Best and Safest Natural Product for Fatty Liver
Fatty liver is becoming one of the most common liver disorders not only in India but globally. This is due to changes in the lifestyle and food that we consume in the present millennium. Both Non-Alcoholic fatty liver (NAFLD) and Alcoholic fatty liver are becoming more frequent amongst those who visit the outpatient department. This is due to rising obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. Consuming more of refined carbs, processed foods, and leading a sedentary lifestyle increases all the chances of a person to suffer from fatty liver. Worldwide more than 30% of the general population suffer from Fatty liver and in India too more than 30% of the urban population are seen to suffer from NAFLD with higher prevalence in those who consume poor diet, are overweight and obese, suffering from type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, and metabolic diseases. If fatty liver is left untreated it can lead to several health consequences such as (NASH)Non-Alcoholic steatohepatitis (where the liver gets inflamed and damaged), liver fibrosis, liver cirrhosis, and liver failure. Not only this fatty liver with other metabolic conditions and insulin resistance may increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes and liver cancer etc.

The present article throws a light on the fatty liver with its possible causes, methods to identify, how to avoid, manage and treat fatty liver disease with best and natural products selected from the Ayurvedic herbs. Although this condition has severe consequences, the good news is that fatty liver can be completely reversed as the cells of the liver has the ability to fully rejuvenate with early intervention.
Liver is one of the crucial organs in our body. It is the key biological structure for almost all the ongoing functions in the human system. Be it a simple digestion or a complicated functioning of our hormone liver has its role to play in all. Our existence, growth, metabolism, mental and emotional wellbeing… all are dependent on the proper functioning of the liver. With several hundreds of its functions, production of bile, fat metabolism, protein metabolism, and regular detoxification of toxins are vital to sustaining healthy life. In the present years due to the drastic changes in the availability of various eateries and lack of focus towards physical exercise, our liver has become vulnerable to a condition called FATTY LIVER DISEASE. And this is one of the chronic silent diseases which needs attention.
Role Of Liver In Our body
Liver is one of the largest organs in our body weighing almost 1 and ½ kilograms. It is located in the right upper abdomen and performs most essential and vital functions that supports our life processes. Amongst hundreds of its functions here are some of the important one’s
- Metabolism of food: Liver plays a significant role in metabolizing the food that we consume regularly. The food that we eat contains macro-nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats and proteins and micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals.
- Carbohydrate metabolism: the liver breaks down the carbs or sugars into glucose which is then released into the bloodstream to be used by the different cells of our body. The excess glucose is stored in the liver in the form of glycogen for later use.
- Fat metabolism: Fats are broken down into fatty acids and glycerol. These fatty acids are used for energy production and the excess is stored in liver for later use. It also produces cholesterol which is essential for nourishing our body and producing bile juices and various hormones.
- Protein metabolism: Proteins are broken down into amino acids which are used for building various tissues such as muscles in our body.
- Storage: Our liver stores many of the micronutrients. Vitamins such as Vit. A, Vit. D, Vit E, Vit K, and Vit B12 along with important minerals such as Iron and copper are stored in the liver. This storage ensures and supplies our body when we go deficient.
- Detoxification: liver has an amazing ability to regularly throw out toxins such as drugs, heavy metals, alcohol etc. from circulating blood.
- Production of Digestive enzymes: Bile is the main digestive juice that is generated in the liver. Bile juices help in digesting all the fat that we eat.
According to Ayurveda Agni – the fire in our body is considered as life itself. Presence of Agni is the Presence of Life form—says Ayurveda. Our Liver or Yakrit (Sanskrit term for liver) form the base location for the presence of Agni – the fire element in our body. Ayurveda has identified over 13 varieties of Agnis present in our body. Each of these Agnis perform different roles to support the metabolism in our body. Amongst all the types, Jataraagni is considered to be the master Agni that controls the functioning of all other Agnis. Liver forms the prime location where Jataragni stays and performs its functions. The major work of Jataragni is digestion and conversion of food that we eat into a form that is easy for our body to assimilate and produce energy to perform life functions. Growth of our body, nourishment of our body, various metabolic activities, digestion at micro and macro level, production of energy, and balancing out hormones. All these happen when Jataragni is functioning well in our liver.
Fatty Liver Disease
Fatty liver is a common term of this era. Fatty liver also called hepatic steatosis happens when excess fat accumulates in the liver cells. This excess storage happens when we consume more than what we use. Everything that we eat whether it be carbs, proteins or fats our liver converts all into fats and stores it in the liver.
