As we know in today’s era cancer is one of the most common diseases that affect the normal body cells of the body. It is an abnormal growth of cells within the body that affects the system of the body as cells multiply and grow in an abnormal manner and produce a new cancerous cell. World Cancer Day is celebrated on 4 Feb. On the basis of the division of cells, there are two types: cancerous (malignant) and non-cancerous (benign). As benign tumours are in the initial stage and this is not a life-threatening condition, their cells do not invade other tissues and organs, it is non-dangerous as they do not press the vital structures of the body such as blood vessels and nerves. Whereas malignant are life-threatening conditions as they invade the other tissues and organs of the body, presses the vital structures of the body, and spread throughout the body such as in the bloodstream or lymphatic channels of the body. So let’s have a look!

In this article, we studied the different parameters of cancer cells such as what is cancer and how it affects the human body in a different way, what causes are responsible for producing cancer cells in the body, what are the signs and symptoms usually seen in a cancer patient, and after affecting with cancer how we can diagnose and treat the disease. Change in the tissue pattern leads to cancer such as normal cells turning into hyperplasia (tissue multiplies faster than the normal tissue), hyperplasia cells turning into dysplasia (more abnormal cells are seen), and dysplasia cells being converted into cancerous cells.
There are some differences between normal cells and cancer cells-
- Normal cells
- Have a definite shape and size
- Have a controlled growth
- Communicate with nearby cells
- Have a definite function
- A certain number of chromosomes
- The nucleus is small and light in colour
- Do not invade other tissues or organs
- Energy comes from glycolysis and the Krebs cycle
- Cancerous Cells
- Altered shape and size of cells
- Have an uncontrolled growth
- Do not communicate with nearby cells
- Do not have a definite function
- Contain abnormal number of chromosomes
- The nucleus is large and dark in colour
- Invades in other tissues or organs
- Energy comes from mainly glycolysis
As the alteration in genes occurs in the body the cells grow in an abnormal way. There are three types of genes that are responsible for causing the cancer also called the driver of cancer. Genes are Proto-oncogenes, DNA repair genes, and Tumor suppressor genes. Proto oncogenes are responsible for the normal growth and division of cells as abnormality in this leads to abnormal growth and division of cells. Tumor suppressor genes are responsible for controlling the growth and division of cells as the disturbed cells are divided in an uncontrollable manner. DNA repair genes help to fix the damaged DNA as abnormality in this leads to a mutation in genes and the chromosome number will be changed as deletion or duplication of chromosomes occur.
There are some risk factors that provoke cancer:-
- Age of the patient
- Family history
- Hydrocarbon compounds
- Sex hormones
- Alteration in genes
- Improper diet and lifestyle
- Environmental factors
- Radiations
- Chronic irritation
- Trauma
- Diet
- Viruses
- Serious chronic health condition
- Local or direct spread
- Spread through lymphatic
- Hematogenous spread
- Spread through serous cavities (Transcoelomic spread)
- Spread through natural passages or epithelial-lined spaces
- Inoculation (due to faulty surgical techniques)
- Carcinoma – the most common type of cancer in which normal epithelial cells are converted into columnar cells. It contains four subtypes which are Adenocarcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and transitional cell carcinoma.
- Adenocarcinoma – epithelial tissues are called glandular tissue. Epithelial cells produce fluid and most commonly involve the breasts, prostate, and colon of the body.
- Basal cell carcinoma– as the name suggests it involves the basal layer of epidermis.
- Squamous cell carcinoma– as the name suggests it occurs in squamous cells of the body beneath the outer surface of the skin. Also called epidermoid carcinoma and most commonly involves the stomach, lungs, bladder, kidneys, and intestines of the body.
- Transitional cell carcinoma– also called the urothelium, and transitional epithelium. It is present in the lining of the bladder, ureters, and other parts.
- Sarcoma– this occurs in soft tissues or bones in the body. It includes the muscle, blood vessels, fat, fibrous tissue, and lymph vessels.
- Melanoma– when the specialized cells produce melanin in the cells.
