Cervicitis Treatment with Herbal Remedies


Inflammations of the cervix are extremely common and are present, to some extent, in virtually every multipara. The term cervicitis is reserved to infection of the endocervix including the glands and the stroma. The infection may be acute or chronic. It is caused by various kinds of bacteria like gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital herpes, ureaplasma, trichomoniasis, mycoplasma etc. passed during sexual intercourse. The endocervical infection usually follows childbirth, abortion or any operation on the cervix. The organisms gain entry into the glands of the endocervix and produce acute inflammatory changes. The infection may be localized or spread upwards to involve the tube or sideward involving the parametrium.



Cervicitis is an inflammatory condition that means inflamed or swelling tissues of the cervix, the lower part of the uterus opens into the vagina. They are caused by a variety of bacteria, many of which compose the normal flora of the vagina. This form of banal inflammation is referred to as nonspecific cervicitis.

Etiology and pathogenesis

Despite its commonplace occurrence, few data have been accumulated on the precise causes of this disorder. Specific infections by gonococci, trichomonas vaginalis, candida albicans, and herpes are clearly responsible for many cases of either acute or chronic cervicitis. However, the most commonly identified organisms are streptococci, enterococci, E.coli, and a variety of staphylococci. The vagina and the cervix normally contain a mixed flora that includes similar organisms. Predisposing causes to infection must then be sought. Trauma of childbirth, instrumentation in the course of gynecologic treatment, hyperestrinism, hypoestrinism, intercourse, excessive secretion of the cervical glands, high alkalinity of the cervical mucus, and congenital eversion of the endocervical mucosa have all been cited as predisposing influences.


  • Infection like- gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital herpes, ureaplasma, trichomoniasis, mycoplasma etc are passed through sexually
  • Physical and chemical irritation like tampons, intrauterine devices or pessaries.
  • Allergies to certain chemicals like douches, spermicides or latex rubber of condom.
  • Infected area may be swollen, redness, pus and ooze mucus.


  • Painful and frequent urination
  • Pain during the sexual intercourse
  • Excessive mucopurulent vaginal discharge
  • Bleeding after have sexual intercourse
  • Pelvic pain
  • Abdominal pain
  • Fever

On examination

The cervix is tender to touch or during movement

  • Cervix looks edematous and congested
  • Speculum examination reveals:-Mucopurulent discharge is seen escaping out through the external os. There may be enlargement, congestion or ectropion of the cervix. Associated erosion may be present.

Risk factors

  • Have had an sexually transmitted infection
  • Had sex without protection
  • Are under 25 years of age and are having sex
  • Have more than 1 sex partner
  • Douching- can push bacteria into the cervix and cause infection
  • Having an intrauterine device in situ


  • Speculum examination:- Mucopurulent discharge is seen escaping out through the external os.
  • Pelvic examination
  • Specimen collection from vaginal and cervical fluid


  • Antibiotics
  • Topical medications

Ayurvedic overview

In ayurveda, cervicitis can be closely related to agantuj vyadhi and vitiation of kapha dosha. Agantuj vyadhi are that are caused due to external factors like bacteria, virus, air, water, injury by stone, stick, weapons, effects of toxins and poison, or toxins, or other external factors e.g. ulcers, wounds. In these vyadhi (disease) dosha are involved later. Vitiation of kapha dosha

कफो अभिष्यन्दिभिर्वृद्धो योनि चेददूषयेत स्त्रिया:। स कुर्यात पिच्छिलां शीतां कण्डु ग्रस्ताल्पवेदनाम।। (च. चि . 30/13)

According to above shloka:- If kapha aggravated by channel-blocking things affect the genital tract of woman, it makes the track as slimy, cold, itching, with mild pain and pale and menstrual flow as pale and slimy. When a woman excessively uses all the rasas, all the three doshas located in genital tract and uterus produce their symptoms there. Thus the tract suffers from pain and has discharge as white and slimy.

Ayurvedic samprapti/pathogenesis

When the organism enters the cervix the doshas get vitiated which leads to further vitiation of rakta (blood), mamsa (tissues), and other dhatus and produce symptoms.

Ayurvedic sign and symptoms of cervicitis

  • Lower abdominal pain- kukshi shula
  • Vaginal discharge- yoni srava
  • Weakness- ksheena
  • Bleeding during periods- atiartava

Ayurvedic treatment

We can manage this disease with local procedures like

Yoni-prakshalana (Washing the affected area)

It is very necessary to wash the vaginal area and vulval area with effective herbal decoctions because it inhibits the bacterial growth.

Yoni-dhoopan (Fumigation the affected area)

In this procedure we fumigate the vaginal part or affected area with effective herbal fumes because they are antiseptic which kills the bacteria.

Yoni-pratisarana (Powdered the affected area)

In this procedure we simply powdered the affected area with effective finely powdered herbs.

Yoni-pichu (Tampons)

In this procedure we use a tampon or cotton swab with medicated ghee or oil that takes place inside the vagina for a specific time period.

Uttara Vasti (Enema introduced into vaginal tract)

In this procedure liquid medicines are introduced inside the vaginal or urethral route for a limited time period.

