How many types of Miasms are there? What is Psora Miasm?
The founder of Homoeopathy Dr.Hahnemann defined the term miasm as the pollutants which causes diseases. In homoeopathy, there are two types of miasms i.e Acute miasm and Chronic miasm. Chronic miasm is further divided into three categories as Psora, Sycosis and Syphilis. It is not possible to have only one of them, but at a time only one miasm predominates and causes a disease. When a patient comes to a homoeopathic physician, it becomes very important to diagnose the case according to the miasm involved in predominance. For example, a patient might come with simple complaints of coryza and sneezing, but it is required to see which miasm is in greater proportion to decide the plan of treatment. So, today we are going to discuss Psora miasm, its manifestations, characteristics and more.

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, founder of homoeopathy, held the Psora miasm responsible for the development of all diseases in his theory of chronic miasms. He believed that all chronic diseases are chronic in nature because of some deranging forces that deranges life forces in such a way that the dynamic mistunement of health cannot be corrected. It is known as the foundation of all diseases. The main manifestations of the Psora miasm is seen in the form of scabies. As we all know, skin is the largest organ in mammals, and it acts like a protective shield. So, according to Hahnemann, being the first line of defence it is most susceptible for attacks from outside. Thus, psora is the main miasm involved in the skin disorders. What is Psoriasis?
How do Psora develop?
It is developed by means of contact with an infected person. Once infected, it develops inside the host with some manifestations that are primary, latent and secondary manifestations.
It starts with a general itchy vesicles which have psora trait, coming in contact with a healthy individual, this itch mite enters the body. And this is the common way of its spread universally. Once, it is inside a new host, it multiplies for days i.e incubation period like for 6 to 14 days after contact. Then after completing the incubation period, it starts showing its manifestations.
Primary manifestations of Psora
- Once infected by the means of contact, the affected person feels chilly.
- He will then feel heat in the body with fever that is coming in the evening and lasting till the night, followed by sweat in the last part of night.
- The next day, itchy vesicles starts to appear.
- This spreads gradually on the skin all over the body, initially appearing on the infected area.
- The host then finds these vesicles so itchy, and starts to scratch it, until it bleed, which somewhat relieves itching followed by burning that persists for a long time.
- This itchiness gets worse from late evening to midnight.
- This scratching of vesicle leads to rupture and spread the infection.
This appearance of vesicles may be referred to as the primary manifestation of Psora.
If these vesicles are not cured with proper homoeopathic medicines and are suppressed with external means like topical ointments etc, then the local symptoms of the skin might disappear, but the disease is driven inwards which remain dominant causing latent stage of Psora.
Latent Psora may be converted into worse form again in future as a result of stress, trauma, invasion of any acute disease or unhealthy environment etc. The manifestations of the latent form of Psora are:
- The peculiar type, which it will assume in an individual, depends upon many factors like the individual’s inherited traits, past history of any diseases, environmental etc.
All chronic diseases other than sycosis and syphilis arise from Psora miasm.
Primary manifestations of Latent Psora
Mental General Symptoms
- Very fast, active, attentive, fearful and anxious.
- Good photographic memory, and grasping power.
Physical general traits of Latent Psora
- Craving for sweets, sour and fried foods.
- Ravenous hunger especially in the morning.
- Dislikes bathing.
- Disturbed sleep, more sweating on head while sleeping and twitching of muscles.
- Better by natural discharges like menstrual flow, perspiration, stools and urination.
Characteristics traits of Psora Miasm
- Sweating on soles and palms.
- Redness of mucous membranes of orifices of body as lips, nostrils and ears.
- Roundworms and gnashing of teeth.
- Recurrent tonsillitis.
Secondary manifestations of secondary Psora
- Vertigo that is worse on walking.
- Nose bleeding and polyp growths in nose.
- Sore throat with swollen tonsils and hoarseness of voice.
- Pain in teeth which is quite intolerable.
- Noises in the ear with discharge.
- Various skin eruptions like pimples, warts on face, hands and arms.
- Various types of rheumatic diseases, osteitis, osteomyelitis.
- Varicose veins on the lower limbs.
Where there is life, there is Psora. No living human is there who does not have psora in him. It is just like a recipe for a dish. Ingredients are almost the same, but quantity differs, so is the case of miasms. Diseases are caused by miasms but there is one miasm which dominates. For example, if we take an example of acne vulgaris. If the acne are simply small red papular eruptions, then they are considered as psoric acne, whereas if the eruptions are elevated and filled with pus (pustules), then it is sycotic eruptions.