Natural Cure For Cervical Lumbar Spondylosis
Spondylosis refers to the degenerative changes that gradually develop in the spine due to wear and tear of joints. As the body ages the intervertebral disc starts losing its fluid which tends to keep the movement of spine friction free. The reduction of this fluid results in the collapsing of disc height thus shows other degenerative changes like thickening and stiffening of cartilage and wearing away of cartilage that surrounds the facet joint. In this article we will discuss mainly about cervical spondylosis, cervico lumbar form of spondylosis that affects cervical and lumbar regionsof spine and hence the appearance of symptoms takes place. Along with explanation of their causes, symptoms, ayurvedic aspect with treatment is also mentioned.

The word spondylosis comes from a greek word which means vertebrae. Vertebrae are divided into cervical vertebrae, thoracic vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae and sacrum which consist of five segments that are fused together. The spondylosis is capable of affecting any part of the spine but most commonly it affects cervical vertebrae and lumbar vertebrae. These two segments can be individually affected but if these are affected at the same time then the situation is called as cervicolumbar spondylosis. Such conditions will produce bone spurs (osteoarthritis) in both of the vertebrae and appearance of symptoms will be noticed simultaneously.
Causes For Cervical & Lumbar Spondylosis
Cervical and lumbar both types of the vertebrae are prone to wear and tear with time or age. But still there are specific factors that can be the reason for the appearance of this condition.
- Age: Old Age can be a justified reason for the onset of this condition. With age generally the shock absorbing padlike cushion packed inside a disc can get dry thus increasing the friction between vertebrae.
- Disc herniation due to cracks or leakage.
- Injury to neck or lower back may accelerate the degradation process.
- Ligament stiffness due to compression or injury
- Overuse of cervical or lumbar vertebrae due to certain habits or work postures.
- Recurrently lifting heavy weight on head or on back.
- Autoimmune: Metabolic alterations causing bone degradation affecting mainly spine.
- Spondylitis: Inflammation in this case can also increase the rate of degeneration.
Ayurveda suggests some different reasons for the onset of this disease
- Due to rough, cold, little and light food
- Excessive coitus or vigils
- Wrong therapeutic management
- Excessive elimination of impurity
- Excessive movements
- Increased imaciation due to anxiety
- Grief or illness
- Uncomfortable bed or seat or posture (recurrent exposure)
- Anger
- Day sleep
- Suppression of urges
- Injury to vital parts and falling down from vehicles
These all result in aggravation of vata dosha and thus appearance of symptoms takes place.
Symptoms of Cervical Lumbar Spondylosis
The symptoms are present according to the site. The cervical area may present with stiffness, pain in neck that is radiating to shoulder and arm, tingling sensation in hands along with difficulty in grasping objects. Moreover, a person may develop stiff neck, inability to tilt their neck backwards, pain that increases while standing, sitting, coughing and sneezing.
Lumbar area presents with stiffness, physical pain, difficulty in walking, inability to bend forward, nerve root compression resulting in radiating pain towards the lower leg and even numbness of toes can be present. In later stages it can result in disc herniation, difficulty in standing and sitting.
Visualizing through Ayurvedic lenses this condition will be present with pricking pain in both neck and lower back, stiffness, difficulty in movement, dryness in body, muscle constrictions, tingling sensation in hands and feet.
Risk Factors
- Increasing age
- Injury to neck or lower back
- People With heavy physical activity
- Genetically transferred
- Presence of osteoarthritis of knee
- People with Diabetes mellitus
- Systemic autoimmune conditions
- Depression
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showing pinched nerves and every part of spine including facet joints, nerves, ligaments and vertebrae.
- CT (Computed tomography) visualized the spine a little less than MRI.
- X-ray shows presence of osteophytes and thinning of intervertebral space.
Over the counter treatment won’t work. Modern practitioners generally prescribe their patients with non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs, intra articular steroid injections and some muscle relaxants. If nothing works, surgery is generally preferred.
