Concept Of Upshaya And Hetu Vyadhi Vipritha Dravya In Disease Management
Upshaya is an Ayurveda approach which helps to figure out the nature of a disease, this is the only way to determine the disease’s precise nature on a trial-and-error basis. The concept of Upashya helps to relieve symptoms and support the diagnosis of disease. The medications, activities and foods can be used to identify the disease. Upshya is a tool for diagnosis but it is also possible, sometimes that techniques do not produce the desired result When the disease is not correctly diagnosed, Upshaya applies. Even though medicines, foods and activities are used in Upshaya to diagnose or predict disease, they can be considered chikitsa if they are beneficial for a particular type of disease. In contrast, once a disease has been correctly diagnosed, the same medications, food and activities can be used to eradicate the disease.

Ayurveda advises several approaches for managing pathological conditions, these approaches are considered useful for the identification and treatment of disease. Upshaya is one such approach that offers diagnostic and therapeutic benefits. Depending on the context, Upshaya can be interpreted as chikitsa, Satya, or Sathya because these are beneficial for both individuals and diseases. The best course of treatment can be planned with the help of Roga Pareeksha Rogi pareeksha.
- Drugs and materials. Which are opposed to a reason for sickness or illness itself.
- Drugs or materials which when used, actually alleviate the conditions by countering either the disease or its cause and are not antagonistic to either the disease or the disease itself.
- Medicines antagonistic to the cause of the disease.
- Food antagonist to the cause of disease.
- Activities are antagonistic to the disease.
Medicines antagonists to the cause and disease, medicines similar to the cause of the disease, medicines similar to the cause of the disease, foods similar to the cause and disease, and activities similar to the cause and disease. Upshaya is a symptomatic device, even though it is beneficial to the patient because it also acts as chikitsa. When the illness isn’t as expected analysed, Upshaya is observable. Upshya is very useful because treatments and medications begin, only when the diagnosis is made clear and Upshaya helps greatly in the diagnosis of the disease. When the experimental approaches alleviate the symptoms of the disease, they are considered as the Upshaya. When the symptoms worsen, they are considered as the Anupshaya.
- Upshaya supports sickness differential analysis.
- Upshaya utilizes experimental techniques for the therapeutic management of disease.
- When the symptoms and side effects of a disease are hidden, making it difficult to analyze a particular condition this method of experimentation is used.
- It has indicative and prognostic abilities.
- Upshaya suggests the best possible eating routine and way of life for battling against illness.
- Hetu Vipreet Aushadha (Drug which works against the cause and disease ) – For Example – Hot potency herbs may be employed for the person who is suffering from disease due to cold effect and vice versa. Drakshadi yoga is advised to overcome exhaustion.
- Hetu Vipreet anna(food which is an antagonist to the cause of the disease) – intake of mamsa rasa in vatajajvara (fever) and fatigue.
- Hetu viprit vihara (Regimen antagonist to the cause of disease) – waking up at night in case there is an increase in kapha produced by Diwaspna (daytime sleep).
- Vyadhi vipreet anna (food antagonistic to the disease) – use of masura for stambhna (stop ) in atisara rogi (dysentery patient).
- Vyadhi viprit vihar (Regimen antagonist) – Pravahana in udavarta rogi
- Ubhay vipreetha Aushadha (Drug antagonist to disease itself – Dashmool kwath in vatajshotha (swelling) useful for both vata and shotha (swelling).
- Ubhay viprit anna(food antagonist to the disease) – in sheeta jawar use of ushna and jwraghna yavagu (Fever subsiding decoction).
- Ubhay viprit vihara – night awakening advised for tandra
- Hetuvipritarthkari anna (food which works against the causative factors of the disease though not actually against it) – intake of dry old wheat as avrasya in the case of Suraksha due to consumption of rough and dry substances.
- Hetuviprit vihara – trasna in vatika unmada.
- Vyadhi vipreethakari Aushdha (drugs which are working against the disease though not actually against) – usage of madanaphala in chardi ( vomiting)
- Vyadhi vipreethakari Anna (food which is working against the disease though not actually against it) – intake of milk in case of atisara, which induces purgation.
- Vyadhi Viparithakari Viharaa – Regimen which is working against the disease though not actually against it. Inducing vomiting by external support in case of chardi (vomiting).
- Hetu vyadhi viparitaethkari Ausadha – (a drug which works against the cause and the disease ) – Mula visa against jangama visa and vice versa.
- Hetu vyadhi vipraitaethkari anna (Food which is working against cause and disease though not actually against) – usage of intoxicating alcohol against alcoholism induced by consumption of alcohol.
- Hetu vayadhi vipritarthakari vihara (Regimen which is working against the cause and disease though not actually against ) – swimming therapy advised in the form of exercise in case of vatavyadhi manifested due to excessive exercise.
These are the substances which act as an antagonist to the disease, in this approach drugs, foods and activities are suggested that antagonise the disease.
- Hetuvyadhi viprita aushdha (a drug which works against cause and disease): usage of Dashmula kwatha in vataja shotha, this subsides vata as well as shotha(swelling). Dashmoola possesses tikta, kashaya and madhura rasa, laghu gunna, ushna veerya and katu vipaka thus offering dipana.
- Hetuvyadhi viprita anna( food which works against): usage of ushna and jwarghna yavagu against sheetotha javara. Yavagu possesses jataragni pradeepka action due to their laghu guna, it also offers vatanulomak effect by its ushna property and imparts swedana karma due to its dravyaguna
- Hetuvyadhi viprita ahar(: usage of regimen which antagonist causes of disease, ) may include activity like Rateijagruna to produce Rukshata in case of tantra associated with the Snigdha ahara and Divaspana.
- Being antagonists to the disease, they might tame the symptoms.
- It is a methodology towards diagnosing illness, it helps to plan the treatment of diagnosed diseases.
- Even though they oppose disease, they might stop the progression of disease.
Upshaya can be interpreted as Chikitsa, satmaya or pathya. Anupshaya can be interpreted as Astmaya, Nidana, or as an aggravating factor for the disease, depending on the context. Upshaya can be utilized for Roga Pareeeksha (Disease) and Rogi Pareeksha (Patient) as well and ideal treatment can be arranged using this concept. In the event of trouble in the analysis of sickness because of a few secret things or the mirroring nature of the illness, in such conditions, Upshya assists with diagnosing the condition, sometimes also acts as treatment and helps to plan a therapeutic regimen for particular types of disease.