Abstract Male reproductive system is a complex system containing a number of organs. Prostate being an important gland of the reproductive system helps making of the semen. Prostate releases an enzyme which further converts testosterone into dihydrotesterone (DHT). This is an important hormone required for the development of secondary sex characteristics in males. Oftentimes, the prostate gland, with age, becomes…
ABSTRACT In males, the prostate gland is the major site of medical problems. The largest accessory sex gland of males is muscular-glycular and secretes alkaline fluid, which constitutes 20–30% of seminal fluid. Prostate problems increase more rapidly with age. In fact, in young males, prostate cancer is diagnosed at high rates. It might be due to lifestyle and other environmental…
ABSTRACT Worldwide increase in male health abnormalities can be seen with increase in infertility rate and there is very less awareness about the problems which is making it very challenging to address. The lifestyle factors like smoking and abuse of drugs, Fast food, Use of preservatives and chemical substances in food and malnutrition is impacting male health world wide and…
Abstract Viagra or sildenafil is consumed extensively worldwide for penile erection during inter course. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a multifaceted condition which affects males and it is a recurring inability to attain and maintain an erection sufficient for the intercourse. The side effects of Viagra (sildenafil) are very common. Pretentious fall in blood pressure and myocardial infarction (MI /heart attack)…
ABSTRACT The prostate is the small gland of the male reproductive system and helps ejaculate the semen (whitish grey) colour fluid from Penis. This whitish-grey colour fluid contains various enzymes, zinc and Citric acid which help in nourishing the sperm cells and lubricating the urethra. The prostate has 5 lobes- Anterior, Posterior, 2 lateral lobes and 1 lobe on the…
ABSTRACT In the human body the central nervous system plays the role of control unit and controls all nerve actions and reflex actions. Brain and spinal cord together processes the nerve impulses and also regulates emotions, communication, response, sensation, memory. Brain does the processing part and CNS does the communication network job. In case of any nerve damage or any…
ABSTRACT In past few decades it is observed that around 55% of patients above the age of 50yrs are facing problems related to prostate gland. Due to more protein and toxins in regular diet prostatitis is common. It has been noticed if patients have a past history of any problem related to uric acid those people are more likely to…
Abstract Chlamydia includes a small group of Gram-negative bacteria, which are intracellular bacteria that live between bacteria and viruses. It is now clear that viruses previously classified as viruses are related to viruses and are susceptible to antibiotics. Viruses contain virus-type cell walls, RNA and DNA, reproduce by division, and contain metabolic enzyme systems necessary for survival. However, they cannot…
Abstract Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted illness brought on by the chlamydia trachomatis bacteria. Early stages of chlamydia are symptom-free, but if ignored, it can cause serious or long lasting consequences, such as proctitis and urethritis in both men and women, as well as infertility in females. Chlamydia can infect either male or females, although it has been established…
Abstract Abdominal Cocoon Syndrome is a rare condition of bowel obstruction. It can occur in males and females but most commonly occurs among young adolescent girls of tropical and subtropical regions. The syndrome is not yet clearly known but is assumed to be due to peritoneal irritation. Through this article, you will get to know various causes, symptoms, and Ayurvedic…