Comprehensive Management of Joint Disorders: Ayurvedic and Modern Approaches
Human body is made up of different systems. One of these symptoms is the skeletal system which consists of bones and joints. Every bone of our body is made up of a framework of a protein called collagen, with a mineral called calcium phosphate that makes the framework hard and strong. The joint is basically formed when two bones articulate. The joints allow the body to move. Most of our joints are synovial joints and contain synovial fluid as lubrication. Muscles and ligaments provide movement and stability.Joint disorders can be genetic or acquired . Nowadays, due to ill food habits and due to bad sitting and sleep posture people suffer from various bones and joints ailments. Such as Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Psoriatic arthritis, gout, fractures and many more. In this article we will discuss about management of joint ailments ayurvedic as well as modern in detail.
Joint disease, any of the diseases or injuries that affect human joints. Arthritis is the best known disease but there are many more. Like Juvenile Rheumatoid arthritis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) ,Osteomalacia, Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR), Trauma (Fracture and dislocation), Tennis elbow etc.Tumos like synovial sarcoma, fibrous histiocytoma. Inflammatory diseases like tenosynovitis and bursitis.Joints may have small cystic lesions i.e; ganglion . In Ayurveda, Joint disorders are named as Sandhigata vata (Osteoarthritis), Vata rakta (Gout), Aama vata(Rheumatoid arthritis),Ek kushtha( Psoriatic arthritis), Asthi bhagna(Fracture) and many more. Most of Joints ailments are covered in “Vata Vyadhi” and some of them are due to the formation of “aama”. Aama is an undigested substance in the body because of agnimandya.Some joint diseases are “sahaja” (congenital) such as spondylolysis.

Exact cause is unknown.
Joint diseases can be caused due to trauma, genetic influence, hormonal factors, immunological factors, psychological factors, or due to infections.
In Ayurveda, there is three types of nidaanas(causes)
● Samanya nidaana(general causes)
● Vishishta nidaana(specific causes)
● Anya nidaana(other)
Samanya nidaanas further differentiated as aahar janya nidaan(dietary causes) and vihaar janya nidaana(regimen related causes). Aahara janya nidaanas includes intake of dry, cold nature food, bitter, pungent, astringent taste food items. Vihaar janya nidaanas include fasting, fear, sleep during day time, excess of hard work, more exercises etc.
Vishishta nidaanas are suffering from chronic diseases, dhaatu kshaya, excess of aama formation, improper panchkarma procedures.
Anya ndaana includes every other causes which give rise to Joint disorders.
Symptoms And Diagnosis
For general joint disorders, symptoms like stiffness of joints, piercing type of pain in the bones and joints, delirium, lameness of one or both legs, dystrophy of organs, insomnia, numbness of the body, tearing pain and many more. (ch.chi. 28/20-23)
According to Acharya Sharangdhra, body ache, anorexia, excessive thirst, heaviness in the body, indigestion, fever, fatigue, oedema etc. (sha. Sa.pu 7/41)
In case of Rheumatoid arthritis – Initially patients complain of malaise,fatigue, low grade fever, joint stiffness. Gradually, joints become enlarged, tender, painful on motion and maybe red and warm. Eventually, ankylosis causes permanent loss of function.
In case of Osteoarthritis – Initially slight stiffness or decreased mobility. Gradually, the pain and disability are more protracted. Joints may have a restricted range of motion, small effusion, and the crepitus stiffness and decreased mobility of the fingers
Lab. investigations
● Complete blood count
● C-reactive protein
● A.S.L.O. Titre
● Radiographic evaluation
● RA factor
● Synovial fluid analysis
Joint disorders can be managed by taking proper rest to the affected part, taking steroids, regular exercises, controlled diet, taking NSAIDs, analgesics. Physiotherapy is of some help to keep joint moving and build up muscular strength.It can be treated surgically.
In Ayurveda, Classical formulations as
Vaatgajendra rasa, Aamvaateshvar rasa, Hritaki churna, Panchkola churna, Sanjeevani vati, Triphala loha, Yograj guggulu, Amritaadi guggulu, Erandaadi kwaatha, Punarnavarishta, Dashmoolarishta etc.
Planet Ayurveda which is a herbal manufacturing unit provides some of it’s most effective medications that can be used to manage the pulmonary thromboembolism very well. These medications are manufactured using various herbs and standardized extract of these potential herbs is included in the manufacturing. These herbs can work wonderfully in thinning the blood, dissolving the clot and also in detoxifying the body. The products offered are as follows:
Joint support pack

This pack includes –
Curcumin capsules
Bone support
Joint aid plus
Coral calcium complex
Curcumin Capsules : The classical single ingredient for this is Haridra extract-Curcumin (Curcuma longa)Planet Ayurveda’s Curcumin capsules(100% natural) contain standardized extract of 95% curcuminoids present in Turmeric. It is a very versatile herbal supplement that helps maintain a healthy body and mind.
Dose – Two capsules twice daily.
Bone support : Bone support capsule has natural calcium extracts. Each capsule contains standardized extract of ingredients like Shudh laksha(Laccifer lacca), Suhanjana beej( Moringa oleifera), Hadjod(Cissus quadrangularis) and many other herbs. It has natural calcium extracts obtained from the natural, herbal sources of calcium. These natural herbs provide bone strengthening properties and for improving calcium metabolism and deposition in the bones.
Dose – Two capsules twice daily.
Joint Aid plus ingredients : Joint aid plus is a unique combination of anti-arthritic herbs and also for moderate to severe inflammations, swelling and pain.This formulation is prepared from Nirgundi(Vitex negundo),Shallaki(Boswellia serrata) and various other herbs.
Dose – Two capsules twice daily.
Coral Calcium Complex : This is a natural calcium that keeps the bones and joints healthy. The ingredients used for the preparation of the capsules are Praval pishti(Coral compound), Kamdhudha ras(compound) and many other compounds.
Dose – One capsule twice daiy
Healthy joints pack
This pack contains following formulations:-
Bone support
Guggul capsules
Joint aid plus
Boswellia curcumin
Bone support : Bone support capsule has natural calcium extracts. Each capsule contains Standardized extract of ingredients like Shudh laksha(Laccifer lacca), Suhanjana beej( Moringa oleifera), Hadjod(Cissus quadrangularis) and many other herbs. It has natural calcium extracts obtained from the natural, herbal sources of calcium. These natural herbs provide bone Strengthening properties and for improving calcium metabolism and deposition in the bones.
Dose – Two capsules twice daily.
Guggul capsules : Guggul capsules are widely beneficial, having potential to maintain the strength of muscles and reduce pain in the body. It is proficient in relieving pain, swelling, inflammation and stiffness.
Dose – One capsule twice daily.
Joint aid plus : Joint Aid plus ingredients- Joint aid plus is a unique combination of anti-arthritic herbs and also for moderate to severe inflammations, swelling and pain.This formulation is prepared from Nirgundi(Vitex negundo),Shallaki(Boswellia serrata) and various other herbs.
Dose – Two capsules twice daily.
Boswellia curcumin : It is one of the most effective arthritis supplements. The results are long lasting and the anti-inflammatory effects are permanent. This formulation contains Curcumin (Curcuma longa) and Shallaki ( Boswellia serrata). This powerful combination of these two improves Joint health.
Two capsules twice daily.
Ailments like joint disorders are difficult to manage when a patient presents with severe symptoms. The products offered by Planet Ayurveda are very beneficial in managing joint diseases. They reduce the symptoms, and make bone and joints better.