
Friedreich’s ataxia (AF) is also known as spinocerebellar degeneration. It is an autosomal recessive disorder, i.e. sick children are born to a pair of parents who are both clinically healthy, but carry the pathological gene. The disease affects the neurons of the central and peripheral nervous systems.
It is a hereditary disorder that is accompanied by degeneration of nerve fibers, progressive disturbance of gait, swallowing, and chewing. In the later stages, disability occurs due to the inability to move.
What is Ataxia?
Ataxia is an infringement of the simultaneous well-coordinated work of all muscle groups for the best attainment of the goal of the motor act. There are many types of ataxia with a number of causes and symptoms. Friedreich’s ataxia is one type of Ataxia condition.
Friedreich Ataxia Hereditary
Freidreich Ataxia disease is majorly caused by a mutation in the FXN gene. It encodes a protein responsible for the proper functioning of mitochondria in the neuron cell. This gene is hereditary in an autosomal recessive manner. If only one parent has this genotype, then the child is born healthy. But if the gene is passed from two parents, then genetic ataxia develops.
The disease can appear in one child, but siblings (brothers and sisters of the same parents) are often sick. Each of the children may have different manifestations of the disease. The start of the first symptoms, the severity of rigidity and postural disorders, and different life expectancy differ.
Life span of Friedreich ataxia
Friedreich’s disease develops within 5-15 years. The patient’s life expectancy depends at the time, when the first symptoms appear. Pathology can appear in the first decade, as well as in the second, and third.
If the clinical picture appeared in childhood, then patients live 30-40 years. In the last stages of the disease, they practically do not move, and death occurs as a result of concomitant diseases.
If the disease begins at the age of 20-30, then the body has more reserves. There are cases of life expectancy with AF up to 70-80 years. An important factor is the patient’s socialization and the availability of rehabilitation means.
Symptoms of Friedreich ataxia
Symptoms of Friedreich’s ataxia more often appear in the first and, second decades of life, rarely in the third, and fourth decades. Some symptoms which can be present as a result of Friedreich ataxia can be:-
Symptoms in Children
Symptoms of the disease in children appear in the first decade. The onset of the disease is a change in gait.
- They manifest themselves in awkwardness when walking, staggering. Especially noticeable when a child moves in the dark. The child staggers, poorly maintain balance, clubfoot.
- Further, the pathology progresses. The function of the upper limbs is impaired. There is a spasm, rigidity, tremor, a change in handwriting. Children develop dysarthria and dysphagia. Hearing impairment is noted, vision deteriorates.
- Later, the symptoms move to the upper limbs. There are changes in handwriting, violation of friendly movements. Dysphagia and dysarthria join the pathology.
Symptoms in Adult
Friedreich’s ataxia with a late debut appears after 20 years.
- The onset of symptoms is manifested by dysfunction of the lower extremities, unstable gait.
- Heart disorders join later. Endocrine dysfunction progresses.
Common Symptoms in both child and Adult
- A characteristic manifestation of Friedreich’s disease is changing in the musculoskeletal system. Due to muscle spasm, thoracolumbar scoliosis is formed. Deformity of the lower extremities is represented by Friedreich’s foot.
- Uncertainty, staggering, stumbling when walking, frequent falls, handwriting is disturbed due to tremor, dysarthria appears, weakness in the legs, hearing impairment.
- Speech usually becomes slurred. The curvature of the spine (scoliosis), deformity of the foot (high concave arch), and heart disease.
- Tendon and periosteal reflexes (primarily Achilles and knee reflexes) disappear.
- Rheumatic heart disease can sometimes be an early symptom.
- Nervous system reacts abnormally leads to Babinsky’s symptoms.
- Eyes make uncontrolled, repetitive movement often called nystagmus.
Diagnostic of Friedreich’s disease
To let go Friedreich ataxia condition untreated for a long time can lead to innumerable complication which can damage internal organs. Thus, it is essential to get treatment on time for not making the situation severe. Lookout for medical help if you are experiencing a severe situation.