- Lymphoma– benign tumor of B and T lymphocytes as a result of abnormal lymphocyte form in lymph nodes or vessels and organs of the body.
There are five stages of cancer. The stages are described below-
- Stage 0- pre-cancerous and easily detectable
- Stage 1- localized to a small area and does not spread to lymph nodes and other tissues of the body
- Stage 2- cancer is increased but not spread in the body
- Stage 3- cancer is increased and possibly spread to lymph nodes or tissues
- Stage 4- cancer spreads to other tissues and organs of the body
The symptoms are based on the severity of the disease. The cancer includes the following symptoms-
- Changes in the skin complexion
- Fatigue
- Weakness
- Weight loss or gain
- The feeling of a lump under the skin
- Indigestion
- Anorexia
- Persistent cough
- Trouble in breathing
- Alteration in bladder and bowel habits
- Unexplained bleeding
- Hoarseness
- Night Sweat
- Muscle pain
- Joint pain
- Blood test- for checking the blood cells
- X-ray – for checking the soft tissues and bones
- CT (Computerised tomography) scan – to check the location of cancerous cells
- Blood protein test- to measure the immunoglobulins
- Endoscopy
- Screening of tumour markers- helps to diagnose the cancerous cell
- Circulating tumour cell test – cancer cells shed off after sometimes it helps to detect cancer cells
- PET(Positron emission test) scan- to detect the early signs of cancer
- Ultrasound checks the internal structures of the body
- MIGB (iodine meta-iodobenzylguanidine)- This is a nuclear imaging test to find out the cancer
- Chemotherapy
- Radiation
- Surgery
- Hormone therapy
- Palliative care
- Immunotherapy
- Laser therapy
- Bone marrow transplant
Some of the complications are produced due to cancer
- Difficulty in breathing
- Fatigue
- Pain
- Chemical changes in the body
- Weight loss
- Diarrhoea or constipation
- Eat a healthy diet
- Stop smoking
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Regular exercise
- Avoid excessive exposure to the sun
- Do cancer screening regularly
- Minimize exposure to ionising radiation
- Reduce exposure to pollution
In Ayurveda, cancer is correlated with the arbuda, further we will discuss it’s causes, symptoms and treatment protocols as per Ayurveda.
- Improper diet
- Improper lifestyle
- Poor hygiene
- Bad habits
TYPES OF ARBUDA IN सु.नि.११।१५
- Vataja Arbuda
- Different types of pain occur such as splitting, pulling, churning, and pricking
- Blackish in coloration
- Dry in touch
- When it breaks water like clean blood is discharged
- Pittaja Arbuda
- Excessive burning sensation
- Hot in nature
- Rakta and yellowish in color
- When it breaks hot blood is discharged
- Kaphaja Arbuda
- Cold in touch
- Pale appearance
- Excessive itching
- Associated with mild pain
- Develop slowly
- When it breaks thick, white fluid is discharged
- Raktaj Arbuda
- Numbness
- Excessive burning sensation
- Hot in nature
- Rakta and yellowish in color
- Mamsaj Arbuda
- Due to intake of mamsa vardhak aahar
- Smooth
- Big in size
- Rough in touch
- Mild pain
- Medaja arbuda
- Increase or decrease according to increase or decrease in size of body
- Smooth
- Big in size
- Mild pain
- Excessive itching
- When it breaks thick, ghee-like fluid is discharged
- Shodhan chikitsa
- Shamana chikitsa
- Sroto Shodhan (clean the obstruction of vital pathways)
- Shalya majja (cutting of nerve which induces pain)
- Vyadhi Pratyanika (chemotherapy and radiation therapy)
- Shalya karma (Removal of tumor)
- Rasayan therapy (immunotherapy)
- Panchkarma therapy- as it removes impurities from the body and maintains the equilibrium in the body
Pathya – old ghee, green gram, barley, bitter gourd, pointed gourd
Apathya – sugarcane juice and its products, milk and its products, sweet, heavy, and sour foods
1. Curcumin
Curcumin’s botanical name is Curcuma longa commonly known as Haridra. It is bitter and pungent in taste, light and dry in nature, hot in potency, and after digestion pungent in metabolic properties. It contains anti-inflammatory properties that prevent the growth of cancer cells. It also has chemopreventive and anti-cancerous properties that prevent the growth of cancerous cells, slow the spread of cancer, and protect healthy cells from damage done by chemotherapy or radiation therapy. It helps to treat the different types of cancer such as lung cancer, oral cancer, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, and breast cancer. It prevents tumour progression by inhibiting angiogenesis in some tumours, inhibiting the expression of cyclin D1, and lastly the block cell cycle and leads to apoptosis. It also contains antioxidant properties which helps to decrease swelling and inflammation as inflammation plays a role in producing cancer.
