WORRIED OF DESMOID TUMOR The terms cancer or tumors are scary ghosts of common people. Whenever a person gets afflicted with such conditions the first thing that comes to their mind is chemotherapy and won’t be able to live life as normal as before but every disease has a stage at which it can be uprooted and can be gotten…
ORAL SUBMUCOUS FIBROSIS Wow! It was so yummy, my mouth is still watering, I want to have it more….This expression can only be experienced when you have a healthy mouth and are free from mouth ulcers or any other abnormalities. After all, food can only be tasted and enjoyed in our mouths. A condition that has been prevalent very frequently…
Among the many invading cancerous growths, India tops the world with maximum cases of oral cancer!! Cancer is no more the haunted name that many of us feared to take a few years ago. Gradually the fear revolting around cancer has diminished because of the increased surge in the population of people being succumbed to this ailment. According to the…
Abstract Everyone on this earth is busy making money from working hard in jobs or business and other things. But does anyone really care about their bodies? The fact is really important to understand that the body is the base of every emotion you have, every feeling you feel, every work you do and every thought you have. Not taking…
If you still believe that cervical cancer can be familiar, it’s high time you think about these myths! Cancer is no longer a new term in our society; it can become as common as jaundice or maybe even more. Among the many varieties of them, cervical cancer is very common in women of reproductive age. Women in the age 35…
What is an Adenoma A few adenomas develop from epithelial tissue in non glandular regions yet express glandular tissue structure (as can occur in familial polyposis coli). In spite of the fact that adenomas are harmless, they ought to be treated as pre-carcinogenic. Over the long haul adenomas might change to become dangerous, so, all in all they are called…
Abstarct Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) was formerly known as oat cell carcinoma. Due to the differences in biological and clinical characteristics SCLC is different from other non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLC). SCLC is a less common one as compared to later. SCLC is an aggressive form of cancer as compared to the NSCLC as the cancerous cells in the…
Abstract Vulvar cancer is a condition of the outermost part of the female reproductive system. It can be very uncomfortable and painful if symptoms are ignored until the condition has progressed to a dangerous stage. Symptoms, causes, diagnostic procedure and risk factors are described followed by herbal remedies provided by Planet Ayurveda. Introduction Vulvar cancer is described as a type…
Abstract Testicular microlithiasis is an unusual condition that is generally diagnosed on a follow up ultrasound of testis or scrotum. In this condition small clusters of calcium are deposited around both of the testicles. In many cases the diagnosis was made accidently while the ultrasound was done for some other reasons like swelling, pain, discomfort and infertility. Even some healthy…
Abstract The stomach is a muscular organ that is located on the left side of our upper abdomen. The stomach is responsible for receiving food from the esophagus. It functions as a vital digestive organ and involves the second phase of digestion. The digestion is performed by the chemical breakdown with the help of hydrochloric acid and enzymes. In humans,…