
Are you aware that a number of diseases and health issues start in your stomach, intestines, and colon are all parts of the gastrointestinal system? It suggests that there is hope for a better life and more well-being if you maintain a healthy gut. Ayurvedic philosophy holds that what you digest, not what you consume, determines who you are. The source of all digestive fires in the body is the digestive fire (jatharagni) in the intestines. It should be handled carefully because it can change how the digestive fires in the tissue and elements behave. Today, we’ll talk about what the digestive fire, or concept of Agni, actually is, its causes and consequences, and what health issues to face due to low agni.



In Sanskrit, the word “Agni” refers to fire. Agni is the name of the fire god in Indian mythology, which might surprise you. It is a term used in Ayurveda to describe our body’s metabolic or digestive fire. This digestive fire is in charge of controlling body temperature, aiding in digestion, vitamin absorption, and assimilation in the stomach, and food is converted into energy. So, your unique digesting ability is determined by the Agni attribute. The internal intelligence force is known as agni. While it affects many bodily processes directly, It may also be the root of bodily diseases and imbalances. Agni can be hampered by a portion of poor food, unhealthy habits and unresolved emotional issues, which can then cause problems with the body’s systems.

Synonyms Of AGNI

  • Anala
  • Vahni
  • Tejas
  • Tejo Mahabhuta
  • Agni Tatva
  • Pawaka

Location (Sathana) Of Agni

The koshtha, or digestive system, contains the jatharagni. The bottom part of the duodenum and stomach is where the early digestive process is concentrated most often (Grahani). The layer known as the pittadhara kala, which governs the pitta dosha and mimics the jatharagni, is in charge of the digestion of the gross dietary ingredients by the body. The nabhi (umbilicus), or specified location in the abdomen for the agni, is the location of flame (jyoti sthana). Jatharagni resembles pittoshma, is situated in the Surya Mandala, the sun circle of the umbilicus and is the essential element for digestion.

Properties Of Agni

Agni has characteristics with Agni Mahabhuta. The following are these qualities:

  • Ushna (Hot)
  • Sukshma (Subtle)
  • Teekshna (Sharp)
  • Ruksha (Dry)
  • Laghu (Light)
  • Vishada (Clear)
  • Rupa (Vision)

Agni And Pitta Dosha

Pitta dosha is the physical manifestation of agni. It is distinct from Pitta dosha, as evidenced by several sources. Agni can be thought of as being facilitated by the Pitta dosha.

The Function Of Natural Fire

The union of the human body, senses, mind and soul, the colours of white and black, the power, the body remaining healthy, the tendency to do difficult tasks, the confirmation and growth of the body, the brightness, the energy of all metals, the heat and semen of the body, the seven Dhatugnis and the five Bhutagnis and all the Pranas (the five Vayu or Agni, Soma, Vayu, Sattva, Raja, Tama, the five senses and the Bhutatma), these depend on the proper activity of the body-nourishing stomach fire because when the business of gastric fire stops, then a person dies and when the fire remains even and continues to run its business properly, then the creature remains healthy and lives for a long time and when the fire gets distorted and becomes slow, sharp or odd. If it happens, the person becomes sick. Therefore, fire is said to be the main reason for survival and achieving a strong and happy life.

13 Types Of Agni

13 different forms of Agni are categorized into the following three sizable categories in Ayurveda.


The major digestive fire, known as jatharagni, is situated in the small intestine and stomach. Food digestion is accomplished via it. This digestive fire has four different variations.

  • Vishama Agni: A high hunger is occasionally present in a person with Vishama Agni. And occasionally, a lack of appetite.
  • Teekshna Agni: Teekshna Agni is associated with increased appetite and digestion.
  • Manda Agni: Low digestion and hunger are characteristics of someone with Manda Agni.
  • Sama Agni: Sama Agni possesses the right capacity for digestion and hunger. In this situation, digestion happens when it should.


Ayurveda claims that the liver, which houses the digestive fire, is connected to the five fundamental ingredients in all foods. It promotes molecular metabolism and ensures sufficient nutrient absorption from the food you eat.

There is a digestive fire for each of the five elements:

  • Parthiva (Earth)
  • Apya (Water)
  • Tejas (Fire)
  • Vayavya (Wind)
  • Nabhasa (Sky)


The seven tissues (plasma, lymph, blood, muscle, fat, bones, bone marrow, and reproductive tissues) are digested by the fire of Dhatu Agni. Ayurvedic doctors claim that each tissue has its own fire, which is in charge of transformation and locating the required nutrients.

The following list includes the seven digestive fires in this category:

  • Rasa Agni
  • Rakta Agni
  • Mamsa Agni
  • Meda Agni
  • Asthi Agni
  • Majja Agni
  • Shukra Agni

Importance Of Jatharangi

अन्नस्य पक्त्ता सर्वेषां  पक्तृणामधिपो मतः। तन्मूलास्ते हि तद्वृद्धिक्षयवृद्धिक्षयात्मकः।।

तस्मात्तं विधिवद् युक्तैरन्नपानेन्धनै  पालयेत प्रयतस्तस्य स्थितौ ह्यायुर्बलस्थितिः।। (च. चि. १५/३९,४० )

Of all the three-fold fire in the body, the digestive fire that digests food is the master of all, because they also depend on it. Due to this, they also get strength and the increase or decrease of all those fires depends on the increase and decrease of the gastric fire. That is why, according to the ‘Aahar Vidhi Vidhan (Dietary Method)’, one should be careful about the use of healthy and balanced food and fuel in the form of drinks and follow Jathragni. Age, strength, colour, health, enthusiasm, growth, radiance etc. exist in the body only when there is proper condition of the digestive fire in the body.

