Types of Seasons and Ayurvedic tips for Seasonal Allergies
Ayurveda, the ancient science of life and medicine, had divided the whole year into six seasons according to the vitiation, collection, and quenching of dosha. These are Shishir (winter season), Vasant (spring season), Grisham (summer season), Varsha (rainy season), Sharad (autumn), Hemant (late autumn). Various types of allergies can occur in every season. Allergens are the causative agents that are responsible for the cause of allergy. The example of such allergens is; certain foods, pollen, or pet dander, etc.
In this article, we are going to discuss different types of seasons and related seasonal allergies, some lifestyle adaptation for the prevention of different Seasonal Allergy.
Season is may be defined as it is the splitting of the year based on alteration in
- Ecology
- Weather
- Number of daylight hours of a region
According to Ayurveda, The whole year is divided into six seasons. These six seasons are
- Vasanta Ritu: The English name of Vasanta Ritu is the spring season. This season starts from the mid of March and ends in mid of May.
- Greeshma Ritu: Greeshma Ritu starts from the mid of May and ends in mid of July. Summer season is the English name of Greeshma Ritu.
- Varsha Ritu: This season is called Monsoon. Monsoon starts from the mid of July and ends in mid of September.
- Sharad Ritu: According to Ayurveda, Sharad Ritu is known as the autumn season that starts from the mid of September and ends in mid of November.
- Hemanta Ritu: It is named as early winter. Hemanta Ritu starts from the mid of November and ends in mid of January.
- Shishira Ritu: Shishira Ritu is known as late winter. It starts from the mid of January to mid of March.
Allergy is a common disease that is also called Allergic disorder that is caused due to the hypersensitivity of the immune system to foreign substances in the environment. These harmful substances are also known as allergens. The immune system is responsible to protect the body from various harmful pathogens.
Symptoms of allergy are dependent upon the harmful substance involved and can affect your sinuses, nasal passages, your airways. Some types of allergy can trigger a life-threatening reaction called anaphylaxis.
Some common symptoms of Allergic rhinitis or Hay fever are;
- Itching of the Eyes, Nose, or Roof of the mouth.
- Stuffy and Runny nose
- Sneezings
- Red, watery or swollen Eyes (Conjunctivitis)
Some common symptoms of food allergy are
- Swelling of the tongue, lips, throat, or face
- Tingling in the mouth
- Hives
- Nausea
- Anaphylaxis
Some common symptoms of an insect sting allergy are
- Hives or itching all over the body
- Swelling (edema) at the sting site
- Chest tightness, Cough
- Wheezing or shortness of breath
- Anaphylaxis
Some common symptoms of a drug allergy are
- Hives
- Itching
- Rashes
- Swelling of face
- Wheezing
- Anaphylaxis
Seasons and their Related Allergies
1. Vasanta Ritu or Spring Season
Spring season is a season of nurturing of pollen production of many types of grass, trees, and weeds. In this season people are suffering from various pollen allergies. And these pollen allergies may trigger asthma and respiratory issues. Hay fever is the most common allergy of the spring season.
Tips for Diet and Lifestyle Modification in Spring Season:
In this season people should consume foodstuffs that are rich in katu (Pungent), tikta (bitter), and kashaya (Astringent) in taste like honey, wheat, the meat of tropical living birds and animals etc.
- Avoid consuming cold food
- Avoid day sleep
- Avoid eating a heavy meal
- Avoid getting exposure to pollen.
- Regular use of a mask when outdoors
- Proper cleaning of your pets and house
2. Greeshma Ritu or Summer Season
The allergies of the summer season are usually caused by pollens of grass, which reaches low levels to high levels throughout the summer months.
The most common fall allergies are Ragweed. During the summer season, Stinging insects and Mold spores are other allergy culprits.
Tips for Diet and Lifestyle Modification in the Summer Season:
- Eat a light meal because the digestive power is very low in this season.
- Avoid alcohol consumption
- Drink plenty of fluids
- Try to keep the windows and door closed
- Avoid letting the insects and pollen into your car and home
3. Varsha Ritu or Monsoon
In this season, the Growth of mold spores, fungus, and seeds causes respiratory allergies. A major threat to allergy sufferers in this season is weed pollen; it reaches its peak at the end of this season. Examples of monsoon allergies are Allergic rhinitis and allergic asthma
Tips for Diet and Lifestyle Modification in Monsoon:
- Eat a very light diet and foodstuffs which contain katu (Pungent), tikta (bitter), and kashaya (Astringent) in taste.
- Wear fully-covered cotton clothes
4. Sharad Ritu or Autumn
This season is challenging for you if you were a seasonal sneezer. In most parts of the country, temperature drops in this season. The dry and cold air can trigger allergies. Seasonal allergies of autumn are; Hay fever, Asthma, etc. In this season Respiratory diseases and COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) cases are at their peak.
Tips for Diet and Lifestyle Modification in Autumn
- Consume that diet which is rich in Madhura (sweet), tikta (bitter), and kashaya (Astringent) taste. These three rasas pacify pitta dosha because in Sharad Ritu there is a localization of pitta dosha.
- Eat Vitamin C enriched fruits
- Avoid overexposure to cold and dry air
- Use of salted, sour, and creamy juice of the meat of aquatic animals.
- Use more iron-rich food items.
5. Hemanta Ritu or Winter Season
In the winter season, various indoor allergies may occur due to dry air and house dust. House dust mites, cockroaches, and animal dander are the most common allergens of the winter season. Allergies of this season are also known as winter allergies. In the winter season, cases of cold, fever, and asthma are high.
Tips for Diet and Lifestyle Modification in Winter Season
- In this season person should consume amla (Citrus), Madhura (Sweet), and Lavan (salty) foodstuffs
- Replace sugary food items with sweet root vegetables and soup.
- Fresh ginger tea is useful in the treatment of sore throat which is very common in winters.
- Vitamin A-rich fruits keep healthy during winters i.e. sweet potato.
- One should use heated rooms and chambers.
- Say yes to physical activities.
- Always use well- covered seats, beds with silk sheets, woollen sheets or blankets
Shishira Ritu or Late Winter
In this season, people spend most of their time indoors, which makes them more prone to indoor allergens. House dust is the most common allergen of this season. In north India, pollution and fog levels are very high.
Shishira Ritu is known as late winter. It starts from the mid of January to mid of March.
Tips for Diet and Lifestyle Modification in Late Winter
- In this season people should consume amla (Citrus), Madhura (Sweet), and Lavan (salty) foodstuffs.
- Proper use of a mask
- Consume citrus and amla fruits to your diet
- Make a habit of self-massage (abhyanga) before showering.
- Practice Yogasana, Pranayama, and Meditation for at least 20 minutes.
- Regular use of daylight or sunlight that prevents seasonal affective disorders.
In this article, we concluded that by following above-mentioned diet and lifestyle modification tips you can protect your body from various seasonal allergies.