Abstract Hairs are the most dominant part of beauty. Healthy and good hair reflects your personality and makes you look more beautiful. What about those who live without hairs? You must have seen most people without hairs on their head or bald. It might be due to some disease or vitiation of pitta dosha in the body as per Ayurveda….
पित्तं सस्नेह तीक्ष्णोष्णं लघु विस्रं सरं द्रवम् (Reference: Ashtanga Hridyam, Chapter 1, shlok no. 11) In this shloka, the qualities of Pitta dosha are explained. Meaning: Sasneha: slightly oily, Teekshana: piercing, Ushna: hotness, Laghu: lightness, Visram: bad smell, Sara: having fluidity and movement and Dravam: liquidity. Ayurvedic researchers believe that approx 50% of women are losing their hair faster. Hairs are delicate, so should be handled…