ABSTRACT Diabetes is a common, rapid growing condition which we can find very often with an incidence of 6.2 per 1000 adults. In the current situation there are Approximately 25.2 million cases of diabetes in India. Diabetes comes under the endocrine disorders which is a chronic (Long lasting) Condition, but it can be managed easily. In this article we will…
ABSTRACT Insulin resistance is a condition that is complex in nature in which the body of the patient does not respond to insulin as it should. Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas which is essential for regulation of the level of blood sugar. Certain lifestyle factors and genetic factors can cause insulin resistance. Prediabetes is a condition when…
Abstract Diabetes is a very common condition these days and it is gaining more and more roots in our society. The condition starts from dying Beta cells of the pancreas or developing resistance against insulin. The resistance against insulin generally develops in almost all the cells of the body. Thus production of more and more insulin and in the first…
मकोय के पौधे को अनेक जगहों पर देखा जा सकता है परन्तु इसके औषधीय गुणों के बारे में जानकारी न होने के कारण लोग इस पौधे का फायदा नहीं उठा पाते । मकोय पौधे का परिचय इस औषधीय पौधे की पत्तियां मिर्च के पत्तों के समान होती हैं यह लाभकारी पौधा पूरा साल फल और फूलों से भरपूर रहता है…
DIABETES:- Also Called diabetes mellitus. When blood contains a high amount of sugar level in it ( high blood glucose) for a long period of time, it is known as diabetes. It’s mainly a disease of the pancreas that produces hormone insulin which helps in absorption of the sugar in the cells. According to Ayurveda Madhumeh is a term used…