In home treatments hot compressions, regular exercise, using soft bed and neck collar can be preferred.
In Ayurvedic contexts the treatment for spondylosis weather cervical or lumbar is considered the same. Spondylosis is the result of vata prakopa and the treatment works on this behalf.
Sneha karma (both internal and external), swedna (potli sweda which is the type of nragni sweda) and basti (greeva basti or kati basti) are commonly used. Some classical formulations are also prescribed which includes yograj guggul, mahayograj guggul, vatagajankush rasa, vata chintamani rasa, mash tail for application and internal use also.
Herbal Remedies for Cervicolumbar Spondylosis by Planet Ayurveda
Planet Ayurveda which is an herbal manufacturing unit and deals with the production of herbal products also produce some formulations which can be used in this condition. This is the shaman chikitsa as described in Ayurvedic contexts. Following are the products which are being given for the management of cervical lumbar spondylosis.
- Yograj Guggul
- Hakam Churna
- Joint Aid Plus
- Boswellia Curcumin
- Orthovita Oil
- Triphala Guggul

Products Description
1. Yograj Guggul
This is a classical formulation that contains amalaki (Emblica officinalis), baheda (Terminalia bellirica), haritaki (Terminalia chebula), pippali (Piper longum), ginger (Zingiber officinale) and many others. This formulation is very much effective in vata pacification and hence helps in reduction of many symptoms involving pricking pain, inflammation, tingling sensation and some postural symptoms. Yograj guggul is a formulation of choice in this condition.
Dose: Two tablets twice a day after meals.
2. Hakam Churna
Hakam churanChurna is a formulation that has herbs like chandershoor (Lepidium sativum), kalonji (Nigella sativa), Methi (Trigonella foenum graceum) and ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi). These four herbs are very much potent and work by reducing spasm. It balances vata and retrieves normal digestion. This formulation is very much useful in painful joints, stiff joints and back ache. It is the tridosic rasayan.
Dose: One teaspoon twice daily.
3. Boswellia Curcumin
It is a formulation that contains shallaki (Boswellia serrata) and curcumin (Curcuma longa). Boswellia curcumin is a potent anti inflammatory combination, along with that helps in reducing stiffness, pain and even swelling over joints. This helps in improving movement of the affected part and promotes circulation.
Dose: Two capsules twice a day after meals.
4. Joint Aid Plus
Joint aid plus capsules are the combination of very effective and essential herbs like Nirgundi (Vitex negundo), shallaki (Boswellia serrata), guggul (Commiphora mukul) and others. It is an excellent alternative for painkillers, reduces inflammation and also helps in improvement of joint health. Nirgundi is very well known to reduce chronic inflammation or pain.
Dose: Two capsules twice a day after meals.
5. Orthovita Oil
Ortho vita oil is manufactured by mixing shul gajendra, tail tarpon, gandhpoom and few others. These act in a very good way and restores joint mobility, relieves pain, reduces the process of degeneration, and increases the lubrication between joints.
How to apply: Apply locally and massage for 2 to 3 minutes. Then wrap it with hot cloth for 1-2 hours.
6. Triphala Guggul
Triphala guggul is a classical ayurvedic formulation prepared using the main ingredients like haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Vibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) and Guggul (Commiphora mukul). Triphala is an amazing rejuvenator and is well known for its tridosha shamak properties and the Guggul also possess vatnashak properties. Hence, this tablet preparation acts as a wonderful dietary supplement for patients with joint disorders.
Dose: 1 tablet two times a day with warm water, after meals.
As mentioned above this condition is the result of aggravated vata which has the potential of producing many symptoms. Due to nowadays lifestyle these degenerative changes can develop at any age and thus even the mild symptoms should not be ignored. The products offered by Planet Ayurveda are very much effective in this condition and in addition do not cause any side effects. These products are made using standardized extract of herbs and hence give desirable results. In case of any query kindly visit