Ayurvedic Treatment For Cauda Equina Syndrome in Dogs
Dogs are such lovely pets who are there for you every time even when people are not available in some situations. They provide you emotional support, unconditional love, cosy cuddles when you are alone. Most of the people are facing a lot of depression issues but those who are having pets are mostly free of all such issues like depression, anxiety and other neuro issues. The persons who are having dogs live a long life as dogs reduce stress and make them safe from heart health issues. So if they are providing you such safety, why can’t you provide them with great health. Cauda equina syndrome in dogs is characterized with the narrowing of the vertebral canal that results in the compression of nerve roots of the spine. It usually occurs in the space between the tailbone starting and last lumbar vertebrae. In further study we are going to discuss all about cauda-equina syndrome in dogs along with that we are going to discuss ayurvedic management of the same and treatment choice by planet ayurveda with their herbal remedies.
Cauda equina is a term that comes from the word horse’s tail. Actually cauda equina refers to the bunch of nerve roots at the lower end of the spinal cord. This is called a horse’s tail as at the level of the cauda equina spinal cord does not remain as a tubular structure here it appears like a horse’s tail because of the collection of large nerves. Cauda equina syndrome in dogs is characterized by narrowing of vertebral canal that can result in the narrowing of nerve roots of the spine at the level of cauda equina. The main cause is compression of the nerves root at the level of cauda equina.
Sign and Symptoms of Cauda Equina Syndrome in Dogs
- Inflammation of the nerve roots
- Tenderness over the area of cauda equina (pain while touching)
- No pressure tolerance
- Difficulty in rising up from sitting position
- When tail is lifted immediately dog may fall on their knees
- Weakness in legs
- Fecal incontinence
- Urinary incontinence
- Later on disc may rupture and dog may become paralysed
Causes of Cauda Equina Syndrome in Dogs
As we studied earlier there is a pressure on the nerve roots at the level of cauda equina, following are certain factors that can affect dogs and cause cauda equina syndrome:
- Spina bifida- congenital anomaly (in this spine and spinal cord not formed properly)
- Trauma leading fractures and dislocation
- Infection
- Tumors or cyst at the site of cauda equina
Diagnosis of Cauda Equina Syndrome in Dogs
First step is to do a neurologic examination and also along with that doctor have to examine the gait of the dog or to diagnose if there is any kind of tenderness and inflammation at the site of cauda equina. Also have to notice if the dog is facing any kind of difficulty in rising up from the sitting position. Anal muscle tones are also being tested. Radiographic tests are also to be done for diagnosing any kind of abnormality in the vertebra, infection or tumors at the site of cauda equina. Last step and the final confirmation test is MRI and CT.
Ayurvedic View
Ayurveda is also promoting pashu chikitsa nowadays. Most of the people are facing a lot of depression issues but those who are having pets are mostly free of all such issues like depression, anxiety and other neuro issues. Dogs are such lovely pets who are there for you every time even when people are not available in some situations. They provide you emotional support, unconditional love, cosy cuddles when you are alone. So if they are providing us too much care then why are we not taking care of them. So we have to take care of our dogs. Besides this the cauda equina syndrome is considered under vata vyadhi as it is related to neurological issues. So we have to balance vata dosha for promoting the safe health of dogs in cauda equina syndrome.
Ayurvedic Management of Cauda Equina Syndrome by Planet Ayurveda
Planet Ayurveda is serving humanity as well as animals as they are a part of human’s life. Animals are more caring than our family members, even if we are alone no human being is with us but our pet is always with us to console us when we are feeling depressed and low. So as they are taking care of us we must have to take care of their health also. Here planet Ayurveda is promoting animal health with their herbal remedies. All these herbal remedies for animals are safe as they are free from any kind of additives and preservatives. So feel free to cure your pet with these herbal remedies. Planet ayurveda aids with four herbal remedies for curing cauda equina syndrome in dogs.
- Neuro Plan Syrup
- Brahmi Capsules
- Ashwagandha Capsules
- Vrihat Vatchintamani Ras
Product’s Description
1. Neuro Plan Syrup
This herbal remedy is present in syrup form and includes several ingredients like brahmi (bacopa monnieri), mandukaparni (Centella asiatica), shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis ), jyotishmati (Celastrus paniculatus), ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) and some other herbs. It includes herbs that are known as medhya rasayana (improve memory and intellectual power) so it also shows nootropic effect. It also includes brahmi (bacopa monnieri), it has very effective antioxidant properties that helps in curing and preventing degenerative changes. So this syrup is planned to be given in this condition.
Dosage: 10 ml twice daily with meals.
2. Brahmi Capsules
This herbal remedy is a single herb formulation. It includes standardised extract of brahmi (bacopa monnieri). Brahmi is very effective in promoting health in cauda equina syndrome due to its nootropic properties. As well as it helps in preventing the degenerative changes in case of cauda equina syndrome.
Dosage: 2 capsules twice daily with meals.
3. Ashwagandha Capsules
This is also a single herb formulation which includes standardised extract of ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). Ashwagandha is great ayurvedic rejuvenator that helps in preventing the deterioration of nerve cells and even promotes the ACH levels and dopamine levels in the body as both of these are neurotransmitters that helps in nerve conduction which further improves the functioning of the motor system. By these benefits of ashwagandha capsules dogs are able to rise up on their own as well as their walking ability also get improved.
Dosage: 1 capsules twice daily with meals.
4. Vrihat Vatchintamani Ras
This is an ayurvedic classical formulation. This formulation is made up of several herbs like- swarna bhasma (calx of gold), rajata bhasma (calx of silver), abhrak bhasma (calx of mica), loha bhasma (calx of iron), pravala bhasma (calx of coral), mukta bhasma (calx of pearl) and few other ingredients. As we read earlier that vata imbalance is the main cause of cauda equina syndrome and it is necessary to balance vata to cure cauda equina syndrome. Vrihat vatchintamani ras helps in alleviating vata dosha as its all ingredients together act as vata pacifiers.
Dosage: 1 tablet twice daily with meals.
Dogs are such lovely pets who are there for you every time even when people are not available in some situations. They provide you emotional support, unconditional love, cosy cuddles when you are alone. Ayurveda is promoting pashu chikitsa through which planet Ayurveda also gives treatment to animals. Cauda equina syndrome in dogs is characterised with the narrowing of the vertebral canal that results in the compression of nerve roots of the spine. It usually occurs in the space between the tailbone starting and last lumbar vertebrae. There is no exact cause of this condition, which usually occurs due to compression of the nerves root at the level of cauda equina. In this article we mentioned all about cauda equina syndrome and its ayurvedic management by planet ayurveda. Must provide health care to animals they are very precious for us. In case of any query kindly visit www.PlanetAyurveda.com. For more queries, you can send your queries to our email id herbalremedies123@yahoo.com.