2. Graviola
Graviola’s botanical name is Annona muricata, also known as soursop. It is sour in taste, light in nature, hot in potency, and after digestion sour in metabolic properties. It is a type of fruit which grows in tropical rainforest. It contains most of the chemicals in it such as acetogenins which help to kill the many types of cancer cells in the body without harming the healthy ones. There is a cell cycle of normal cells called apoptosis but graviola leaf extract forces cancer cells to go through the normal cell death process and block the metastasis as they do not spread in the body. Normally cells use the adenosine triphosphate for energy and for their normal life cycle but graviola leaf extract blocks the source of energy that is adenosine triphosphate which leads to cell death. It helps to block the pathway which helps the cells to communicate and growth of cancer cells in the body.
3. Amalaki Rasayan
Amalaki rasayan contain the Amla in it. Amla’s botanical name is Embilica officinalis also known as Indian gooseberries. It is sweet, sour, bitter, astringent, and pungent in taste, heavy and cool in nature, cold in potency, and after digestion sweet in metabolic properties. Amla is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C which helps to treat and prevent the occurrence of cancer. It helps to reduce the cytotoxic effect on normal cells, possesses cytotoxic effects on cancer cells and possesses anti-proliferative activity. It helps to reduce the growth and progression of cancer cells. Amla extract helps in the apoptosis process of cancer cells without affecting the healthy ones. It also inhibits the cell cycle regulating enzymes, suppresses the cell cycle progression and increases apoptosis.
4. Shilajit
It forms from the resin of Asphaltum punjabianum which helps to destroy the cancerous cells in the body. Shilajit is blackish brown in color with a pungent smell and sharp odor. It is made up of the humidification process of many plants and it acts as a chemotherapeutic agent against urinary bladder cancer, induces apoptosis in human breast cancer cells and it helps in preventing metastasis. It acts as a rasayan, a rejuvenator, and an immunomodulator in the body. It helps to reduce the cancer cells without affecting the healthy cells. It contains neuroprotective properties that preserve neuronal function and activities. It has anti-cancer effects on liver cancer as it destroys the cancerous cells of the liver and protects them from spreading as it prevents free radicals. It helps to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy as it is rich in antioxidants and contains fulvic and humic acid.
5. Nirgundi
Nirgundi botanical name is Vitex negundo. It is bitter and pungent in taste, light and dry in nature, hot in potency, and after digestion pungent in metabolic properties, and balances the vata and kapha dosha of the body. Nirgundi leaves contain analgesic, antihistamine, and anti-inflammatory properties which help to fight against the cancer cells. Nirgundi roots contain ethanol, chloroform, and aqueous extract in the leaves of nirgundi which show toxicity towards the DAL cell lines. Extraction of leaves shows the antitumor activity and bactericidal activity which helps to destroy the cancer cells without affecting the healthy cells.
6. Wormwood
Wormwood botanical name is Artemisia annua, also known as sweet wormwood. It is bitter in taste, light in nature, cold in potency, and after digestion pungent in metabolic properties. It contains the Artemisinin compound which contains the anticancer properties. Artemisinin interacts with the iron present in the body and forms the free radicals in the body that help to kill the cancer cells. As cancer cells absorb iron in it, free radicals damage the cells. It reverses or stops the process of growing cancer cells and metastasis. It helps to kill iron-enriched cancer cells, especially breast cancer cells. It is also called a trojan horse or time bomb for cancer cells as it kills the cancer cells.
