What Are The Best Natural Sleeping Aids And Supplements?
Sleep is vital to the health and well-being of children, adolescents, and adults. Healthy sleep is important for mental health, cardiovascular, cognitive functioning, brain functioning and metabolic health. Sleep is a biological necessity, and insufficient sleep and untreated sleep disorders are harmful to health, well-being and for the brain. Sleep is very important in children for their growth, neural functioning, and development. Sleep can also affect various problems such as mood changes, irritability, tiredness, dizziness etc. Sleep deficiency contributes to numerous, immune, and neural changes that play a role in disease development independent of the primary sleep disorder. Healthy sleep includes a sleep of at least 7 hours, it can vary from person to person and may change with the circumstances that happened in life. Sleep can also affect our daily activities, hormones and brain functioning. In this article will discuss sleep, its hormonal importance, healthy sleep, stages of sleep and natural sleep supplements and remedies.
Sleep is a vital part of daily routine and it is essential for survival as food and water. Disturbed sleep is more than an inconvenience that leaves us groggy the next day. It can also affect emotional and physical health. Sufficient sleep quality and quantity plays a very important role in reducing the risks of injuries and accidents caused by insufficient sleep. Many sleep disorders, sleep deprivation can have deep effects on mental and physical health, brain functioning. Chronic inadequate sleep increases the risk of many diseases like cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity etc. Healthy sleep includes getting sufficient and uninterrupted sleep for 7 to 9 hours on a regular basis. Sleep is very important for many functions of the brain as it also involves how nerve cells (neurons) communicate with each other.
Anatomy of Sleep
Several parts of the brain are involved in sleep like hypothalamus, brain stem, thalamus, pineal gland, etc. The hypothalamuscontains clusters of nerve cells that act as a control center affecting sleep and arousal. The brain stem, the part that connects the brain to the spinal cord. It communicates with the hypothalamus to control the transition between wakefulness and sleep. During sleep, the thalamus becomes quiet. The pineal gland increases the production of the hormone melatonin, which helps us fall asleep after the lights are turned off.
Stages Of Sleep
There are four stages of sleep. They are
- N1 (Non-Rapid Eye movement Stage 1)
- N2 (Non-Rapid Eye movement Stage 2)
- N3(Non-Rapid Eye movement Stage 3)
- R (Rapid Eye movement Stage 4)
Non-Rapid Eye Movement Stage 1 (N1) – This stage is the normal transition from wakefulness to sleep and it lasts for a few minutes. It is also considered as the lightest stage in which a patient wakes up from it and usually they don’t realize that they were actually asleep.
Non-Rapid Eye Movement Stage 2 (N2) – This stage accounts for the largest percentage of total sleep time and is considered as a light stage of sleep in which the patient is more likely to wake up easily.
Non-Rapid Eye Movement Stage 3 (N3) – This is the final stage of non REM and it is considered as the deepest stage of sleep.
Rapid Eye Movement Stage 4 (REM) – There are mainly two stages of REM that are phasic and tonic. Phasic sleep involves rapid eye movement while tonic REM sleep does not.
Hormones And Sleep
Hormones are chemical messengers that play an important role in regulating many functions, processes and systems of the body. Various hormone functions and their secretion are affected by sleep. Getting sufficient sleep helps in regulating many hormones such as cortisol, melatonin, growth hormones, estrogen and progesterone, hunger hormones and thyroid hormones.
Melatonin helps in falling asleep after the lights are turned off. Melatonin regulates the body’s circadian rhythms. These are daily rhythms such as the sleep-wake cycle. Melatonin levels in the blood are highest before asleep. And other hormones like cortisol, growth hormones, estrogen and progesterone depend on the sleep timing, duration etc.
Insufficient sleep leads to increase in appetite, reduced immunity, frequent infections, weight gain, etc.
And too much sleep also leads to various conditions such as daytime fatigue, impaired focus and reduced metabolism.