There are mainly two forms of fatty liver disease that can occur.
- Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD): where fat gets accumulated due to the eating excesses of unhealthy foods such as sugars, carbs, refined oil, consuming deep fried and fatty foods, over eating, eating processed food, increased intake of sweets. Other predisposing factors are obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, presence of high cholesterol in the blood, and leading a sedentary lifestyle by not exercising our body.
- Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (AFLD): Where the fat builds up in the liver due to drinking excess of alcoholic beverages.
If untreated both these conditions lead to more severe liver problems such as inflammation, fibrosis, cirrhosis and eventually cancer of the liver which are hard to treat. It can also become the root cause for many of the disease conditions that occur in the heart such as cardiovascular disease, enlargement of spleen, kidney diseases and more.
Ayurvedic Overview Of Fatty Liver
In Ayurveda, fatty liver can be correlated to ‘Yakruthodhara’. The word yakruthodhara(Yakruth – liver, udhara- swelling, bloating or enlargement) is translated as enlarged liver, it indicates a liver disorder that causes the liver to swell or become enlarged which is in turn a symptom of fatty liver. Ayurveda says if a person indulges in the food and lifestyle that increases Kapha such as eating too much of sweets, sour and salty foods, cold, heavy, fatty and oily foods, over eating and untimely eating, lacking physical activity, leading a sedentary lifestyle, increased hours of sleeping causes increase in Kapha. The increased Kapha blocks the Pitta Dosha present in the liver preventing it from fully digesting any food we eat. This leads to building up of Ama(toxins) in the liver, this in turn weakens the Jataragni Agni (digestive fire) in the liver leading to the accumulation of fat and toxins causing liver to swell and dysfunction.
How To Identify Fatty Liver Disease
Fatty liver does not always show signs and symptoms, however presence of repeated episodes of acidity and bloating, frequent burps, vague pain or discomfort in the right upper abdomen, jaundice – yellow skin and eyes, unexplained itching in the body and weight gain or weight loss may be some of the ways to know that you are suffering from fatty liver disease. An abdominal ultrasound can show signs of fatty infiltration in the liver and increased size suggesting the stages of fatty liver. Liver function tests with elevated Bile salts and Bile pigments with increase in alkaline phosphatase, SGOT and SGPT suggest fatty liver disease and liver damage.
Prevention And Management
Although Fatty liver is a serious health concern and may lead to other liver complications such as cirrhosis and cancer, the good news is it is completely reversible. If you are an alcoholic or habituated to indulging in unhealthy eating habits and leading a sedentary lifestyle it would be a good idea to have your liver scanned from time to time with regular blood work done to trace your liver
Ways to Preventing the progression of fatty liver
- Cultivating Healthy and Clean eating habits: Stop eating all the processed and junk foods that are available in the superstores and fast-food centers. Cooking and eating healthy food at home with lots of vegetables and grains unburdens the liver. Selecting foods close to nature, eating good carbs, seasonal fruits, selecting healthy oils, eating at regular intervals in portion sizes, using various spices that are digestive and carminative such as jeera, cinnamon, ajwain, etc. helps in reducing the fat in the liver preventing its further damage.
- Improving physical activity: regularly moving your body with activities such as walking, running, cycling, swimming, strength training, yoga, pranayama etc. improves peripheral blood circulation and usage of fat stored in the liver.
Ways To Manage Fatty Liver
When it comes to management of fatty liver Ayurveda stands unique because of its ability to understand fatty liver’s pathology and availability of distinctive herbs that are hepatoprotective. These herbs possess the ability to reverse fatty liver by detoxifying and eliminating excess fat and toxins, lowering the Kapha and increasing the Pitta and Jataragni and detoxifying Ama from the liver. The herbs mentioned in Ayurveda have the potential to regenerate new cells in the liver rejuvenating the liver into all new. There are countless herbs mentioned in Ayurveda that have the potential to balance the liver functions by stimulating the Jatharagni to work to its fullest. Here is the list of some of the potent, highly beneficial and scientifically proven, best and safe herbs that can fix and reverse fatty liver and related issues.
