Abstract Ayurveda is the oldest traditional method of medicines originated from India about 5000 years ago. The Ayurveda system has the answer to treat all diseases which are long lasting or incurable as per modern science. Ayurvedic medicines treat diseases from their roots and prevent them from occurring again. One of the dreadful diseases in the human body is Psoriasis…
Ayurvedic herbs and Pranayama are considered as a safe treatment for Psoriasis. Planet Ayurveda offers various Ayurvedic herbs for Psoriasis, which are 100% pure, natural, safe and free from any side effects. And there is also various pranayama, which helps to treat psoriasis naturally. Psoriasis Psoriasis is a long term autoimmune disease in which skin cells accumulate on the skin…
सोरायसिस एक त्वचा रोग है जिसका प्रभाव आपके सिर,कान,हाथ ,पैर,कमर या त्वचा के किसी भी हिस्से पर हो सकता है इस रोग में त्वचा के ऊपर खुजली सी हो जाती है और त्वचा लाल पड़ जाती है । त्वचा रोग को चर्म रोग भी कहा जाता है इसके होने का कारण अनुवांशिक भी हो सकता है ।अगर पहली पीढ़ी में…