Ayurveda View
In Ayurveda, Sleep can be correlated with Nidra. Acharya Vagbhata had explained nidra as
निद्रायत्तं सुखं दुखं पुष्टिः काशर्यं बलाबलम्।
वृषता क्लीब्ता ज्ञानमज्ञानं जीवितं न च।।
(Ashtanga Hridaya Sutrasthana 7/53)
The above shloka states that sukh (happiness), pushti (nourishment), Bala (strength), Vrishta (virility) (sexual potency), gyan (knowledge) and dirgha jivana (longevity) are the benefits obtained by having a good sleep, but without sleep one gets the opposite feelings, viz. Dukh (misery), krishta (emaciation), durbalta (weakness), Kleebta (impotence) (lack of sexual power),agyan and mrityu (death).
Advantages and disadvantages of sleep
रात्रौ जागरणं रूक्षं, स्निग्धं प्रस्वपनं दिवा।
अरुक्षमनभिष्यन्दि त्वासीनप्रचलायितम्।।
(Ashtanga Hridaya Sutrasthana 7/55)
The above shloka states that waking up at night makes the body dry, sleeping during the day makes the body soft. There is another way of sleeping – dozing off or taking naps while sitting. This neither makes the body dry nor increases Kapha.
Importance of Sleep
देहवृतौ यथाआहारस्तथा स्वपनः सुखो मतः।
स्वपनाहारसमुत्थे च स्थौल्यकाशर्ये विशेषतः।।
(Charak Samhita Sutrasthana 21/51)
The above shloka states that just as eating food in a prescribed manner is healthy and pleasant to keep the body healthy and safe, similarly sleeping in a prescribed manner brings health and happiness. The obesity and thinness of the body also depend especially on diet and sleep.
Types of Sleep
तमोभवा शलेष्मसमुद्भवा च मनः शरीरश्रमसम्भवा च।
आगन्तुकी व्याधयनुवर्तिनी च रात्रिस्वभावप्रभवा च निद्रा।।
(Charak Samhita Sutrasthana 21/58)
- Tamobhava (Caused by Tamoguna)
- Shaleshma Samudbhava (Caused by vitiated Kapha)
- Manah Sharira Shrama Samudbhava (Caused by fatigue of mind and body)
- Agantuki (Caused by some external odor, medicine, poultice etc.)
- Vyadhyanuvartini (Caused as a complication of any disease)
- Ratri Swabhava Prabhava (Sleep that comes naturally at night)
Acharya Dalhan Classified Sleep Into Three Types
- Tamasi ( When the Sangyaavahasrotas are filled with Tamoguna Pradhaan Sleshmā, Tamasi Nidra arises)
- Swabhaviki (Sleep that comes naturally at night)
- Vaikariki (Occurring due to the imbalance of body and mind)
Nidranash/Loss of Sleep/Insomnia
जाड्यग्लानिभ्रमापक्तितन्द्रा रोगाश्च वातजाः।।
(Ashtanga Hridaya Sutrasthana 7/64)
The above shloka states that if one does not get proper sleep, diseases related to Vata disorder occur like cramping pain in the body, heaviness in the head, frequent yawning, inertia in the body, loss of appetite, dizziness, indigestion, drowsiness etc.
Lifestyle Changes
- Maintaining a dark, and quiet bedroom devoid of electronic devices before 1 hour of sleep
- Develop and follow a regular sleeping pattern throughout the night
- Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and spicy foods in the evening
- Take a warm bath before going to bed
- Do some yoga or meditation right before bedtime to relax
- Eat fresh, whole foods that are easy to digest
- Avoid processed foods, alcohol, artificial additives, and caffeine
- Consume fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet
- Make sure to balance your diet with raw and cooked foods
- Take a warm bath before going to bed
- Drink eight glasses of water daily
Natural Sleep Aids
- Valerian Root: It increases the chemical name GABA (Gamma aminobutyric acid) in the brain. It also helps in regulating the nerve cells and also gives a calming effect on the brain because of its anxiolytic, sedative and anticonvulsant properties. This also helps to induce relaxation and promotes good and healthy sleep. Add one teaspoon of valerian root powder in one cup of hot water and leave it for 15 minutes then strain it, add one teaspoon of honey and pinch of cinnamon powder, mix it well and drink it before bedtime will induce good sleep.
