Can Klebsiella Causes Sepsis? – Ayurvedic Perspective
As in today’s world of raised infectious disease, we are making ourselves more prone towards bacterial, viral and other infections. People with weaker immunity power ensnare these infections very easily, one such very rarely occurring contagious microorganism is known as ‘Klebsiella pneumoniae. This bacterial organism produces various ailments in an individual having a weak body defence system. Ayurveda deals with such disorders by providing strength and immunity by using classical medicinal herbs. As medicinal herbs work on the root cause of the ailment by removing causative factors. So let’s start discussing how ayurveda deals with such kinds of septic disorders.
Klebsiella pneumoniae is a type of gram negative anaerobic bacteria with rod shaped structure that causes a variety of infections in our body. Its infection usually develops as a nosocomial infection acquired in hospital settings. This bacterium generally lives in our digestive tracts. But when it starts spreading to the different parts of our body, there it can cause various kinds of infection. Another term for infection is sepsis.
Definition of sepsis
It is defined as the presence of serious conditions due to the existence of certain harmful microorganisms in the blood and other tissues of the body. In response to this, the body fights with such infections by initiating inflammatory responses. Or in easy terms it is defined as the presence of inflammatory immune response as per the trigger by an infection. Bacterial infections are the most common causes of generating sepsis in the body but beside these viral, fungal and protozoal infections can also generate sepsis within the body.
Why does sepsis occur?
It occurs in response to infectious conditions, when our body releases chemical agents in the bloodstream to fight an infection it will trigger inflammation throughout the body. This can cause a bunch of changes in the body.
As already discussed, klebsiella pneumoniae produces a range of infections in our body thus it proves the saying that YES it can cause sepsis.
List of various kind of infection (sepsis) it will produce
- Urinary tract infection
- Skin infection
- Infection in the wounds
- Liver abscess
- Pneumonia
- Meningitis.
All the above listed diseases are septic conditions. Researchers had already proven that klebsiella pneumoniae (bacterium) are of various categories. Some have capsules surrounding their cells (encapsulated) and others do not have this. The one with capsules are less contagious (infectious) than those without capsules.
Humans are considered as the primary carrier of klebsiella pneumoniae in the environment as it is normally present in our gut. But it doesn’t cause infection to everyone. Only individuals with weaker immune systems are more prone towards this infection. Classical complaints of patient undergoing inflammatory process in the body are as follow:
- Rubor (means redness over the affected area)
- Calor (means heat, affected area appears hot due to presence of inflammation the temperature of that site got elevated)
- Dolor (presence of pain)
- Tumor (swelling or nodule formation)
- Functio laesa (loss of function of the diseased site)
People who are at risk for developing this sepsis are listed below
- Individuals suffering from serious maladies.
- People with weaker immunity.
- Those having serious liver disorders such as abscess.
- Mishandling of medical and surgical equipment such as catheters, tubes, IV sets, syringes, needles etc.
- Its infection is not air borne means it does not spread through the air route.
- It usually spread with person to person contact.
- Many people also develop this infection through environmental exposure, although this type of transmission occurs in very few cases.
In hospital an individual come in contact with this by following below listed points
- Ventilators
- Breathing machines
- Catheters
- Intravenous set.
- Open wound infection
Symptoms of klebsiella pneumoniae sepsis in different parts of the body
On lungs
- Difficulty in breathing.
- Chest pain
- Increased cough
- Flushed face
On urinary tract
- Painful urination (Dysuria)
- Frequent urination
- Pain around the pubic region
- Blood in urine (Hematuria)
- Dizziness
- Irritability
- Nausea and vomiting.
Ayurvedic overview of sepsis
As per Ayurveda, the causes of infectious disease are
(sushrut. Nidan 5/32)
An infectious disease occurs due to being in close contact with a diseased person, through inhalation, eating food & sleeping together, or by sharing your used clothes.
To prevent the spread of klebsiella sepsis within the body we need to follow proper management protocol listed below:
- Hand hygiene is the best defence against this infection.
- Wash septic wounds with triphala water.
- In ayurveda our ancient acharya had mentioned use of various below listed antibacterial herbs to limit the spread of sepsis
Dupan karma (herbal smoke) – use of guggul (Commiphora mukul), vacha (Adhatoda vasica), neem (Azadirachta indica) with herbally medicated ghrita as an inhalation of herbal smoke from both the nostril 3-3 from each one.
Use of herbal formulations by Planet Ayurveda
Planet Ayurveda has been serving people worldwide for the past 20 years. Their herbal products are made under the guidance of Ayurveda experts and are very effective in maintaining a healthy and sound body as they are completely pure and organic in nature. They offer various herbal formulations that work really well in klebsiella sepsis, some of them are as follow:
- Neem Capsule
- Gandhak Rasayan
- Manjishtha capsule
- Kaishore guggul
Product Description
1. Neem Capsule
This herbal capsule contains pure and standardized extract of Neem (Azadirachta indica). This herb is known for its numerous benefits on skin health. It helps to cleanse the skin from within. Being an herbal anti-inflammatory, it also helps to relieve pain present in Klebsiella Sepsis.
Dosage: – 1-2 capsules two times a day after meals with plain water.
2. Gandhak Rasayan
This herbal formulation contains shuddha gandhak (purified and detoxified sulphur). Gandhak is known for its tremendous benefits on skin functioning. It contains great anti-bacterial, antimicrobial and antiviral properties. It is known for its tridosha (vata, pitta and kapha) balancing property thus this classical formulation works profoundly in klebsiella sepsis as well.
Dosage: 1-2 tablets twice daily with plain water after meals.
3. Manjishtha capsule
This herbal capsule contains pure extract of manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia). This herb is clinically proven as the best blood purifier due to the active principles present in it. It helps in removing harmful toxins out from the blood. It also helps in keeping the digestive tract and complete gut-healthy thus proven as a great choice in klebsiella sepsis.
Dosage: 1-2 capsules twice daily with plain water after meals
4. Kaishore guggul
This herbal formulation contains medicinal herbs such as
- Amalaki (Emblica officinalis)
- Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica)
- Haritaki (Terminalia chebula)
- Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)
- Vidang (Embelia ribes)
- Kali mirch (Piper nigrum) etc.
Herbs help in purifying blood by excreting out impurities from it. Some herbs are enriched with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties thus it helps in healthy wound healing
Dosage– 1-2 tablets two times in a day with plain water after meals.
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Now we can conclude that medicinal herbs available in our surroundings have very good results in managing septic conditions like klebsiella infection. As Ayurveda follow the basic principle of tridosha theory (three principle energies that regulate healthy functioning of our body- vata. Pitta and kapha). With herbal medicines, we can surely manage septic conditions like klebsiella infection. If you are opting for herbal treatment, consider Planet Ayurveda as your prime priority. Our expert doctor’s have great experience in managing such ailments. You can visit us at our clinic in Mohali, Punjab, or can send your queries on our official email id-