ARTHROGRYPOSIS MULTIPLEX CONGENITA ABSTRACT Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita or AMC is a rare congenital disease affecting the body physically in various ways. In fact, it is known to be a physical sign that is expressed in various diseases. One or more areas of the body get affected by this where to occur contractures that are non-progressive in nature. It is…
Introduction Vatarakta refers to “Gout” (joint inflammation caused by uric acid where crystals get deposited in the joint space). Vatarakta is made up of two words – Vata & Rakta. Vata- It is the king among doshas without which no disease may take place. Rakta- It is also a very important dhatu which gives nutrition to each and everybody tissues…
Uric acid is a chemical created when the body breaks down substances called purines. Purines are nitrogen-containing compounds which are either made inside the cells of our body or come from foods. Most uric acid dissolves in the blood and travels to the kidneys and gets flushed out in urine. If the body produces too much uric acid, it gets…
A painful metabolic, that’s what Gout is, it emerges from the inflammation and when uric acid settles in the cartilages of the joints. It begins from the toes, making it swell and if ignored it spreads to ankles, knees, wrists, elbow and all the joints of hand and feet. It causes an acute pain that is unbearable, causing discomfort and…
What is Uric Acid? It is a heterocyclic compound of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen. It is a normal component of urine. But its high concentration can lead to gout, kidney stones and many other medical condition like diabetes. Normal Uric Acid Levels of Males and Females are Men- 3.4-7.0 mg/dl Women- 2.4-6.0 mg/dl But these values may also vary…
Gout is type of arthritis resulting due to presence of excessive uric acid. When this excessive uric acid solidifies it tends to settle in the bone joints resulting in severe pain, discomfort and inability to move freely. CAUSES OF GOUT There are many reasons for this condition Age plays a predominant factor. Diet high in purine foods. Physical inability and…