Yakrit Plihantak Churna For Fatty Liver By Planet Ayurveda
Planet Ayurveda is a well renowned Ayurvedic company that manufactures and distributes Ayurvedic products and supplements. Based in Chandigarh, India, the products are shipped and are available worldwide. The company was founded by Dr. Vikram Chauhan, a renowned Ayurveda practitioner and herbalist. This company focuses on providing natural Ayurvedic solutions for various health conditions through traditional Ayurvedic practices. Planet Ayurveda offers a wide range of products including single herb and formulations for various diseases conditions, prevention of the diseases, and rejuvenation. The products include tablets, capsules, syrups, powders, herbal juice extracts, oils, herbal teas, ointments. This company adheres to holistic healing providing the best quality products for safety and efficacy of healing.
Yakrit Plihantak Churna is a go to formulation for fatty liver diseases that is recommended by Planet Ayurveda. This formulation has the best combination of hepatoprotective herbs that have scientifically proven beneficial effects on all the liver diseases including fatty liver. It is one of the best and effective formulations that has shown promising results amongst the patients suffering from liver diseases.
Yakrit is the word given to liver in Sanskrit, Pliha means spleen and hantaka means that ‘one which can end’. Hence the meaning of YAKRIT PLIHANTAK means the formulation that can end the diseases of both liver and the spleen. This formulation is in the form of powder and is made of the combination of over 8 most potent herbs that have hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, digestive and carminative, and rejuvenating effects on the liver. The following are the list of herbs with their effects on the liver.
1. Bhumialma / Phyllanthus niruri
It is one of the most potent and my favorite herbs that has the ability to put all the liver function normal and improve jatharagni. Not only that, its antiviral effect also prevents hepatitis and inflammation of the liver too. Research about this herb has shown that it has the ability to reduce the accumulation of fat in the liver cells, improve insulin resistance, reduce serum cholesterol levels and reduce inflammation in the liver in rats fed with a high-fat diet. Bhumiamalaki is bitter (tikta) and astringent( Kashaya) and is cooling(sheetha virya), these qualities help in balancing Kapha Dosha and enhancing Pitta Dosha. Its bitterness helps reduce inflammation in the liver and its astringency helps reduce the excess Kapha and fat in the liver. Its anti- microbial effect (Krimighana) helps fight all types of hepatitis, reducing the viral load.
2. Kalamegh /Andrographis paniculata
It is also known as king of bitters, has been shown to have hepatoprotective effects and improve liver functions. It has the ability to detoxify the liver and normalize all the liver functions. It prevents fatty liver, reduces the elevated liver enzymes and protects the liver from becoming fibrotic. It enhances bile production which is crucial for fat digestion. Bile helps emulsify and breakdown fats in the digestive tract, preventing the excessive accumulation of fat. Kalamegha is bitter (tikta) to taste and is cooling (Sheeta Virya) this reduces the Pitta Dosha which helps in reducing liver inflammation and improves liver metabolism. The bitter and dry qualities of Kalamegha helps reduce Kapha Dosha which in turn reduces the accumulation of fat in the liver. Its detoxifying property helps to detoxify the Ama- toxins and eliminate fat deposits in the liver.
3. Bringaraja / Eclipta alba
It’s a common herb used in all the liver disorders because of its hepatoprotective action, this herb has the ability to reduce inflammation of the liver. Its antioxidant property helps reduce the oxidative stress in the liver cells and it also helps in detoxification of toxins and improves bile secretion. The bitter (tikta), astringent (Kashaya) and cooling (sheeta virya) nature of Bringaraja effectively balances the aggravated Pitta and Kapha Dosha improving the fat metabolism and igniting the Jataragni. Bringaraja is identified as one of the rasyanas in Ayurveda hence, it helps regenerate new cells in the liver and protect liver cells from damage.
4. Sarapunka / Tephrosia purpurea
It is a well-known herb to treat various liver disorders. It has potent hepatoprotective, detoxifying and regenerative properties that addresses the root cause of fatty liver. Its antioxidant property helps reduce the oxidative stress on the liver cells. Studies suggest that this herb when combined with bhumi amla helps improve liver functions and acts as hepatoprotection. It has bitter (tikta), pungent (katu) and astringent (Kashaya) taste helps pacify Pitta Dosha generating the cooling and anti-inflammatory effect on liver. These tastes help reduce Kapha Dosha which in turn clears the fat accumulation. It helps improve Jatharagni/ the digestive juices such as bile which helps in emulsifying the fat and preventing them from accumulation.