7. Arlu
Arlu’s botanical name is Ailanthus excelsa, also known as the Indian tree of heaven. It is bitter, and astringent in taste, dry in nature, cold in potency, and after digestion pungent in metabolic properties, and balances the pitta and kapha dosha of the body. As the bark of Aralu contains the Ailantic acid which is a wax like reddish brown water soluble bitter content. It shows the anticancer effect on the body as it contains Ailanthinone, glaucarubinone and it has highly oxygenated triterpenes with a bitter taste called Quassinoid as the major component that is responsible for controlling the growth of cancer cells at different stages and helps to treat the different types of cancer in the body. As it also contains the Triterpenoid AECHL-1 which shows the anticancer effects and is used as chemotherapy against cancer. It contains phyto constituent extract which helps to inhibit tumour replication, prevent the spreading of cancer, inhibit metastasis, and bring apoptosis in the cancerous cells of the body and also has good synergistic anticancer effects on the body.
8. Kanchanar
Kanchanar’s botanical name is Bauhinia variegata, also known as butterfly ash. It is astringent in taste, light and dry in nature, cold in potency, and after digestion pungent in metabolic properties. Its ayurvedic preparation helps to fight against the cancer cells and contains cytotoxic properties in it which helps in cell division and decreases the spread. It contains the antiproliferative property that helps in reducing cell proliferation. Due to the presence of flavonoids and phenolics in it, it shows antimitotic and anti-proliferative effects on cancer cells.
9. Apricot Seeds
The apricot seed’s botanical name is Prunus armeniaca with the family Rosaceae. It is sweet in taste, heavy and slimy in nature, hot in potency, and after digestion sweet in metabolic properties. It contains Amygdalin which is a cyanogenic glycoside that acts as an anticancer agent in the body. It helps to stimulate the apoptosis process and decrease the number of cells by blocking the proliferation of cells and the growth of cancer cells. It contains anti-proliferative activity that suppresses the cell growth of malignant tissue into the surrounding tissue. It decreases the energy in cancerous cells and leads to apoptosis.
10. Viscum Album- Mistletoe
The mistletoe botanical name is Viscum album. It is bitter, and astringent in taste, light, sharp, and dry in nature, hot in potency, and after digestion pungent in metabolic properties. It helps to kill the cancer cells and boost the immune system in the body by increasing the white blood cells in the body. Mistletoe extract contains the active ingredient that is viscotoxins, lectins, and polysaccharides. The extract is used in gynecological and breast cancer treatment because it has minimal side effects on the body and improves the quality of life. It stimulates the dendritic cell maturation and activation and leads to apoptosis of cells. It reduces the effect of radiation therapy and chemotherapy and leads to healthy functioning of the body.
11. Pippali
The Pippali botanical name is Piper longum. It is pungent in taste, light, and piercing in nature, hot in potency, and after digestion sweet in metabolic properties. Pippali contains alkaloids such as Piperlon Gumine, Pipernoline, and flavonoids. Piperine inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells and activates the apoptosis that inhibits the progression of the cell cycle. It affects the cancer cells by inhibiting the stem cells, influencing the redox hemostasis (maintaining a balance between the reducing and oxidizing reactions in a cell). Piperin helps to reverse multi-drug resistance by influencing the p-glycoprotein.
12. Ashwagandha
The Ashwagandha botanical name is Withania somnifera. It is pungent, bitter, and astringent in taste, light, unctuous in nature, hot in potency, and after digestion pungent in metabolic properties. Ashwagandha contains saponins, alkaloids, withanolides as steroid lactones, and glycosides as chemical constituents. The constituent helps to inhibit tumour growth and helps to increase the cytotoxic T lymphocyte production against the lung, colon, and breast cancer cells. The withanolides show therapeutic action against the cancer cells and show cancer-preventive properties.
13. Ginger
The Ginger botanical name is Zingiber officinale. It is pungent in taste, heavy, dry, and sharp in nature, hot in potency, and after digestion sweet in metabolic properties. Gingerol, Zingiberene, and zingerone as chemical constituents. Ginger blocks the communication pathway in the early stage of cancer. It is effective in various types of cancers such as gastric cancer, pancreatic cancer, and liver cancer. Gingerol and Shogal active compounds help in the apoptosis of cancer cells and help to treat cervical cancer.
