ABSTRACT Ayurveda vijyan believes in tridosha philosophy which is accepted by all acharyas, which illustrate the body functioning and importance of dosha balance. This principle is also the basis of ayurvedic science and treatment. “समदोष समाग्नि समधातु मलक्रिया , प्रसनात्मेन्द्रिया मन स्वस्थ इतियभिदियते |” It illustrates the principle which says the equilibrium state of dosha, agni, dhatu and mala leads…
Abstract It’s our feet and legs which are supporting us so far in our life journey. During milestones, an infant growing into a child wants to see this world by standing on his legs by falling or raising many times until it succeeds standing on his own feet and starts moving around. And although standing on our legs shows our…