5. Katuki / Picrorhiza kurroa
It is one of the most powerful herbs used in Ayurveda especially to treat liver disorders including fatty liver. It is renowned for its potent hepatoprotective, detoxifying and anti-inflammatory effects on the liver. Its bitter (tikta) and pungent (katu) taste effectively balances the Pitta Dosha by cooling, detoxifying and breaking down the fat accumulation and clearing the toxins from the liver. It is highly known to stimulate Jataragni and improve mandagni(sluggish metabolism), this helps in enhancing fat metabolism and clearing out the accumulation of fat in the liver.
6. Makoy/ Solanum indicum
Also known as Indian nightshade is an important and potent herb effectively used in various liver conditions. It is known for its anti-inflammatory, detoxifying and hepatoprotective effect making it show its beneficial effects in fatty liver. Its bitter (tikta) and astringent (Kashaya) taste helps balance Pitta and Kapha Dosha which further helps in reducing the inflammation of the liver and clearing the fat accumulation. It is known to help repair the damaged liver tissues and promote rejuvenation due to its rasayana property. It improves the jatharagni increasing the bile production and emulsification of fat deposits in the liver.
7. Kasani/ Cichorium intybus
It is commonly known as chicory. This is another herb with hepatoprotective effect making it a valuable addition in treating various liver disorders including fatty liver disease, jaundice, hepatitis and cirrhosis. This is primarily due to its detoxifying, cleansing and rejuvenating effects on the liver. Its bitter (tikta) and Katu(pungent) taste stimulates the Agni and balances Pitta and Kapha Dosha helping the liver improve its function by removing the blockages caused by the fat. Its sharp (teeksha) property helps to enter the fat cells blocked with Ama and digests it. It is known to govern fat metabolism, helping the liver to function at its best. It is one of the most powerful herbs used in impaired liver functions. It has the ability to digest the oily, greasy, heavy and fatty foods that we generally eat and does not allow such foods to accumulate in the liver.
8. Punarnava/ Boerhavia diffusa
Punarnava as the name says it, it has the ability to form new cells. The effect of this herb is very obvious in regenerating new cells of the liver and reducing the fibrotic changes that occur due to fatty liver. It is a very well-known herb for its hepatoprotective effects which helps protect liver cells from damage caused due to toxins, infections such as hepatitis, and other harmful substances. Its diuretic effect also helps in ascites caused due to liver cirrhosis. Its anti-inflammatory effect reduces the inflammation which is crucial in managing the fatty liver disease. Research shows that it fights the oxidative stress in the liver cells and has been demonstrated to reduce the liver enzymes(such as ALT and AST) indicating the improvement in liver functions. Its bitter (Tikta) and astringent (Kashaya) taste helps balance Pitta and Kapha dosha in the liver, stimulating the Jataragni and releasing the fat blockages. It is known as Rasayana(rejuvenator) and has the ability to make new hepatic cells thereby reducing the fibrotic liver and cirrhosis.

‘Yakrit Plihantak Churna’ contains all the above ingredients in right proportions. This combination of herbs has shown its best results in fatty liver by helping the liver metabolize the stored fat, improving the liver enzymes, improving fat metabolism, rejuvenating new liver cells and reducing inflammation in the liver without any side effects. It is beneficial in management of fatty liver of all grades, Non-alcoholic fatty liver, Alcoholic fatty liver, NASH, cirrhosis, fibrosis, liver failure and all the associative symptoms of liver diseases. It also helps in hepatitis by reducing the viral load.
Dosage – This powder can be taken in the form of just powder mixed with warm water or made into decoction and be taken. When taking it in powder form the recommended dosage is 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon twice daily after food. Or you can even boil 1 tablespoon of the powder with 400ml of water until it reduces to 50ml, strain it and drink the water leaving the residue. Take it twice a day after breakfast and dinner for best results and prepare fresh each time you consume.
The herbs in Yakrit Plihantak churna are handpicked from nature’s best grown places in India to ensure its quality for best results. It forms one of the Holistic ways of approaching to treat a disease forming it a safest way to heal liver diseases.
Fatty liver disease is becoming very common amongst people who indulge in unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle. If untreated this condition can progress towards more complications such as cirrhosis, fibrosis, inflammation, hepatitis, portal hypertension, esophageal varices, ascites and cancer of the liver and more. Early detection and use of nature’s best and safe herbs and adopting healthy food habits and lifestyle can prevent and reverse this condition.