Alternative Treatment of Cellulitis and Impetigo (Skin Infections)


Soft-tissue infections (SSTI) and bacterial skin infections are some of the most frequently caused infections among all age groups of people. Gram-positive bacteria bind to sites on fibronectin which are usually exposed by trauma or stress. Modern medical management of Cellulitis and Impetigo involves antibiotics that suppress the activity of the causative agent but this might be only for a short period. Sometimes recurrent episodes may occur which even complicate the situation even more. So, here we will dig a bit into herbal and natural treatment.

What do mean by Cellulitis and Impetigo?

Cellulitis onsets when our circulatory system, skin barrier, and immune system get impaired which results in bacterial skin infection affecting subcutaneous and deep dermis tissues. This is usually characterized by swelling, tenderness, and amplifying erythema majorly infecting skin on lower legs, arms and face. According to Medical surveys, Cellulitis has become a common global health issue with the incidence of around 650,000 cases reported in the United States alone. Among this 15% of the total cases, it was analyzed that Staphylococcus aureus and Beta-Homolytic Streptococcus are responsible for the onset of Cellulitis. (1) (2)

On the other hand, Impetigo is again a highly contagious bacterial skin infection mainly impacting superficial epidermal layers caused by gram-positive bacteria. It is mostly distinguished by itchy and painful yellow-crusted plaques. Impetigo can be of two types i.e. bullous and non-bullous affecting mainly face and laceration, insect bite, abrasion in another part of the body. Both types are caused by Staphylococcus aureus and are responsible for 80% of causalities, especially in hospitalized patients and prisons. (3)

Cellulitis and Impetigo

What is the Etiology of Cellulitis and Impetigo?

Cellulitis can invade any part of the body, infecting bacteria supposedly enters ruptured areas of the skin like cuts, flak skin, swollen skin, punctured wounds, ulcers, and dermatitis. Impetigo spreads when we come in close contact with an infected person and things they have come in contact with like bed linen, towels, clothes, etc.

What are the possible signs and symptoms of Cellulitis and Impetigo?

There are certain common classic signs and symptoms given down below

  1. Red-colored sores in the skin
  2. Inflammation
  3. Redness in skin
  4. Fever
  5. Pus filled abscess or sores
  6. Dizziness
  7. Fatigue and weakness
  8. Sweating and chills
  9. Headache
  10. Severe pain in muscles
  11. Itchy blisters
  12. Tenderness in the affected area

What are the complications associated with Impetigo and Cellulitis?

There are chances that few patients with impetigo might face renal failure in extreme cases which mostly appear within 7-14 days after the infection. Other conditions that may occur include sepsis, ecthyma, scarlet fever, septic arthritis, and staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome. Infected children may develop glomerulonephritis which should be overlooked carefully. In cellulitis, recurrent episodes may result in chronic swelling and can damage the lymphatic drainage system. Though in emergencies necrotizing fasciitis which is a deep-layer infection in tissues.

How the infection in Impetigo and Cellulitis got diagnosed?

Mostly bacterial cultures are collected for confirmation of the presence of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and a skin biopsy is done in refractory cases. Many doctors recommend for HIV test in case if a healthy adult develops impetigo. Experts generally identify the infection by looking at the sores.

Treatment and management of Impetigo and Cellulitis

In the modern medicine system, topical antibiotics with a combination of systemic antibiotics are used to reduce the symptoms and spreading of lesions in other parts.Various antibiotics like dicloxacillin, amoxicillin-clavulanate, cephalosporins, clindamycin, oral penicillin, etc. are treatments by choice. Children with the infection are instructed to maintain good hygiene, wash hands frequently, and must avoid others during an outbreak. Red sores are covered with bandages to help to prevent the spread of infection.

Herbs for Cellulitis and Impetigo

Lichen Sclerosus Treatment

Herbal remedies for Impetigo and Cellulitis by Planet Ayurveda

Interestingly Indian traditional medicine system i.e. Ayurveda which is a gift to us by our ancestors has stored an iron box with herbal formulations for natural management. Planet Ayurveda is an amazing platform where herbal remedies are prepared with 100% pure and superior quality herbal extracts. Each product is and under the supervision of an MD Ayurvedic doctor. Here is the list of herbal medicines provided by Planet Ayurveda.

Product Description

1. Gandhak Rasayan

Gandhak rasayan has been prepared from purified sulphur which holds the ability to treat skin disorders and antibacterial properties which helps in reducing the symptoms in Impetigo and Cellulitis.

Dosage– Two tablets twice daily with warm water after meals.

3. Kaishore Guggul

Kaishore Guggul has been formulated from various herbs like Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Ginger (Zingiber officinale), and Vidanga (Embelia ribes). All these herbs in combination effectively flush out all the toxins from the blood and manage various skin-related disorders.

Dosage– 2 capsules daily twice with water.

3. Curcumin Capsules

These capsules contain a single herb i.e. Haridra (Curcuma longa) which contains anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Curcumin capsules help boost our immunity and fight bacterial infections.

Dosage– 2 capsules daily twice with water after meals.;

4. Pitta Balance

Pitta Balance contains Akik Pishti, Praval Pishti, Jawar Mohar Pishti, Kamdudha Ras, Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) Satva, and Mukta Pishti which is beneficial in reducing anxiety, severe pain, and fever.

Dosage– 1 capsule twice a day with water

5. Neem Capsules

Neem (Azadirachta indica) is the key ingredient of this herbal composition which is known for its blood purifying action. It reduces inflammation and bacterial growth.

Dosage– 2 capsules twice a day.

6. Manjistha Capsules

These capsules contain Rubia cordifolia which is a wonderful inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral agent. Manjistha capsules deeply purify the blood and reduce skin infections effectively.

Dosage– 2 capsules twice daily with Lukewarm water.

7. Jatyadi Tailam oil and Nirgundi oil

Jatyadi Tailam and Nirgundi oil have been composed with the goodness of various Ayurvedic herbs which give soothing and calming effects to the skin. This Ayurvedic local application reduces swelling and redness caused due to impetigo and cellulitis.

How to Apply– Gently massage the oil in the affected area as directed by the expert.

8. Radiant Skin Hair Nail

It is packed with Ghrit Kumari (Aloe barbadensis) and Pit papda (Fumaria officinalis) flushes out the toxins from the blood, removes the blockages which improve the blood flow, and inactivates the bacterial action.

Dosage– 1 Capsule twice daily.

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Skin is the most exposed part of the human body and is a defense mechanism of our body. It is important to maintain proper skin hygiene along with herbal medicine and to reduce the spreading of infection we need to wash the clothes, sheets, towels, sterilize the infected area, etc. These are some of the measures which will help to resist the infection. 


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Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD-Ayurvedic Medicine) is an expert Ayurveda consultant in Chandigarh (India). He has vast experience of herbs and their applied uses. He has successfully treated numerous patients suffering from various ailments, throughout the world. He is CEO and Founder of Krishna Herbal Company and Planet Ayurveda in Chandigarh, India. He researched age old formulas from ancient Ayurvedic text books to restore health and save human beings from the worst side-effects of chemical-based treatments.