Mahavat Vidhwansan Rasa Benefits & Ingredients
Rasaaushadis are well known miraculous remedies of Ayurveda having potency and capability to penetrate the body channels with minerals to boost up the overall body status. This article is composed of information about Mahavat vidhwansan rasa, its therapeutic value and classical references.
Mahalia Vidhwansan rasa is one of the best rasaushadhi to manage the vata vridhi (aggravation of vata dosha) and associated problems with vaat. It comprises analgesic properties. The vitiated vata obstructs the channels in the body with associated kapha and pitta. It leads to pain and inflammation. In such cases Mahavat vidhwansan rasa is best to manage the multiple ailments.
- Shuddha Parada (purified mercury) – 10 gm
- Shuddha Gandhaka (purified sulphur) – 10 gm
- Naga bhasma (lead calx) – 10 gm
- Vanga bhasma (Tin calx) – 10 gm
- Loha bhasma (iron calx) – 10 gm
- Tamra bhasma (calx of copper) – 10 gm
- Abhrak bhasma (calx of purified Mica) – 10 gm
- Pippali – long pepper (Piper longum) – 10 gm
- Tankan bhasma (calx of Borax) – 10 gm
- Black pepper (Piper nigrum) – 10 gm
- Shunti – Ginger rhizome (Zingiber officinalis) – 10 gm
- Shuddha Vatsanabha (purified Aconitum ferox) – 40 gm
Juice extract or water decoction of each of the following for grinding 3 times with each
- Trikatu (pepper, long pepper, ginger)
- Triphala kwath (Emblica, T.chebula, T bellerica)
- Chitrakmool (Plumbago indica)
- Bhringaraja (Eclipta alba)
- Kushta (Saussurea lappa)
- Nirgundi (Vitex negundo)
- Arkksheera (Calotropis procera)
- Amalaki (Emblica officinalis)
- Ginger rhizome (Zingiber officinalis)
- Nimbu swarasa (lemon juice extract)
Brief Description of ingredients and Bhavna Dravyas
- Shuddha Parada (purified mercury) – 10 gm— The classical texts of Rasashastra has explained the Parad on broad aspect. It is designated as Rasa and various classical texts have explained the various synonyms of Parada ( mercury). Rasnaat sarvdhatunam ras itiabhidiyte …. (Ras rattan samuchye). As it assimilates all the dhatus in itself so called as Rasa. Ras rattan samuchye is a classical rasashastra text. Parad is the base of Rasashastra and the whole Rasashastra depends on the broad aspect of Parad. Sanskar is a specific kriya (function) performed to enhance the strength and aura of Parada.
- Shuddha Gandhaka (purified sulfur) – 10 gm—- Gandhak is anti-inflammatory, cures infections and promotes immunity. Gandhak is smooth in touch, hard gandhak is best to use. It increases the strength of parad and associated herbs and minerals in the formulation.
- Naga bhasma (lead calx) – 10 gm- Nag Bhasma is tikta (bitter), madhuur(sweet), dry, katu(pungent) in vipaka, laghu(light), vrishya(aphrodisiac), chakshushya (promote better vision), kapha vata har. It cures intestinal worms, diabetes, eye disease, fever, dysentery, and rheumatoid arthritis due to its properties. It pacifies the tridoshas.
- Vanga bhasma (Tin calx) – 10 gm-It is tikta(bitter) in rasa, amla(sour), katu(pungent), kshaya (astringent), ruksha(dry) in guna, hot in potency, increase strength, promote digestion, manage anorexia, cure the diabetes, prevent the night falls. Vang bhasam promotes strength, boosts stamina and acts as an antidote to various concerns. Vang is known to have anti-fungal and anti-worm properties.
- Loha bhasma (iron calx) – 10 gm—- It promotes strength, act as a rejuvenator. It is tikta (pungent), madhur (sweet), kashaya (astringent), cold in potency, heavy and dry in properties. It acts as deepan(promotes digestion), rejuvenator, and immunity booster, prevents the pain and drains out the free radicals. Loha bhasma is potent in dealing with problems associated with anemia, low sperm count and problems associated with heavy blood loss.