Various Diagnosis techniques may include
- X-ray examination of the spine.
- Tests of glucose tolerance are performed (to exclude diabetes mellitus).
- The most severe manifestation of Friedreich’s disease is cardiomyopathy.
- Disorders in the heart muscle appear in the early stages. It is diagnosed with the help of ECG.
Ayurveda and Friedreich’s Disease
Ayurveda is an ancient system of Indian medicine, it is also called the mother of any medicine because it has had a great influence on both European and Arabic, Chinese medicine. The name is formed from two ancient Indian words in Sanskrit “Ayu” (life) and “Veda” (knowledge). Knowledge of Life is a holistic healing system that looks at body, spirit, and soul in unity. The procedures help to restore this unity, bring the person into balance, and activate the powers of self-healing.
Ayurveda is not a counterweight to old school medicine, it enriches and complements it. The oldest doctrine of health is more relevant today than ever before. Rising health care costs require effective prevention, while the increased number of hereditary diseases requires gentle and effective treatment. So Planet Ayurveda is here to provide effective Treatment of Friedreich disease.
Planet Ayurveda caters to the best effective herbal remedies. These herbal remedies contain the best quality herbs and prepared by strictly following the principles of Ayurveda. Herbal Remedies of Planet Ayurveda are 100% pure, natural, and vegetarian. All medicines are free from any kind of chemicals, color, additives, and yeast. These herbal remedies are free from any side effects. These remedies are safe to use at any age.
Product Description
1. Brahmi Capsules
These Capsules are prepared by using the standardized extract of Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri). It gives the best result in neurological disorders. These capsules are able to not only to maintain healthy brain functioning but also helps in the functioning of the Liver, and kidney.
Dosage: – 1 capsule twice daily, with normal water, after meal.
2. Gotukola Capsules
These capsules are prepared by using a pure extract of Gotukola (Centella Asiatica). It maintains a healthy metabolism and supports a healthy brain. Gotukola Herb is beneficial for balancing all tridosha (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) in the body.
Dosage: – 1 capsule twice a day, with plain water, after meal.
3.Ashwagandha Capsules
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is recognized as one of the best Herbal remedy in Ayurvedic medical System. These capsules are made from Ashwagandha extract that help proper nourishment of tissues, bones, and muscles, and also support proper functioning of the reproductive system of girl. These capsules are formulated by M.D. Experts strictly following Ayurvedic Principles.
Dosage: -1 capsule twice a day, with plain water, after meal.
4. Boswellia Curcumin
It is a perfect blend of Shallaki(Boswellia serrata) and
Curcumin (Haridra) (curcuma longa). These herbs are anti-inflammatory herbs without any kind of side effects.
Dosage: – 1 capsule twice a day, with water, after meal.
5. Shilajit Capsules
It is an excellent remedy for preventing and treating a number of diseases. It is prepared by using a high-quality extract of Shilajit resin (Asphaltum). It worked as a Weakness destroyer. It is formulated by MD experts by strictly following the Ayurvedic principle. It acts as a natural rejuvenator of the body and flushes out toxins to maintain healthy body and mind.
Dosage: – 1 capsule twice a day, with normal water or milk, after meal.
6. Yograj Guggul
It supports healthy joints and muscles. It help in balancing equilibrium of the tridoshas(Vata, Pita, and Kapha). It contains Shudh Guggulu (Commiphora mukul), Pippali (Piper Longum), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), and Musktaka (Citrus rotundus). These tablets are helpful in maintaining healthy metabolism and digestion.
Dosage: – 2 tablets twice a day, with normal water or milk, after meal.
It’s always recommended to follow these herbal remedies and maintain a healthy lifestyle to lead to a healthy life devoid of the signs and symptoms of Friedreich’s ataxia.