Sarcoidosis Treatment In Ayurveda With Herbal Remedies
Sarcoidosis is an autoimmune related disease that leads to inflammation. Occurs mostly in people ages 20 to 50 especially women and genetic deposition that causes sarcoidosis mainly triggers the immune system. Symptoms are included like: cough shortness of breath, weight loss and night sweats. Risk factors of sarcoidosis are age, gender and family history. Tests to diagnose sarcoidosis include chest x-rays, lung function test and biopsy. In Ayurveda sarcoidosis is believed to be the result of kapha aggravation. Ayurveda also recommended improving the immunity while they also focus on overall health improvement with the help of diet and lifestyle.

In sarcoidosis affecting multiple organs of the body it is an autoimmune and inflammatory disease. This involves the collection of inflammatory cells. Mainly affected the organ lungs and skin etc. Less affected the brain, heart and liver. The signs and symptoms are major due to which organ is affected’ different signs and symptoms are involved due to different organs involved. It is the present root of the lungs with large lymph nodes. After the symptoms it affects the functioning and structure of the organs.
Causes of Sarcoidosis
Exact causes are not known by the researcher on sarcoidosis. But some say it is due to family history by genetic disposition. And trigger dust, chemicals, viruses and bacteria. Healthy cells start to collect in a pattern of inflammation and trigger the immune system. It has similar symptoms like tuberculosis.
Sign and Symptoms of Sarcoidosis
Following Sign and Symptoms can be analyzed in Sarcoidosis patient
Common Sign and Symptoms
- Fatigue (tiredness and lack of energy)
- Fever
- Weight loss
- Nose bleeding
- Dry mouth
- Abdominal Swelling
Specific Sign and Symptoms
- If the Lungs are affected: Chest pain, dry cough, wheezing etc
- If the skin is affected: Skin rash, sores and hair loss etc
- If the nervous system is affected: Headache, seizures and hearing loss
- If the heart is affected: Chest pain, shortness of breath, irregular heart beat etc
- If the eyes are affected: Eye pain, burning sensation of the eye and blurry vision etc
Risk factor of Sarcoidosis
Mostly following things can be considered as Risk Factors in case of Sarcoidosis
- Age: The age 20 to 60 is more common in sarcoidosis
- Gender: Females suffer more from this disease
- Family history: Due to family history of the disease
The following diagnosis of sarcoidosis
- Lab tests: CBC, liver function test, Vit k.
- Radiographic test: X-ray, CTScan, FDG, PET, MRI etc.
Ayurvedic Overview Of Sarcoidosis
Sarcoidosis originated due to the aggravation of kapha dosha and affects the lymph nodes in the body. The treatment will help in balancing the tridoshas and it will also improve the immunity of the body. The diet in this disease is green leafy vegetables and food with bitter and astringent taste. Yoga and pranayama also help manage the sign of sarcoidosis and will act as a catalyst in the treatment.
Due to Nidana like Ati sheet (very cold) & kapha vardhak ahara
Vitiation of kapha dosha which happens in lungs
Pranavaha srotas is affected
Panchakarma Treatment
- Combination of shodhana and shaman chikitsa, shodhana chikitsa involves the procedure of asthapana basti. Shodhana helps to balance all the doshas and Shamana helps to prevent the disease.
- Rasayana therapy is also done after the shodhana chikitsa. The rasayana therapy helps to improve the immunity of the patient.
- Massage therapy helps in the immune functions and scar tissues.
Herbal Remedies For Sarcoidosis By Planet Ayurveda
Planet Ayurveda is a renowned name in the world of Ayurvedic medicine, dedicated to promoting holistic health and wellness through natural remedies and traditional ayurvedic principles. Planet Ayurveda has emerged as a leading global brand offering a diverse range of herbal supplements, wellness products and personalized consultation. Prepared medicine without any chemical use and treat the patient with the help of ayurvedic medicine only. In this treatment all diseases of the body with the help of ayurvedic medicine give proper information about the diet and consult patients online and listen to the queries of the patient and give proper treatment of the patient. For Sarcoidosis Planet Ayurveda serves with Sarco Care Pack which includes 6 remedies. It is the 100% pure herbal formulation for effective treatment of sarcoidosis and it is made totally by the natural herbs and does not cause any side effects. It is very effective and chemical free.