14. Periwinkle
The periwinkle botanical name is Catharanthus roseus. It is salty and sweet in taste, heavy in nature, hot in potency, and after digestion sweet in metabolic properties. Periwinkle contains alkaloids that help to treat cancer such as Vinblastin, vincristine, vindesine, and vinylbine. As leaves contain anticancer activity it helps to treat testicular cancer, lymphoma, bladder cancer, and breast cancer. Vinblastine and Vincristine play an anti-cancer role and kill the cancer cells without affecting the healthy ones.
15. Moringa
The moringa botanical name is moringa oleifera also known as Shigru. It is bitter and pungent in light, dry, and sharp in nature, hot in potency, and after digestion pungent in metabolic properties. Tannin, alkaloids, and saponins are the chemical constituents present in it. It helps to block the signal pathway, stop the growth of cancer cells, and reverse the multidrug resistance. It possesses anti-cytotoxic effects on cancer cells.
16. Rosemary
Rosemary botanical name is Salvia rosmarinus. It is pungent and bitter in taste, light in nature, hot in potency, and after digestion pungent in metabolic properties. Polyphenols are the active constituent in it which shows antiproliferative activity against colon cancer cells and inhibits the survival, and viability of cancer cells.
17. Ginseng
The Ginseng botanical name is Panax ginseng belongs to the Araliaceae family. It is bitter in taste, light in nature, cold in potency, and after digestion pungent in metabolic properties. Ginseng saponins, Ginseng oils, and phytosterol are the chemical constituents. It helps to inhibit the cell cycle of cancer cells which leads to apoptosis of cells and also inhibits the angiogenesis and invasion of the cell.
18. Cloves
The clove’s botanical name is Syzygium aromaticum and belongs to the Myrtaceae family. It is bitter and pungent in taste, light and oily in nature, cold in potency, and after digestion pungent in metabolic properties. Eugenol, phenolic acid, and tannis are the active compounds. It helps to induce apoptosis and inhibit cell proliferation which inhibits abnormal cell growth. Eugenol helps to increase the cyto-antioxidant properties, repair oxidative damage of cells, and show antimutagenic effects on cancer cells.
19. Cinnamon
The cinnamon botanical name is Cinnamomum zeylanicum belongs to the Lauracea family. It is sweet, bitter, and pungent in taste, light, dry, and piercing in nature, hot in potency, and after digestion pungent in metabolic properties. Eugenol, tannins, cinnamate, and cinnamic acid are the chemical constituents that affect the communication pathways, induce apoptosis of cancer cells, and help to prevent colorectal cancer. It is also useful in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer.
20. Sankfuli
Sankhfuli botanical name is Catharanthus pusillus of the Apocynaceae family and its chemical extraction is used in the treatment of cancer cells. It contains astringent, hypoglycemic, and antiseptic properties. It contains two active alkaloids, Vinblastine and Vincristine which play an anti-cancer role and kill the cancer cells without affecting the healthy ones. It helps to treat cancer cells, especially transitional cell carcinoma of the urothelium. It has cytotoxic effects that damage the cancer cells.
21. Bhallataka
Bhallataka’s botanical name is Semecarpus anacardium which shows anticancer effects. It is pungent, bitter, and astringent in taste, light and sharp in nature, hot in potency, and after digestion sweet in metabolic properties. It contains the extract chloroform, phenols, lipids, and glycosides which show anti-tumor activity and inhibit growth and metastasis. Bhallataka needs purification and after purification, it enhances the anticancer effects on the body. Its efficacy is used against hepatocellular carcinoma by stimulating the immune system of the body and normalising the tumour markers including the alpha-fetoproteins levels in the body. It contains antioxidant and cytoprotective properties acts as a rasayan and helps rejuvenate the cells. It stabilises the lysozymes and normalises the glycoprotein mineral content in the body during cancer progression in the body.
