Abstract Prostate is an important gland in males body. Prostate is a complex whose functioning is to produce the fluid that is responsible for the nourishment and transportation of sperm and this fluid is called seminal fluid. In old age, or due to certain types of conditions like early onset of diabetes or cancer is responsible for overgrowth of the…
Abstract Blood is flowing through our circulating system which helps in transporting oxygen, nutrients, and water from cells to other parts of the body. The first journey starts and ends from the heart but there are many blood vessels reaching the vital spot. If you lay out the blood vessels then they will stretch up to 60,000 miles. There are…
ABSTRACT Chronic pelvic pain syndrome and prostatitis are the chronic and long term ailments which affect the men and are usually considered as difficult to treat. This difficulty in treatment is due to lack of sufficient understanding of this condition. It causes urinary trouble, pain, sexual dysfunction and reduction in quality of life. Chronic pelvic pain syndrome and prostatitis are…
Abstract Adequate amount of fluid & electrolyte balance plays a key role in maintaining homeostasis in the body, and it also plays a beneficial role in protecting the normal cellular functions, acid-base balance and tissue perfusion. Electrolytes are one of the major components of the body that helps in sustaining the body’s blood chemistry, muscle action and other processes in…
Abstract Muscle pain or myalgia is very common nowadays and almost everyone experiences discomfort around their muscles. This type of pain can be experienced anywhere in the body but when this condition becomes chronic it gives rise to a condition called Polymyalgia Rheumatica. It is mainly characterized by myalgia in the proximal regions especially hip and shoulder girdles. Almost 15…
Abstract As we age it’s harder to maintain weight and much harder to build muscles. Nowadays teenagers and young adults including both Men and Women want to have an attractive body with strong muscles. We all know that proteins are one of the important sources of nutrients that help us in building muscles and make them stronger. In order to…
Abstract Thymus, lymph nodes, bone marrow and other such organs, processes and glands of the body provide strength to the body and provide resistance for toxins and infections. This ability of the body is termed as immunity and the system responsible for maintaining this immunity is known as the immune system. But due to some hereditary or acquired causes this…
Abstract The main metabolism of food takes place in the stomach and small intestine. There are four parts of the stomach namely cardia, fundus body and antrum. The cardia is the part of the stomach which connects stomach with the esophagus, fundus is rounded area next to the cardia, then the body is the largest part of the stomach that…
Abstract Due to the improper handling during sports activities the prevalence of active sports injury has been increased to a great extent. One such very common injury is an ACL tear. Besides sports injuries there are also various other causes of this tear. Ayurvedic treatment modalities have shown great results in such minor injuries. Various panchakarma therapies and herbal formulations…
Abstract In this article our main focus is on the meralgia paresthetica, a neurological ailment. It is a disorder that occurs due to nerve compression which might be due to our reckless behaviour or sometime due to the injury to underlying structures that will put pressure on the nerve. The tridosha theory (three principle energies of our body vata, pitta…