How To Manage Thrombocytopenia and ITP Effectively?
In this article we will discuss thrombocytopenia and Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura( ITP). Former one can be acquired or hereditary but the later one is an autoimmune disorder. In today’s present world disorders like these became very prevalent and popular. In the modern system of medicine, the complete cure of such illness is not possible as they use platelet transfusion techniques to treat this kind of ailment. But after sometime many patients complain that their platelet count again got reduced. AYURVEDA offers numerous magical herbs that work as wonder in increasing platelets count in a healthy way. Along with herbs it teaches us about the ideal lifestyle (DINCHARYA means daily regime & RITUCHRYA means seasonal regime) & dietary tips one should need to have a healthy life. So let’s discuss about- how the power weapon of Indian system of medicine i.e. Ayurveda deals with such a malady.
Firstly, Let’s Discuss About the Thrombocytopenia
- It means low platelet count. Normal platelets count in the human body is 150,000 to 350,000 platelets per microlitre of the blood.
- A reduced platelet count may arise by one or two mechanisms
- Decreased or abnormal production (bone marrow failure or hereditary thrombocytopathies)
- Increased consumption of platelets following release into the circulation.
ITP (Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura)
- It is an autoimmune condition characterized by red or purple bruises like rash and possesses a great tendency to bleed. It may occur due to thrombocytopenia.
- We can correlate thrombocytopenia with “Rakta Kashyay” (deficiency of blood). Our Acharya beautifully explained the symptoms of Rakta Kashaya. When there is a deficiency of blood in the body, skin appears ‘Parushyay’ (roughness). The person desires to eat Amal (sour) and cold potency food products. His blood vessels (veins) acquire a loose texture (Sira Shaithilya).
- Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) resembles “Tiryak Raktapitta” (bleeding from hair follicles all over the body).
Following are the causes of ITP
- Increased destruction of platelets – It occurs due to underlying autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.
- Due to the use of certain drugs like H2 blockers (ranitidine), proton pumps inhibitors (omeprazole, pantoprazole) and Methotrexate etc.
- Decreased production – bacterial/viral infections, carcinoma, Lack of iron and folic acid in the body.
- Sepsis
- Vitamin b12 & folic acid deficiency.
- Leukemia & other malignant growth.
According to ayurveda the main reason of ‘raktavah sroto dushti’[ blood containing channels vitiation] as both thrombocytopenia & ITP falls in this category are as follow
विदाहीन्यन्नपानानि स्निग्धोष्णानि द्रवाणि च| रक्तवाहीनि दुष्यन्ति भजतां चातपानलौ||१४||
(ch.viman 5/13)
- Due to consumption of vidhai anna (acidity causing food)
- Over intake of snigdha( soft), ushan (hot) and drav (liquid) diet.
- Excessive exposure of sunlight & cold wind.
PATHOGENESIS OF RAKTA PITTA (Hemorrhagic Blood Disorders)
Pathogenesis explains the complete process behind the formation of a disease.
तैर्हेतुभिः समुत्क्लिष्टं पित्तं रक्तं प्रपद्यते|तद्योनित्वात् प्रपन्नं च वर्धतेतत् प्रदूषयत्||७||
तस्योष्मणा द्रवो धातुर्धातोर्धातोः प्रसिच्यते|स्विद्यतस्तेन संवृद्धिं भूयस्तदधिगच्छति||८||
(ch.viman 4/7-8)
When a person does use the above mentioned causes, it leads to aggravation of pitta dosha & joins blood, causing vitiation of blood channels. Due to heat of pitta, the liquid portion of all dhatus (important organs) oozes out which leads to bleeding of blood from all the openings of the body including hair follicles as seen in ITP & thrombocytopenia.
Dosha presence (involvement of elevated energies)
There is association of
- Vata-kapha dosha in triyak raktapitta (ITP & thrombocytopenia).
- Kapha dosha in urdhva rakta pitta (bleeding from upper openings of the bodies, as in nose bleed)
- Vata dosha in adhog raktapitta (oozing of blood from lower body tract, as in haematuria( blood coming out from urinary tract with urine)
They are the complaints that the patient feels before the appearance of sign & symptoms in the body.
