Maha Manjistha Kwath Benefits & Ingredients
Extracts, pulps, decoctions, infusions and hot Infusions are the fundamental and basic herbal preparations of Ayurveda. These are used and well accepted in the name Pancha Vidha Kashaya Kalpana, or its literal translation is, that which helps the body from being destroyed. The decoction or Kwath is most used clinically and as the base of other preparations among them. A range of smaller preparations are mentioned in the classics other than these. They are categorized considering the similarities in their method of preparation with the basic preparations.
What is a Kwath?
The term Kwath is derived from the root word “Kwathana”, which means the process of boiling. It is a liquid preparation obtained by boiling one part of a selected herbal blend with 16 parts of water. The mixture is reduced to 1/8th part and then filtered. The filtrate is called Kwath or Decoction. Decoctions are essential in Ayurveda as it is considered one among the 5 necessities needed for an ideal systemic treatment. Kashaya, Srutha are all the synonyms of Kwath alone.
There are over 5000 Decoctions mentioned across the classical texts under various treatment modules in various contexts. One such auspicious and authentic formulation used since time immemorial is the Maha Manjistha Kwath.
Taking a closer look
The authentic reference for Maha Manjistha Kwath is mentioned in the epics of Sahasrayogam and in Bhaishajya Ratnavali. As mentioned above, the kwath is prepared by boiling and reducing a blend of coarse herbal powders under mild fire to produce the decoction, which include a total of 47 individual herbs, of which a few ones are explained below:
The main ingredients of maha manjistha kwath are as follows:
- Manjistha : Rubia cordifolia, the stem and root of this plant is well known for its blood purifying property while enhancing liver health. It also has Varnya property.
- Musta : Cyperus rotundus, commonly called nut grass, has the ability to relieve burning sensation associated with skin lesions.
- Kutaja Twak : The bark of Holarrhena antidysenterica is a wonderful antidote for dysterny and worm infections.
- Guduchi : Tinospora cordifolia, this miraculous plant helps to normalise the conditions of all bodily humours while managing skin lesions.
- Shunthi: Zingiber officianale, with its hot potency and sweet metabolic end effect normalises the aggravated Vata.
- Haridra : Curcurma longa, rich source of curcumin, has been used traditionally in all infectious conditions and skin disorders.
- Triphala: The mystic combination of three blissful herbs Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Vibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica) and Amlaki(Embelica officinalis) acts as a ejuvenator.
- Vidanga : Embelia ribes, is one of the best antimicrobial herbs with equal potency to normalise the aggravated Pitta humour.
- Chitrakam : Plumbago zeylanica, it is often called the fire itself for its potential to optimise the functioning of the digestive fire.
- Brahmi : Bacopa monnieri, this subtle creeper helps to support and promote all cognitive abilities and often is much needed to get rid of the brain itch factor in skin diseases.
- Vasa: Adhatoda vasica, the ideal drug used in all bleeding disorders not only manages pitta but also keeps Vata at check.
- Sariva: Hemidesmus indicus, despite having a sweet metabolic end effect, has special properties to still manage bodily functions without aggravating Kapha.
- Guggulu: Commiphora mukul, this olio resin is an important anti-inflammatory agent with Vata normalising effects.
- Kushta : Saussurea lappa, is a wonderful herb with Lekhana property and helps in fat elimination by abrasive action.
- Bharangi : Clerodendrum serratum, helps to optimize the normal flow of Vata in the right direction and maintains optimal Kapha levels.
- Kantakari : Solanum xanthocarpum, is the ideal drug used for all respiratory ailments, especially chronic bronchial asthma.
- Vacha : Acorus calamus, it is a digestive with Medhya property or ability to induce intellect while cleaning the urine and feces.
- Nimba twak : Azadirachta indica, this village pharmacy is a package of goodness. It balances Pitta and manages all worm infections with ease.
- Darvi : Berberis aristata, often called the tree turmeric, is used to alleviate most eye snags while offering anti poisonous properties.
- Patola : Trichosanthes diodia, the common snake gourd, helps in purification of blood and Pitta dosha. It is aphrodisiac with cardiac tonic properties.
- Katuki : Picrorhiza kurroa, it is used in detox procedures and used to alleviate fistula in ano.
- Moorva : Marsdenia tenacissima, Traditionally used to cure diseases due to impure blood accumulation leading to fever and jaundice.
- Asana: Pterocarpus marsupium, The kino tree is known for its ability to hasten the pace of fat metabolism while managing skin disorders.
- Shatavari : Asparagus racemosus, this common galactogogue also helps to restore male and female infertility with its regenerative properties.
- Pippali : Piper longum, the balck pepper, is the ideal herb used for all splenic disorders including splenomegaly.
- Indrayav : Seeds of Holarrhena antidysenterica, the entire plant has anti diarrheal properties but the seed alone is a potential source that helps to bring down irritable bowel syndrome.
Other Ingredients Include
- Bhringaraja : Eclipta alba
- Mahadaru : Cedrus deodara
- Padha : Cylea paltan
- Khadira : Acacia catechu
- Chandan: Santalum alba
- Trivrit : Operculina turpethum
- Varun twak : Crataeva nurvala
- Kiratatikta : Swertia chirata
- Bakuchi : Psoralea Corylifolia
- Aragwadha Twak : Cassia fistula
- Shakhotak : Streblus asper
- Maha Nimba twak : Melia azadirachta
- Karanj twak : Pongamia pinnata
- Ativisha : Aconitum heterophyllum
- Hareram : Pavonia odorata
- Indravaruni : Citrullus colocynthis
- Duralabha : Hemidesmus indicus
- Parpata : Fumaria indica
Traditionally the formulation is used for alleviating skin diseases. According to Ayurveda, skin disorders are the result of accumulation of impure blood in circulation. The potential drugs in this combination help to purify the blood by removing the associated dosha vitiation and thus curing the lesion. With the application of Vata pacifying herbs in this formulation, it has been used in conditions like facial palsy, paralysis, gouty arthritis etc. It has also been observed that this decoction helps in the management of obesity, hyperlipidaemia and common eye ailments as well.
Dosage: Authentically kwath dosage is 2 pala or approximately 48 ml, but with the standardization parameters it has been reduced to 10 -15ml with equal quantity of warm water, twice daily after food or as advised by your ayurvedic physician.
Side Effects
Speaking on a general note, ayurvedic medicines do not have any side effects if you have consumed the medication under the guidance of an ayurvedic physician.
Safety information
Kindly keep all such medical formulations out of reach of children. And use only under medical guardianship. In case of any query kindly visit