Product Description
1. Curcumin Capsules
Curcumin capsule is a single herbal capsule formulation prepared by Planet Ayurveda in capsule form. This herbal capsule contains herb Haridra extract (Curcuma Longa).This remedy helps to reduce the inflammation in the sarcoidosis. It helps to maintain all three doshas in the body.
Dosage: 1 to 2 capsules twice a daily, with plain water after meal.
2. Kanchnaar Guggul
Kanchnaar guggul is a polyherbal formulation prepared by Planet Ayurveda in tablet form. This herbal tablet contains herbs Kanchnar bark (Bauhinia Variegata), Amlaki (Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula), Bibhitaki (Terminalia Billerica), Cardamom (Elettaria Cardamomum), Guggul (Commiphora mukul) etc. It helps to reduce the abnormal masses of granulomas in Sarcoidosis and maintain the kapha dosha and meda dhatu.
Dosage: 1 to 2 tablets twice or thrice daily with lukewarm water.
3. Aller-G Care
It is a poly herbal formulation prepared by Planet Ayurveda in the capsule form. This herbal capsule contains herbs Haridra (Curcuma Longa), Neem (Azadirachta Indica), Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) etc. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiseptic properties in Sarcoidosis. Helps to give the strength of the respiratory system.
Dosage: 1-2 capsules twice a day with plain water after a meal.
4. Punarnava Mandur
Punarnava Mandur is a poly herbal formulation prepared by Planet Ayurveda in tablet form. This herbal tablet contains herbs Punarnava (Boerhavia Diffusa), Shunti (Zingiber Officinalis), Pippli (Piper Longum), Mandoor bhasma (Ferric Oxide Calx) etc. It helps to reduce the damage to the tissues and prevent complications in Sarcoidosis. Punarnava mandur is anti-inflammatory.
Dosage: 1 to 2 tablets twice or thrice daily with lukewarm water.
5. Chitrak Haritaki
Chitrak Haritaki is a poly herbal formulation prepared by Planet Ayurveda in avleha form. This herbal avaleha contains Chitrak (Plumbago Zeylanica), Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula), Guduchi (Tinospora Cordifolia), Tejpatra (Cinnamomum Tamala), Yavakshara (Hordeum Vulgare) etc. It helps to balance the kapha vata in sarcoidosis. It helps to give relief in case of breathlessness.
Dosage: 1 to 2 tsp with milk after meal, once or twice a day
6. Vasasava
Vasasava is a polyherbal formulation prepared by Planet Ayurveda in the aasav form. This herbal aasav contains Vasa (Adhatoda Vasica), Sugandhbala (Valeriana Wallichi), Nagkesar (Mesua Ferrea), Kali maricha (Piper Nigrum), Dhataki pushpa (Woodfordia Fruticosa) etc. It helps to soften the bronchial tubes and exert an expectorant action in Sarcoidosis. It helps to give relief in chronic respiratory problems.
Dosage: 3 tsp daily with equal amount of water.
- Green vegetables
- Millets like raggi
- Sweet fruits
- Milk
- Fruit juice
- Meat soup
- Reduce consumption of sour items.
- Do not eat spicy food.
- Do not eat hot food.
- Do not eat food which is too heavy to digest.
- Exercise regularly
- Eat healthy
- Avoid stress
- Do frequent medical check-ups
Growth of granulomas in body parts is called sarcoidosis. Though lungs and lymph nodes are the most common sites of developing the granulomas, they may also be seen in other parts such as heart, eyes etc. Sarco care pack by Planet Ayurveda is very effective for sarcoidosis, it is 100% pure product and does not contain any additives or chemicals that can not cause any harmful effect. Sarco care packs pure herbal formulation which is very useful in many diseases and gives very good results. So we included this pack for a better result in Sarcoidosis.