22. Rohitak
Rohitak’s botanical name is Aphanamixis polystachya of the Meliaceae family. It is bitter, and astringent in taste, light and Snigdha in nature, cold in potency, and after digestion pungent in metabolic properties. The chemical constituent contains Ammorinin, limonoid, rhamnoside, and saponin. The herbs help to fight against cancer cells, especially against prostate cancer. Leaf extract contains ethyl acetate which has selective cytotoxicity against the different types of cancer cells and leads to apoptosis. The bark powder also possesses anticancer activity.
23. Bilva
Bilva’s botanical name is Aegle marmelos with the Rutaceae family. It is pungent, bitter, and astringent in taste, absorbent, unctuous, and sharp in nature, hot in potency, and after digestion pungent in metabolic properties. Bael leaf extract that contains lupeol, citral, and eugenol helps to inhibit the growth of cancer cells and shows cytotoxic effects and also stimulates the decoy effect of DNA sequence and inhibits cell proliferation. It has anti-mutagenic properties which help to prevent damage to DNA.
24. Chitrak
Chitrak’s botanical name is Plumbago Zeylanica. It is pungent in taste, rough and sharp in nature, hot in potency, and after digestion pungent in metabolic properties. Chitrak contains the active compound plumbagin which inhibits the growth of cancer cells and metastasis and reduces the human breast cancer, and pancreatic cancer cells.
1. Swaran Bhasam
Swaran bhasam contains gold particles in it which helps to treat cancer cells. It shows anti-cancer effects on all cancer cells especially on rectal cancer. It contains rejuvenating properties that help to regenerate new healthy cells. By using infra-red light nanoshell-associated photothermal therapy is used to treat cancer cells. It is helpful to detect cancer cells by exploiting light scattering properties of gold particles.
2. Hirak Bhasma
Hirak bhasam contains the calcined nanoparticles of the diamond which possess anti-cancer properties. It contains anti-mutagenic properties which helps to reduce the mutation in cancer cells, reduce the size, and prevent further metastasis. It acts as an immunomodulatory agent that helps to increase the immune power and quality of life. It balances all three doshas(energy) of the body and improves the metabolism of the body.
3. Panna Bhasma
It contains immunomodulating properties which help to boost the immunity of the body. It helps to target the cancer cells and prevent them from spreading. It has anti anti-mutagenic and anti-proliferative properties which prevent abnormal growth of cells and then lead to apoptosis of the cell.
4. Yashad Bhasma
It is made of zinc minerals. It increases the number of white blood cells and regulates the function of various enzymes and hormones in the body, fights against cancer cells, and prevents metastasis. It contains oxidants that help to prevent free radicals in the body. It helps to synthesise the DNA of normal cells which helps in the proper functioning of the body.
5. Rajat Bhasma
Silver nanoparticles are used to treat cancer as they help to decrease the growth of cancerous cells, stop the cell cycle and lead to apoptosis, stop communication between cancer cells, and promote the reactive oxygen species. Silver nanoparticles interact with the cancer cells, affect the stroma cancer cell communication, and reduce the accumulation of silver nanoparticles in healthy one’s cells.
6. Vaikrant
Vikrant is one of the upratna which contains shadrasa (all types of taste)in it. It targets the cancer cells without affecting the healthy ones, especially cervical cancer and human papillomavirus-related cancer. It stops the progression of cancer cells and metastasis.
As we know due to improper diet and lifestyle cancer is one of the diseases which is present in every house. Cancer affects the person with the physical, mental, and emotional stress that affects the physical health of the patient and has a negative impact on the mind. Planet Ayurveda offers herbs and mineral-based formulation that helps to prevent cancer in an effective way. Due to proper lifestyle and diet, it can be cured. The herbs are Curcumin, Graviola, Amalaki rasayan, Shilajit, Nirgundi, Wormwood, Arlu, Kanchanar, Apricot seeds, Viscum album- mistletoe, Sankfuli, Bhallataka, Rohitak, Bilva, Chitrak. The mineral-based formulations are Swaran bhasam, Hirak bhasam, Panna bhasam, Yashad bhasam, Rajat bhasam, and Vaikrant.