- Chamomile: It contains an antioxidant called apigenin that may promote sleepiness and it is considered as one of the best herbs that has the ability to relax the anxious mind. A cup of chamomile tea before bedtime helps in deep sleep.
- Warm Milk: Milk is the richest source of calcium and it also helps to increase the production of melatonin. Drinking 1 glass of warm milk before bedtime will induce good and deep sleep.
- Lavender Oil: Lavender (Laveldula Officinalis) has calming, sedative and antidepressant properties. It helps to improve sleep by giving a calming effect on the nervous system. Take 2-3 drops of oil and massage it on the neck, back, shoulder region and also on the bottom of each foot and temple area.
- Coconut Oil: Coconut (Cocos nucifera) contains nutrients that help the body to produce a good amount of sleep hormones. It also helps in feeling refreshed and rejuvenated in the morning at sunrise.
Herbal Supplements for Insomnia by Planet Ayurveda
Planet Ayurveda is a GMP certified company that offers herbal formulations/ supplements that are formed by using the ancient methods. The herbal supplements are free from preservatives, chemicals and side effects. Planet Ayurveda has an amazing combination of herbal remedies that act on insomnia and that are
- Sleep Naturals
- Calm Easy Tea
- Gud Nite Sleep

Product Description
1. Sleep Naturals
Sleep Naturals capsule contain various herbs such as Tagar (Valeriana wallichi), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi), Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis), etc. These all herbs have brain protective, sedative, anti anxiolytic and anti- convulsant properties. It helps to calm the nervous system and thus helps to promote sound sleep. It also helps to relieve stress because of its anti- anxiolytic properties.
Dosage: 1 Capsule twice a day
2. Calm Easy
Calm easy capsule contains various herbs such as Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Tagar (Valeriana Officinalis). Brahmi has neuroprotective, Anxiolytic and antidepressant properties. It gives relaxation and a calming effect on the mind that helps to induce healthy sleep. Ashwagandha might act as a sedative and it helps in inducing sleep. Tagar (Valeriana Officinalis) has anxiolytic, sedative and anticonvulsant properties. It also helps to increase the production of melatonin that helps in sleep. It also helps to calm the nervous system.
Dosage: 1 Capsule twice a day
3. Gud Nite Sleep
Gud nite sleep capsule contains various herbs such as Tagar (Valeriana Officinalis), Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera), Pippali (Piper Longum), Lavender (Laveldula Officinalis) and Melatonin. Melatonin regulates the body’s circadian rhythms. The herbs present in the Gud nite sleep capsules have a calming effect on the nervous system because of their anti- convulsant, neuroprotective, sedative and anti- anxiolytic properties.
Dosage: 1 Capsule twice a day
We need to get proper sleep at the right time to maintain our physical and emotional health and to cure diseases. Both the quantity and quality of sleep are important. When both our body and mind are at rest, we are in a sleep state. Sleep is essential for good health, longevity, fitness, strength, virility and wisdom. Aplanidra or Nidranasha (Insomnia) causes many diseases. Sleep refreshes the body, sukh (happiness), Pushti (nourishment), Bala (strength), Vrishta (virility) (sexual potency), Gyan (knowledge) and dirgha jivana (longevity) are the benefits obtained by having a good sleep, but without sleep one gets the opposite feelings, viz. Dukh (misery), krishta (emaciation), durbalta (weakness), Kleebta (impotence) (lack of sexual power),agyan and mrityu (death). Ayurvedic Samhitas lay great emphasis on the importance and utility of sleep as well as its vital role in maintaining health.