- Tamra bhasma (calx of copper) – 10 gm—– It is tikta in rasa (pungent), kshaya (astringent), katu (bitter), sweet. Beneficial in lung disease, heart problems. It is evident to increase the sperm quality and male potency. It is known to drain out the free radicals.
- Abhrak bhasma (calx of purified Mica) – 10 gm—Abhrak promotes strength, act as a rejuvenator. It is tikta(pungent), madhur (sweet), kashaya (astringent), cold in potency, heavy and dry in properties. It acts as a rejuvenator, immunity booster, prevents the pain and drains out the free radicals. Abhrak bhasma is potent to deal with problems associated with anemia, low sperm count and problems associated with heavy blood loss.
- Pippali – long pepper (Piper longum) – 10 gm—–Pippali is hot in potency, promoting the detoxification of the body. It is a well known immunity booster. It acts as lekhya -means it helps to clear out the toxins, excessive fat.
- Tankan bhasma (calx of Borax) – 10 gm—— Tankan is borax. It is a well known vaat pacifier. It is pungent in taste and hot in nature. It enhances digestion and protects against bloating. It helps to improve female health and relieve menstrual irregularities. It is one of the important ingredients of Maha Vidhwansan rasa.
- Black pepper (Piper nigrum) – 10 gm—- It is called Maricha, it is Katu(pungent). It is a stimulant, bechic(Cough pacifier), anti-asthamatic. It acts as antipyretic, used in dyspepsia, to cure flatulence. It is a gastrointestinal stimulant and stimulant to skin. It can be used to cure the sore throat. It is composed of Piperine, piperazine and piperidine, amides, piperyline, piperoleins A and B.
- Dry ginger – Ginger rhizome (Zingiber officinalis) – 10 gm—–Shunthi is dry ginger. It is antiemetic, anti-flatulent, hypercholesterolaemia, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, expectorant. Shunthi acts as a circulatory stimulant, diaphoretic and increases bioavailability of prescription drugs. It Promotes appetite, increases the digestion process. It shows good results in migraine and cluster headache.
- Shuddha Vatsanabha (purified Aconitum ferox) – 40 gm- It is Indian Aconite. It is a tonic in the patients of cardiac depression. It is Narcotic, sedative, antileprotic, anti-inflammatory and extremely poisonous. Vatsnabha is antiemetic, antidiarrhoeal, anti-rheumatic and anti-periodic.
- Trikatu (Black pepper, long pepper, ginger) —– Trikatu is composed of inclusive properties of pepper, long pepper and ginger. It acts as diaphoretic and increases bioavailability of associated drugs. Promote the appetite, increase the digestion process. It acts as an antipyretic, used in dyspepsia and to cure flatulence. It is a gastrointestinal stimulant and stimulant to skin. It is used to detox the ingredients of Mahavat Vidhwansan rasa.
- Triphala kwath (Emblica officinalis,T.bellerica,T.chebula)— Triphala is composed of amalaki, bibhitaki and haritaki. It is a well known immunity booster, promotes immunity, drains out the toxins, relieves constipation and maintains the status of tridoshas in the body. It helps to cure the associated problems of pancreas, stomach, liver, gallbladder and also act as eye tonic and brain tonic.
- Chitrakmool (Plumbago indica)—- Chitrak is widely known and used as an herb in the patients of IBS, piles, and constipation. It promotes purgation, stimulating the digestive process. Its paste is used to cure the abscess. It is a key ingredient in a variety of ayurvedic compositions. Chitrak is used to cure the cancers of the uterus, breast, lungs, and oral cavity.Its roots can be used to treat the cancers of the uterus, breast, lungs, and oral cavity in addition to hemorrhoids. It is used to detox the ingredients of Mahavat vidhwansan rasa.
- Bhringaraja (Eclipta alba)—-Bhringraj can be used as Poultice on ulcers, sores, varicose veins, and its paste can be applied to fungal infections. Bhringraj can be used as a tonic in a newborn with cow’s milk. The leaves and stem showed antifungal activity. It is widely used in patients of alopecia, its bark can be useful in urine infections, whooping cough and respiratory problems, and cramps in cholera patients. It is used to detox the ingredients of Mahavat vidhwansan rasa.