Herbal remedies for cervicitis by planet ayurveda

Planet Ayurveda provides various kinds of herbal medicines which are formed from natural and effective herbs which have high efficacy. Planet ayurveda has strictly followed all the principles of ayurveda which are described in ancient textbooks of ayurveda. All the herbal medicines are GMP certified and 100 % vegetarian. These are effective and safe for the human body. There are no additives, preservatives, chemicals, or yeast and no side effects. The planet ayurveda provides herbal remedies for pelvic inflammatory disease which are following

Product List

  1. Kaishore guggul
  2. Female health support
  3. Boswellia+Curcumin
  4. Femo plan syrup
  5. Luco plan syrup
Herbal Remedies For CervicitisHerbal Remedies for Cervicitis

1. Kaishore guggul

It is a herbal tablets made from amalaki (emblica officinalis), bibhitaki (terminalia bellirica), guggul (commiphora mukul), guduchi (tinospora cordifolia) etc. It is bitter and astringent in taste and heavy, unctuous and hot in effect. It pacifies all the three doshas. It helps to protect from diseases and also keeps away manifestations of premature old age. It prevents recurring infections of the urinary tract. It is also an immuno-modulator, a rejuvenator, an antioxidant, and a restorative tonic. It is healer of wounds, antibacterial, antifungal and antipyretic. It is a booster for all physiological systems of the body. It helps in healing the ulcers. It is effective in burning micturation. It is anti-inflammatory as well as anti-lipemic.

DOSE:- 2 Tablets twice daily with lukewarm water

2. Female health support

It is a polyherbal capsule containing ashoka (Saraca indica), lodhra (Symplocos racemosa) and shatavari (Asparagus racemosus). It is astringent and bitter in taste and dry and light in effect. It is used mostly in gynecological problems. It is effective in uterine bleeding and menstrual disturbances without producing any side effects. Its effect on the ovarian tissue may produce an estrogen like activity that enhances the repair of the endometrium and stops bleeding. It provides immense relief from painful menses, the premenstrual syndrome and non-specific white discharge. It nourishes and cleanses the female reproductive system. It maintains the hormonal balance and helps for a trouble free menopause. It allays many of the post hysterectomy problems also. It is very useful in vitalizing male reproductive system. It helps to increase the sperm count. It is used in acidity, hypertension, migraine, inflammation of urinary bladder and problems arising due from malnutrition and general debility.

DOSE:- 1 Capsule twice daily with plain water after meals

3. Boswellia+Curcumin

It is a polyherbal capsule made from shallaki (Boswellia serrata) and haridra (curcuma longa). It is bitter and pungent in taste and dry, light and hot in effect. It alleviates kapha and vata. It has anti-inflammatory features which stops the cytokines secretion and reduces inflammation or swelling. It has an antioxidant property which protects brain neurons and reduces the wrinkles on skin. It purifies the blood and helps in blood formation in the body. It is used in various diseases like acne, blemishes, burns, auto-immune disorders and liver diseases. It also applies on cuts and bruises because it is a natural antibiotic. It prevents colon and skin tumors. It is known as antibacterial, anti-allergic, carminative and diuretic medicine. It is an effective remedy for sprains, wounds and inflamed joints.

DOSE:- 1 capsule twice daily, after meals with plain water.

4. Femo plan syrup

It is a herbal syrup made from bilva (Aegle marmelos), ashoka (Saraca indica), shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), etc. It is astringent and bitter in taste and dry, light and cold in effect. It is a pacifier of all the three doshas-mainly kapha and vata. It contains pectin, sugar, tannic acid, potassium, sodium compounds, phosphates of lime and iron, calcium, magnesium and silica etc. It calms the mind, it is a very good medicine for reducing the effects of stress and nervous anxiety. It is antipyretic, digestive, laxative and anti-diabetic. It is used for chronic inflammatory conditions and many gynecological problems. It is used in uterine bleeding associated with fibroids and the treatment of leucorrhoea. It also helps in maintaining normal pregnancy and is generally recommended to women with a history of recurrent abortions.

DOSE:- 2 Tsp twice daily

5. Luco plan syrup

It is a herbal syrup containing ashoka (Saraca indica), lodhra (Symplocos racemosa), neem (Azadirachta indica), aamra (Mangifera indica), etc. It is bitter and astringent in taste and light and cold in effect. It allays all the three doshas vata, pitta and kapha. It is antipyretic, anti diabetic, carminative and antibacterial. It is useful in itching and excessive perspiration. It has very good results in stimulating endometrium and ovarian tissues. It is a killer of abdominal worms. It is effective in uterine inflammations and other female disorders like white discharge, leucorrhoea and excessive menstruation. It is indicated for emaciation, anemia, liver and spleen diseases and also in general weakness. It also helps those patients who report excessive palpitation due to anxiety. It promotes vitality and general health in heart patients.

DOSE:- 2 Tsp twice daily

Contact Planet Ayurveda Support Team to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at – costing.planetayurveda@gmail.com or Call at 0172-521-4030 (India), +91-172-521-4030 (Outside India) or Whatsapp at (+91) 9915-593-604


Cervicitis is an inflammatory disease which is caused by bacteria. In ayurveda, it is closely correlated with agantuj vyadhi and vitiated kapha dosha. We can manage this disease in ayurveda by various herbs like mango, neem, guggul, lodhra, shatavari, arjuna, shilajit, boswellia, ashoka, amla etc which are very effective in inflammatory conditions. Herbal medicines like kaishore guggul, female health support, leucoplan syrup etc are wonderful in such disease and provide strength to the body and fight against causative agents.

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Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD-Ayurvedic Medicine) is an expert Ayurveda consultant in Chandigarh (India). He has vast experience of herbs and their applied uses. He has successfully treated numerous patients suffering from various ailments, throughout the world. He is CEO and Founder of Krishna Herbal Company and Planet Ayurveda in Chandigarh, India. He researched age old formulas from ancient Ayurvedic text books to restore health and save human beings from the worst side-effects of chemical-based treatments.