Causes Of Agni Dushti (Agni Definciency)

The causes of agni deficiency are listed below.

Dietary Habits

  • Eating while experiencing dyspepsia (indigestion)
  • Prolonged starvation
  • Overeating
  • Irregular eating behavior
  • Consuming unhealthy food
  • High nutrient intake and heavy-digesting meal consumption
  • Consuming cold-quality food or either cold or frozen products
  • Food that is naturally dry or food that causes emaciation
  • Contaminated food
  • Excessive hydration

Iatrogenic Causes

  • The incorrect use of therapeutic oleation (Sneha), therapeutic emesis (Vamana) and expurgation (Virechana).
  • Anuvasana Basti (Intense enema) improperly administered

Psychological Causes

  • Consuming food when feeling anxious, sad, afraid, or angry

Other Causes

  • Disease-related body emaciation
  • Unexpected changes in the environment or relocation to an unsuitable location, time zone, or season
  • Restraining natural desires
  • Daytime naps

Consequences Of Low Digestive Fire

Anorexia and dyspepsia are the two main disorders that develop in the body when the agni is disturbed. Both an increase and a decline in agni are quite bad for our bodies. Agni that is disturbed upsets the cellular tissue, resulting in morbidity of the cellular tissue, tissue death, and toxin storage in our body. Toxins cause significant illness because they build up in the body. Numerous health issues might arise because of agni dushti, but Amalpitta, Ajirna, and Grahani dosha are the most frequent. Agni imbalance causes toxins (ama) to build up in our bodies, which causes dosha to a mass in various parts of the body. such as Pitta in the abdomen, Kapha in the colon, and Vata in the stomach.

Health Issues Due To Low Digestive Fire

Improper metabolism and digestion are caused by the vitiation of agni. It creates a harmful metabolic byproduct known as “ama visha.” This results in dyspepsia and accompanying clinical symptoms. If not treated right away, it causes gastrointestinal issues (grahani).

Vata Type Malfunction

  • Constipation
  • Gas
  • Colic pain
  • Gripping
  • Dry stools
  • Bloating abdomen
  • PMS
  • Dry skin or hair
  • Nervousness
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Food allergies

Pitta Type Malfunction

  • Burning in the stomach or abdomen
  • Loose stools
  • Ulcers
  • Inflamed intestines
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Skin inflammation
  • Burning eyes
  • Headaches that are light sensitive, aversion to heat
  • Frequent anger and frustration

Kapha Type Malfunction

  • Bloating in the stomach
  • Nausea
  • Congestion in the lungs or stomach
  • Feeling of heaviness
  • Desire to eat frequently
  • Difficulty in getting motivated
  • Aversion to damp and cold

Dipana Spices To Balance Agni And Digestion According To Constitution

The Vata type will find these spices beneficial:

  • Fennel
  • Cumin
  • Asafetida

The Pitta type will find these spices beneficial:

  • Cumin
  • Fennel
  • Coriander
  • Cardamom

The Kapha type will find these spices beneficial:

  • Ginger
  • Black Pepper
  • Fenugreek
  • Cumin

Food And Beverages To Kindle Agni

  • Manda (thin soup)
  • Lukewarm water
  • Curd
  • Ghee
  • Butter
  • Fresh ginger, powder of dried ginger
  • Lemon
  • Arishta (prepared from medicinal decoction)
  • Pakwaras (prepared from sugarcane juice)
  • Gauda (prepared from jaggery)
  • Sesame oil
  • Maricha (Black pepper)
  • Hingu (Asafoetida)
  • Saindhav Lavan (rock salt)

Medicinal Formulations

  • Chiktrak ghrita
  • Talisadi churna
  • Phalarishta
  • Dashamuladi ghrita
  • Panchamuladi ghrita or churna
  • Kshara ghrita
  • Agastya haritaki avleha


Agni is an essential component of the human body. Because agni is also in charge of the body’s metabolism in addition to food digestion. In addition to carrying out the body’s typical physiological processes, food is turned into energy by Agni. Ajirana (indigestion), Alasak (meteorism), Aamvisha, Aamdosa, Visuchika (gastroenteritis), etc. are pathological diseases brought on by a disturbed agni, which results in agni dushti. Diseases associated with Agni Dusthi can be managed with the aid of Ayurvedic treatments and a healthy diet (Aahar and Vihar).

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Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD-Ayurvedic Medicine) is an expert Ayurveda consultant in Chandigarh (India). He has vast experience of herbs and their applied uses. He has successfully treated numerous patients suffering from various ailments, throughout the world. He is CEO and Founder of Krishna Herbal Company and Planet Ayurveda in Chandigarh, India. He researched age old formulas from ancient Ayurvedic text books to restore health and save human beings from the worst side-effects of chemical-based treatments.