“सदनं शीतकामित्वं कण्ठधूमायनं वमिः । लोहगन्धिश्च निःश्वासो भवत्यस्मिन् भविष्यति॥”
(सु.उ.त. 45/8 )
- Sadan (fatigue)
- Sheetkamitvan (desire to eat cold food items)
- Kanth dhumaynam(feeling of fumes coming out from throat)
- Vaman (vomiting)
- Loha gandhi nishwas(Iron smell in breath)
Usually there are no symptoms and just diagnosed on a routine blood test. But in some cases below listed symptoms can be seen:
- Fatigue & lethargic
- External bleeding like epistaxis (nose bleeding)
- General body weakness.
- Bleeding spots sometimes become visible like small petechial hemorrhages (small red or purple colored spots over the skin).
- When a person gets an external injury, blood continues to ooze out from it & takes a long time to coagulate.
- Burning sensation in the body.
- Polydipsia (excessive thirst)
- Anorexia (loss of hunger)
- Indigestion.
- Mental confusion.
- General body weakness.
- Formation of bruises over the external surface of the skin.
Diagnosis of ITP can be done by
- General physical examination of patients by using inspection techniques.
- Proper history taking.
- Laboratory findings: it includes:
- Complete blood count test.
- Bone marrow examination.
- By ruling out past history of the patient (autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis etc.).
According to Ayurveda, we diagnose the disease
Trividh Pariksha (Set of 3 Examination Methods)
- Darshan – Diagnosis is made by visual examination of the symptoms.
- Sparshan – Physicians use tactile examination to evaluate whether skin is cold or hot.
- Prashan – Physician asks direct questions from the patient.
Ashtavidha Pariksha (Set of 8 Examination Procedures)
- Nadi Pariksha – By palpating the pulse rate of the patient.
- Mutra Pariksha – By examining the urine of the patient.
- Mal Pariksha – Stool examination.
- Jivha Pariksha – By examining the tongue whether coated or not.
- Shabda Pariksha – By observing the natural sounds within the body like intestinal sound (peristalsis).
- Sparsh Pariksha – By observing the patient’s skin texture whether it is cool, wet or dry.
- Drik Pariksha – When the physician inspects patient symptoms through his/her eyes.
The modern system of medicine just gives you a temporary relief by doing symptomatic management. Let’s discuss the ayurveda line of treatment as they focus on curing the disease by going into the root level of the cause, thus it will provide you a complete cure from the disease.
The main line of treatment in ‘rakta pitta’ (hemorrhagic disorders) is as follow
‘प्रतिमार्ग च हरणं रक्तपित्तं विधीयते’
(Ch.chikitsa 4)
This verse says that: Try to excavate the dosha from the opposite route of their origin for example if they are coming out from upper body openings like nose, take them out by lower body tracts like anal or urinary opening.
अक्षीणबलमांसस्य रक्तपित्तं यदश्नतः|
तद्दोषदुष्टमुत्क्लिष्टं नादौ स्तम्भनमर्हति||२५||
(च.चि. 4/25 )
Above mentioned verse states that: If a person is not lean & thin, eat food in proper quantity, do not try to stop oozing blood. Don’t do ‘sathambhan’ (stop) in a healthy patient.
(A). Sanshodhan Chikitsa (Detoxification)
It includes the following
- Vaman Karma – Remove toxins by using emetics.
- Virechan Karma – Remove toxins by purgation technique.
- Nasya Karma – Pouring medicated nasal drops into nostrils.
(B). Sanshaman Chikitsa (Using Medicines to Balance Dosha Inside the Body Itself)
- Laksha Churna – 3 to 6 grams with plain water after a meal.
- Ushiradi Churna – 2 to 5 grams with plain water after a meal.
- Vasa Ghrita – 10 to 30 ml with lukewarm water after a meal.
- Kamdudha Ras – 230 mg with honey after meal.
All these above mentioned formulations are made up of herbs which possess sheet guna (cold in nature), stambhan quality (stop bleeding). So they are very useful in ITP & thrombocytopenia.
- Carica Papaya: Its leaves contain “carpin” and it poses ‘kapha vata shamak’ (decreases kapha and vata dosha) property which works as a wonder in raising blood platelets count.We came to consume its leaves- by boiling 10-15 leaves in 200 ml of water, and then drink (lukewarm in consistency) early in the morning.