- Kushta (Saussurea lappa)—– Kustha is Antispasmodic, antihistamine so useful in allergies, expectorant, anti-catarrhal. Kustha can be useful in asthma, chronic bronchitis and pulmonary disorders. It can cure infections like stomatitis, gingivitis, pharyngitis or other associated inflammation. Its properties are anti-inflammatory, hence it is useful while applying to wounds and ulcers. Its roots, if mixed with mustard oil, can be applied on scalps to cure conditions like prurigo.It is used to detox the ingredients of Mahavat vidhwansan rasa.
- Nirgundi (Vitex negundo)—– It is prescribed in spermatorrhoea and for promoting spermiogenesis. Also given as a rejuvenator for retarding old age. It is anti-inflammatory, analgesic, removes fetid discharges and worms from ulcers. Flowers of nirgundi are astringent, febrifuge, antidiarrhetic, prescribed in liver complaints. Nirgundi acts as the best drug to cure tuberculosis. It is used to detox the ingredients of Mahavat vidhwansan rasa.
- Arkksheera (Calotropis procera)—-It is a well known plant having properties to cure Bronchial asthma. Used to cure dyspepsia, flatulence, constipation, and mucus in stool. It is geriatric and tonic. Leaves of arka ksheera are antimicrobial. It is used by many ayurvedic physicians to cure spleen problems. The latex of this plant is used to treat epilepsy and painful joints and swellings. It can alter the menstrual cycle and affect ovulation. It is used to detox the ingredients of Mahavat vidhwansan rasa.
- Amalaki (Emblica officinalis)—- A well known fruit to deal with plenty of problems. Amalaki is also called Indian gooseberry. Amla is anabolic, antiemetic, astringent, antihemorrhagic, antidiarrhoeal, diuretic, antidiabetic, and carminative, anti-oxidant. Used in jaundice, dyspepsia, bacillary dysentery and bronchitis and can be given in vomiting. It is used to detox the ingredients of Mahavat vidhwansan rasa.
- Ginger rhizome (Zingiber officinalis)—- Ginger is used as a chief ingredient and as a bhavna dravya in mahavaatvidhvansan rasa. It is a vaat har and kapha har. It improves the digestive fire. Enhance the drainage of free radicals from the body. Ginger helps to cure the kapha,lung diseases, increase the cardiac tone and act as a blood purifier. It is also used to detox the ingredients of Mahavat vidhwansan rasa.
- Nimbu swarasa (Citrus limon)- Nimbu swaras is lemon juice extract. Nimbu has anticancer properties. It helps to detoxify the body and drain out the free radicals. The swaras of nimbu enhance the process of digestion. It is amal rasa yukta and is also used to detox the ingredients of Mahavat vidhwansan rasa.
Add the above mentioned ingredients of this formulation. Add them in a kharal and crush properly as per classical ayurvedic texts. The bhavna dravyas should be added and mixed properly to enhance the status of associated ingredients.
Dosage – 125 mg, once or twice a day, before or after meals.
Therapeutic Uses & key benefits
- Vaat vikar (Gas,bloating,pain in joints)
- Kaphaj vyadhi– pleural effusion, edema, tumor
- Grahani–IBS
- Apsmaar (Mental problems)
- Open the body channels
- Fever
- Female reproductive problems
- As a rejuvenator in pregnant female
- Indigestion
- Agnimandya(low digestive fire)
- Male sexual formula
- Brain tonic
- Eye disease
- Cure cough if administered with Pippali powder
- Immunity modulator
- Headache
- Nausea
- Pacify vitiated doshas
- Nervine tonic
- Gastric problems
- Heart issues
- Stimulant, expectorant
- Diuretic, febrifuge.
- Used in the treatment of cough,bronchitis,asthma,plegm.
- Rheumatism,
- Liver issues
- Vomiting
- Urination difficulty
- Skin diseases
- Tuberculosis
Contraindications/ Side Effects
Keep out of reach of children and should be taken in prescribed dosages. Avoid self administration.
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Mahavat vidhwansan rasa is best to deal with the problems of children as it nourishes the saptadhatu as gold formulations nourish the body. It pacifies the aggravated vata and balances the tridoshas of the body. The Planet Ayurveda Mahavat vidhwansan rasa is the best, authentic formulation, derived from the natural sources and able to manage the multiple modern day problems. For more details of our products check out our website