- Pomegranate: This fruit is very effective in increasing the hemoglobin concentration so by raising the blood amount it also helps in raising the platelets count because platelets are the cells present in our blood.
- Beetroot: It contains various antioxidants that will help in decreasing the free radical formation in the body and will increase the platelets count due to its ‘virya’ (active principle).
- Spinach: This green leafy vegetable contains rich amount of antioxidant, vitamin C and vitamin K or other essential minerals like iron, magnesium, manganese they all helps in raising the blood platelets count.
Planet ayurveda is a leading herbal manufacturing unit serving mankind with their 100% organic products made under the supervision of ayurveda experts. They offer various herbal formulations to be used in thrombocytopenia & ITP.
ITP care pack: It constitutes various medicines made especially for patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.
- Immune Booster
- Ashwagandha Capsules
- Giloy Capsules
- Gandhak Rasayan
- Green Essentials
- Kumar Kalyan Ras
- Brahmi Chyawanprash
- Suvarna Basant Malti Ras

1. Ashwagandha Capsules
It is a single herbal formulation prepared using Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). It is the best natural herb to help balance Vata dosha along with the Kapha dosha. Also a balya (provides strength to the body), bhrimaneeya (raises body mass) so shows efficacious action on thrombocytopenia.
Dosage: 2 capsules twice daily with plain water after a meal.
2. Immune Booster
This is a polyherbal formulation prepared using Grape seed (Vitis vinifera), Cow colostrum (Bovine colostrum), Bhumi Amla (Phyllanthus niruri), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), etc. All these herbs help in maintaining a healthy digestive system, circulatory system, and healthy skin of individuals, so they are very beneficial in ITP patients.
Dosage: 2 capsules twice daily with plain water after a meal.
3. Giloy Capsules
It is a single herbal formulation prepared using Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia). It is known as “Amrita” in Ayurveda (because of its actions). It helps in balancing tridosha and attaining healthy functioning of the body system as it works wonders in ITP.
Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after a meal.
4. Green Essentials
This is a polyherbal formulation prepared using Wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum), Amla (Emblica officinalis), Spirulina (Spirulina platensis), and Green tea (Camellia sinensis). It keeps the nervous system relaxed and tension-free, as ‘stress’ can be a trigger in thrombocytopenia & ITP patients. These herbs have a cooling effect on the patient’s mind.
Dosage: 2 capsules twice daily with plain water after a meal.
5. Gandhak Rasayan
Gandhak Rasayan is a classical herbal formulation prepared using Shuddha Gandhak (pure form of sulphur). It has cold potency in nature, so it works in balancing Pitta along with Kapha dosha. It helps maintain skin and blood vascular systems and has positive effects on thrombocytopenia & ITP patients.
Dosage: 2 tablets twice daily with plain water after a meal.
6. Kumar Kalyan Ras
This is a classical herbal formulation prepared using Shuddha Parad (purified mercury), Loha Bhasma (iron ash), Makshika Bhasma (ash of copper-iron pyrite), Abhrak Bhasma (processed and purified mica), Swarna Bhasma (ash of gold), Mukta Bhasma (ash of pearl), and Ghritkumari Rasa (extract of aloe vera juice). It promotes healthy working of the cardiovascular system, aids in proper blood circulation, and demonstrates good results in thrombocytopenia and ITP sufferers.
Dosage: 1 tablet twice daily with plain water after a meal.
7. Suvarna Basant Malti Ras
This is a classical formulation made of Marich (Piper nigrum), Kharpara Bhasma (calamine in an incinerated form), Shuddha Hingula (cinnabar in a purified form), Swarna Bhasma (gold in an incinerated form), etc. These herbs have anti-inflammatory properties, boost immunity, balance tridosha, and act as a “Rasayan” drug (lengthens lifespan), proving effective in ITP patients.
Dosage: 1 tablet twice daily with plain water after a meal.
8. Brahmi Chyawanprash
It is a single herbal formulation prepared using Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri). It helps in the maintenance of Tridoshas (three energies), thus supporting almost all systems of the body.
Dosage: 1 teaspoonful twice daily after a meal.
Now we can conclude that ayurveda offers you various herbal medicines that work very efficiently in curing thrombocytopenia & idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Planet ayurveda experts are serving people with their holistic approach of healing; also they have cured many such diseased individuals.